It's like you were preparing to watch an action movie online, and spent an hour or two looking for the website that was deleted yesterday when you were in the Madonna state. You finally found it again, and even started to take action. The moment you were about to explode, your parents suddenly knocked on the door and wanted to come in. , that feeling, haha.

"Classmate Feiyu! He is a pervert. He stood outside the women's restroom and attacked me. Then he tried to defraud me of money and even touched me!"

Xia Ye, who had originally surrendered her wisdom, seemed to have woken up, and in one breath, she coherently stated the crime of Shilu Sheng.

He Feiyu unexpectedly glanced at the tall purple-haired girl who was angry and organized beside him. It was not like he didn't know how she behaved before, but why did she become so smart now?



It doesn't matter, it has nothing to do with him anyway, but the yellow hair in front of him is more attractive to him.

"You! Okay! It's true that the school is not run by my family, and I can't control where you want to go, but Purple Palace Xia Ye has nothing to do with you, right? I advise you not to meddle in other people's business and waste your juice!"

Buck Sheng gritted his teeth. He couldn't refute He Feiyu's words, but he also used He Feiyu's words to speak to He Feiyu.

"He Feiyu is my boyfriend. Do you think it has anything to do with it? Buck wins, why don't you get out of here!"

He Feiyu was about to say something, but to his surprise, Zizhi Gong Xia Ye answered first.

Her words made Xiong Lu Sheng and He Feiyu look shocked at the same time, and their mouths opened wide, as if they could swallow the whole egg.

"Ha! Purple Palace, I'm afraid you don't even believe it when you say this."

Buck Sheng was just shocked for a moment, and immediately his expression changed, replaced by a look of disdain.

What about the liar?

Do you think I haven't investigated you?

In addition to your childhood sweetheart, you have a boyfriend from there, and you and He Feiyu have not communicated at all in the past few days, so you are now a boyfriend and girlfriend?

Moreover, He Feiyu has a girlfriend, but the girl at the table in front of him is like a little follower, clinging to him every day. You are his girlfriend, who else?

Xiong Lu Sheng's words caused panic on the face of Xia Yeqiao from the Purple Palace. However, in order to completely get rid of Xiong Lu Sheng's entanglement, the girl suddenly stretched out her white and slender soft little hand and pulled He Feiyu's hand. She wanted to Pull him over, but don't want to be unable to pull him completely.

"Look! This is proof!"

Helpless, gritting her teeth, she moved her body and leaned into He Feiyu's arms. She also specially clamped He Feiyu's arm in the snow peak. Ignoring the blush on her face, she proudly said to Xiong Lu Sheng.

Chapter 226 It’s not impossible

I'm not!

I don't!

Don't talk nonsense!

Although his arms were clamped by the pair of soft snow peaks, He Feiyu could feel the warm body temperature of Xia Ye from the Purple Palace through his clothes.


The tip of his nose could still clearly smell the faint incense of the girl, which was also mixed with a bit of astringent aroma. Although it was a bit pungent, the aroma made his head swell slightly.

Enjoyment is enjoyment, but you can’t talk nonsense about your girlfriend!

He Feiyu is not an idiot, and naturally knows that Zizhi Gong Xia Ye wants to get rid of Xiong Lu Sheng's entanglement through this method, but it is completely unnecessary. If he is targeted, Huang Mao's conspiracy is destined to never be implemented.

He was just about to clear up his relationship with Xia Ye of the Purple Palace, but when he saw the girl's blinking eyes and the pleading on her pretty face when she looked at him, he softened his heart.

He swallowed the words he was about to blurt out again into his stomach.

If you pretend to be someone else's boyfriend or something, if you don't do it next time, you're afraid that it will become true just by pretending, and that will be troublesome.

Seeing that He Feiyu had no intention of refusing, Zizhi Gong Xia Ye breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

If Husheng Sheng's unwillingness to give up hadn't frightened her, as a pure and beautiful girl, she wouldn't have just casually found someone to be her boyfriend.

My boyfriend can only be my childhood sweetheart who will be admitted to this high school in the future.

Although Zi Zhi Gong Xia Ye thought so, the soft little hand that was originally holding He Feiyu's wrist slipped down inexplicably. The five slender fingers were slightly opened and stretched towards He Feiyu's fingers, as if they wanted to clasp them together.

Feeling the change coming from his hand, He Feiyu was so frightened that he quickly clenched his open palm into a fist, but Zizhi Gong Xia Ye had no intention of stopping, and drilled his fingernails into the closed opening, piercing his palm. Slight pain.

What's happening here?

In order to deceive the Bucks, you don't have to interlock your fingers...

Forget it, I just have to cooperate with her just this once.

He Feiyu thought silently, and then loosened it a little. Unexpectedly, there was just such a small gap, and the girl Wei Liang's jade-like fingers rushed in, and finally clasped together.


The ten fingers were clasped together tightly, and the tight feeling caused the feverish Zinomiya Xiaye to suddenly come back to her senses.

Feeling the tightly clasped palms made her pretty face become extremely hot, and her heartbeat became faster and faster, as if it could rush out of her chest at any time.

What's wrong with you? Why is this happening?

Purple Palace Xia Ye had no idea what was going on. She just seemed to smell a unique and charming smell, and then she woke up like this.

That being the case.

"The Buck wins! Did you see it! What if these aren't boyfriend and girlfriend? Don't harass me again!"

Purple Palace Xia Ye pursed her lips, raised her interlocked palms high, and shouted loudly towards Shilu Sheng.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"

When Xiong Lusheng saw this scene, his eyes widened in red, and he whispered rapidly like a demon roaring.

Thinking that the position that should have belonged to him was now occupied by He Feiyu, Xiong Lu Sheng wanted to rush forward and kick He Feiyu away, then replace him.

But I don't know why, but I don't dare. There is an inexplicable fear and fear spreading in my heart.

He seemed to have forgotten something, but his instinct told him that He Feiyu in front of him was definitely not someone he could provoke.

If he rushes forward, the Bucks can expect only one result, that is

It was he who was beaten violently.

Why am I so scared? The He Feiyu in front of me is just that Kunkun is a little older than me, he plays football a little better than me, and he is just a little more handsome. I can't compare with him, and I am taller than him. If you start a fight, you may not lose. Being timid before fighting is a shame.

Get moving! My feet! Why don't you obey orders!

Buck Sheng wanted to move, but his feet seemed to be stuck on the ground, unable to move at all.

Purple Palace Xia Ye looked angrily at the ferocious-looking Stag Sheng. This disgusting thing just attacked her sneakily. After being subdued, he wanted to defraud her of money. He told him that he had a boyfriend, and he still persisted there. , How come such disgusting people exist!

"Murrasaki-san, please cooperate with me."

He Feiyu also had a big head, but this buck Sheng stood there motionless, which was very strange! Like the Tauren in the past, when they saw their target being so close to them, they rushed over without thinking. Why didn't this Buck Sheng play his cards according to common sense? What if he walked over and beat up Buck Sheng now and got no reward? After wasting time and losing his innocence, he decided to increase the stimulation and whispered in the ear of Xia Ye of the Purple Palace.


He Feiyu's voice suddenly sounded in Zizhi Gong Xia Ye's ears. The hot air hitting her ears made her feel itchy, so she answered He Feiyu in a tired voice.

"Ha! Buck wins, Purple Palace Xia Ye is right, she is my girlfriend, don't harass her in the future, do you hear me?"

He Feiyu pulled Zizhi Gong Xia Ye, who was standing next to him, into his arms, put one hand pretending to be around her waist, and said to Xiong Lu Sheng.

"If I see you harassing my girlfriend in the future, I'll beat you up!"

Then he added in an extremely arrogant tone.

For rewards, for becoming stronger, for killing Huang Mao, is it easy for you? You also have to sell your appearance! Alas~

He Feiyu didn't care whether Buck Sheng believed it or not, anyway, his purpose was just to anger him.

Zizhi Gong Xia Ye was caught off guard and was pulled into He Feiyu's arms. She subconsciously wanted to struggle. She was just pretending to be a couple. This posture was too intimate. Holding hands was her bottom line. They were together on this floor...

But as soon as her body moved, she felt something hard and big pressing against her lower abdomen.


Isn't this...Zizhi Gong Xia Ye thought of something, Tan Kou groaned, her legs softened, her body was numb, and there was a vague tendency to decline. Fortunately, He Feiyu discovered it in time, although she didn't know why the girl It would be like this, but he held the girl's hand tightly to prevent the girl from slipping. Just like this, Zi Zhimiya Xia Ye felt that the thing on her lower abdomen was more obvious, and her red eyes were stained with a layer of mist, as if she was afraid that others would see her like this. Looking embarrassed, she actually buried her head in He Feiyu's chest.

‘I didn’t expect Murasaki-san to be so dedicated. Don’t worry, I will never let Shikasheng hurt you in the future! ’

Seeing the strange behavior of Zizhi Gong Xia Ye, He Feiyu praised her excellent acting skills in his heart and worked hard not to be harassed by Xiong Lu Sheng.

"Seeking death! He Feiyu, give me back Xia Ye from the Purple Palace!"

In the end, anger defeated fear, and the hatred of seizing his wife was irreconcilable. Sheng Sheng, who had long regarded Zizhi Gong Xia Ye as his forbidden wife, raised his fists, roared, and rushed towards He Feiyu. It seemed that he would win today. He will not be lenient until He Feiyu is beaten half to death.

All right.

Fantasy is beautiful, reality is cruel.

When the buck rushed to the two of them, He Feiyu just raised his leg and kicked it, using less than three levels of strength.

Buck Sheng flew out, hit the wall and fainted.

A thin dog is indeed a thin dog...

He was completely uninterested. If it weren't for the reward, He Feiyu wouldn't talk so much nonsense to Huang Mao, or even betray his appearance.

It was brewed for two and a half years and ended in two and a half seconds. It was really boring, but the blackened Tauren were more fun.

"Okay, Murasakimiya-san, Shikasheng has passed out. I believe he has learned his lesson. I'm afraid he won't harass you again in the future. Of course, if he harasses you, Murasakimiya-san, you can tell me in time."

He Feiyu let go of his arms around the girl, looked at the unconscious Buck Sheng boredly, and comforted Zizhi Gong Xia Ye in his arms.

Of course, it was all a dream if the tauren didn't stop harassing them before they were completely eliminated.

"Murrasaki-san, you can relax now. There is no need to continue pretending to be a couple."

Unexpectedly, Zizhi Gong Xia Ye did not answer him, but the girl in his arms was still squirming. He Feiyu looked down at the girl strangely, and said while leaving the hand around his waist behind his back.

"Oh...really...then...thank you Feiyu-san..."

Purple Palace Xia Ye slowly let go of her hand, and then disappeared, as well as a crimson love in her eyes.

"Fei...Feiyu-san, today...thank you, but we are pretending to be a couple, so don't get me wrong. I have a childhood sweetheart, so...but, if Feiyu-san wants to pursue me, that's not the case." Can't..."

Zizhi Gong Xia Ye's eyes were blurred and she was mumbling to herself. She didn't hear the chirping sound in her ears or He Feiyu's anxious farewell.

Purple Palace Xia Ye, who was still immersed in a special state, had not yet reacted. When she finished speaking, there was no sound in her ears, and she suddenly woke up.

His eyes looked at the empty front.


The silent air was filled with astonishing embarrassment.

Chapter 227 Trap

people? The person disappeared! ?

Xia Ye from the Purple Palace blinked her red eyes and looked at the empty scene in front of her in disbelief.

Thinking of the sentimental words she had just spoken to herself, her fair face turned red.

She was shy and at the same time blamed herself for how she could say such bold words. She obviously had a childhood sweetheart and they agreed to be together.

Isn't this betrayal?


He Feiyu’s behavior is too abominable!

He actually abandoned her directly and left without even saying hello. He had obviously used that place to push her back before, thus tainting her love for her childhood sweetheart!

You know, in junior high school, when she started to develop during puberty, she showed terrifying strength.

Curved front and back can only be the icing on the cake. If you use this word to describe her, it is completely blasphemous.

It's not that Zi Zhongmiya Xia Ye is talking nonsense. At that time, she received at least two love letters every day, and she didn't stop until the end of junior high school.

Even though the school at that time did not allow them to fall in love, they could not stop those crazy boys, which shows how charming she is.

If I hadn't kept myself clean, I'm afraid all the boys I'd dated would have circled the school playground twice and a half!

Of course, although there are also many beautiful girls in my class now.

Even so, Purple Palace Xia Ye is confident that she will not lose to them!

But for such a great beauty, this bastard He Feiyu actually walked away without saying a word, leaving her alone to get along with a pervert who didn't understand what it meant to cherish a woman's beauty. This bastard, a virgin with poor emotional intelligence, had spent her whole life!

"That's right! It must be hard to get! Otherwise it wouldn't be possible!"

Zizhi Gong Xia Ye calmed down, and suddenly an idea came to her mind, otherwise she would not have been able to find the reason for He Feiyu to leave.

"Ha! It's such an old-fashioned way to pick up girls. Do you think this can attract my interest? Huh! Absolutely impossible!"

A wise smile appeared on the girl's face, thinking she had seen everything clearly.

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