"I, Zizhigong Xia Ye, will never fall in love with a boy other than my childhood sweetheart!"

Then it was replaced by a firm look.

As for everything that happened before, Zizhigong Xia Ye blamed the undisciplined He Feiyu and the perverted Xiong Lusheng.

Apart from the facts, are they not at fault at all?

Zizhigong Xia Ye glanced at the unconscious Xiong Lusheng, and then stepped back to the locker room to change clothes. The get out of class was about to end, and there should be no one, so when he changed his panties later, no one would see the new wet marks on them.

On the other side, He Feiyu, who was running wildly, didn't know that Zizhigong Xia Ye had so many dramas in his mind.

He saw that Xiong Lusheng was unconscious and the girl would not be in danger, so he went to other places.

Now he is like a brick, moving wherever there is a minotaur incident.

Just now, another bird flew over to tell him that something was happening somewhere, so he quickly told Zizhigong Xia Ye a few words and left quickly.

There was no such thing as playing hard to get as the girl thought. Murasaki Natsuha was very beautiful, but her breasts were not as big as Hanamito's, her butt was not as round as Aunt Mingli's, and her temperament was not as elegant as Miss Shangmei's. If he hadn't come into contact with the above girls, he might have been moved, but now he has been through a lot~


Nanae thought about it for another afternoon, and her mind was distracted frequently, but she still couldn't think of a good way.

Tell Shoya, he didn't want to believe himself.

In the end, she decided to feed the tiger with her body, so that when Dong Gang couldn't control his animal desire and wanted to attack her, Shoya would see it.

In this way, Nanae believed that Shoya would understand what kind of scumbag Coach Dong Gang was.

Although this method was very dangerous, it was all worth it for Shoya!

So, in the last class, Nanae took a half-class leave on the grounds of feeling unwell, went to the warehouse in advance, turned on a mobile phone and placed it in a hidden place, so that everything that would happen next could be recorded, which was also a second insurance.

Then she used another mobile phone to contact Katase Shoya.

[Katase-kun, is Coach Dong Gang by your side? ]

After sending this message, she waited for a while before receiving a reply.

[Nanao? Are you finally willing to reply to my message! Where are you? Do you still have misunderstandings about Coach Dong Gang? How about you talk to Coach after school? I believe the misunderstanding will be resolved. Coach is such a good person. He is definitely not the kind of bastard who harasses girls. How about it? Nanao, are you willing? By the way, Coach is not by my side. He went to rest.]

Looking at the message displayed on the screen, although she knew what Katase would say, Nanao Akane couldn't help but feel disappointed.

However, it's good that he's not here.

[Katase-kun, when I call you later, you must come to the warehouse! Is that okay? ]

Releasing her thumb that was pinching the phone and turning white, Nanao Akane clicked the characters.

[Okay, but I must clear up the misunderstanding with the coach later.]

Shoya Katase looked at the message from Akane Nanao in confusion behind the screen of his mobile phone. After hesitating for a moment, he agreed.


After typing the last word, Akane Nanao felt relieved. As long as Shoya came, he would see the ugly side of Dong Gang.

Then he would know her good intentions.

The girl's blue eyes showed a resolute look. As her lush fingers turned, she found an avatar that she hated.

The avatar was a burly and strong coach Dong Gang, holding a baseball in one hand and a bat in the other, grinning with yellow teeth.

Unblocking and holding back her disgust, Akane Nanao sent him a request for a meeting.

Then she blocked him again without even looking at him, because Akane Nanao knew that Dong Gang would definitely come to her!

Aren't you going to explain the reason to me? Then come!

Don't think I don't know what you, Dong Gang, are up to!

In order to admire the boy's future, the girl was full of courage. Even when facing an adult who was several times stronger and more cunning than her, she dared to face it!

Through the transparent window, looking at Katase Shoya who put down his phone and stood up to swing the bat, Coach Dong Gang grinned an exaggerated smile.

It seemed to be mocking something.

Suddenly, the phone on the table not far away rang. It was a special prompt after paying special attention.

Hearing the sound, Coach Dong Gang's grin was even wider, revealing a proud look.

"Akane Nanao! Akane Nanao! You really contacted me, hahahaha"

Coach Dong Gang walked leisurely towards the table where the phone was placed, laughing excitedly, as if everything was within his expectations.

"So that's the case, Nanao~ God is helping me, don't blame me"

Picking up the phone and looking at the screen where Akane Nanao sent a request for a meeting, Coach Dong Gang seemed to think of something and smiled and shook his head.

"Last time you dared to call me a thin dog! Later, I will make you beg me, a thin dog, to play with you!"

Then the look of Coach Dong Gang became sinister, and he spoke in a low and vicious tone.

Take a day off

Watch the game~

Chapter 228 Exposure

"Humph, if that's the case, let's see who can play with whom, Nanao Akane, later I must enjoy your obscene body"

Coach Dong Gang only replied to Nanao Akane with a simple "good word" and put down the phone. His eyes were fixed on the computer screen not far from the phone. It was divided into several different areas, one of which happened to be reflected. The figure of Nanao Akane...

However, before meeting Nanao Akane, Coach Togo decided to do one more thing first, because it would be the ultimate move to make Nanao Akane completely become his female character!

Coach Dong Gang took one last look at Akane Nanao, who was standing nervously on the screen, with a sinister smile on his lips, and then strode towards the door.

What he didn't see was that there were several sparrows on one of the screens, closely watching the warehouse where Nanao Akane was.

Perhaps Coach Dong Gang would not take it seriously if he noticed it. After all, birds like sparrows can be seen everywhere and they do not attract much attention by themselves.

Nanao Akane looked at the message sent back on her phone, and she breathed a sigh of relief and became nervous at the same time.

She was relieved because Dong Gang was willing to come to meet her, and the girl was ready, and the location was already occupied. As long as Dong Gang revealed his true nature and was seen by Xiangya, then there would be harmony.

Nervousness is because she is afraid of any accidents. After all, Nanao Akane is just a girl. Facing that kind of big muscular man, it is impossible not to be afraid. But for Katase Shoya, she is willing to give it a try and just hope At that time, Katase Sho would have appeared in time, otherwise...

"No! Xiangya-kun will definitely come!"

Nanao Akane shook her head and pushed away the doubtful thoughts. Since she had agreed to accompany her all the way, she couldn't disbelieve it.

In order to better face Coach Dong Gang, the girl found a seat cushion, sat on it, and waited uneasily, completely unaware of the monitor that was blocked on the shelf and flashing red dots.

As time passed by, Nanao Akane kept her ears nervously raised, listening to the footsteps that might sound outside at any time.

About ten minutes passed.

Outside the warehouse, heavy steps finally reached Nanao Akane's ears from far to near.

The girl suddenly stood up and stared at the warehouse door with her beautiful eyes.

In the silent space, Nanao Akane could only hear her own heartbeat and the "crunch" and "crunch" sound of the door handle slowly twisting.

The moment the door was opened, a ray of sunlight illuminated the somewhat dim warehouse.

"You're here! Coach Dong Gang!"

Nanao Akane squinted her eyes slightly to see clearly the appearance of the person coming, and said angrily.

"Haha, here I come, Manager Nanao"

Listening to Nanao Akane's angry voice, Coach Togo replied with a smile.

"What? Does Manager Nanao miss me that much? He couldn't wait to ask me to meet him, and he was still in the warehouse. Does Manager Nanao want to have something happen with me? Hehe~ If it's Manager Nanao, it's not impossible~"

Then he looked at Nanao Akane's plump body with lustful eyes, and slowly closed the door while saying teasing words.

The warehouse became dark again, but Coach Dong Gang turned on the lights in the warehouse.

It wasn't that he wasn't used to the dark environment, but that Dong Gang wanted to clearly see the desperate look on Nanao Akane's face.

What a joyful thing that would be!

Nanao Akane was disgusted by the obscene and amorous expression Dong Gang showed. She didn't expect that Coach Dong Gang didn't hide it anymore and spoke so directly and nakedly.

Is it because I think I can't escape today?

It's a pity to disappoint this scumbag, because if you don't cover it up, you will expose more of your true face!

"Why did you deceive Xiangya, but he still trusts and admires you so much!"

So Nanao Akane gritted her teeth and sternly questioned Coach Togo.

"Cheating? Hahahahaha! Who can call him such an idiot? He believes whatever I say. He actually believes me so much. Looking at your angry look, I'm afraid that boy Xiangya doesn't believe what you say. Tsk tsk tsk~ How pathetic! ~I don’t even believe what my girlfriend said, hahahaha!”

Coach Dong Gang has no guilt after deceiving others, but only ridicule and contempt, mixed with gloating.

"Donggang you! I...I'm not Xiangya's girlfriend yet"

Nanao Akane was really angry with Coach Togo. She didn't expect that Coach Togo, who usually coached students enthusiastically, was more shameless and nasty than she imagined. Fortunately, his behavior was recorded by his mobile phone. When the time comes, he must Revealing it in front of everyone also concealed her relationship with Katase Shoya.


Coach Dong Gang smiled disdainfully.

He saw Nanao Akane subconsciously looking somewhere from time to time, and naturally knew the reason. He didn't expect that Nanao Akane was still abiding by the rules of the baseball club at this time and worried about Katase Shoya's future.

What a good girl~

But! Soon, such a girl will have sex with her. Hehe, it will be so satisfying that she will forget about other boys.

Coach Dong Gang thought Yin Zhi.

Nanao Akane took advantage of the opportunity when Coach Togo was distracted and clicked on the message she had edited early in the morning with her hand behind her back, asking Katase Sho to come over.

It takes less than two and a half minutes to get from the baseball training ground to the warehouse.

At that time, Dong Gang's ugly mouth will be exposed to the public!

When Nanao Akane thought of this, a heartfelt smile finally appeared on her lips.

But he didn't expect Coach Dong Gang to see the smile on the girl's lips, and he also smiled from the bottom of his heart.

I originally wanted to play it again, but now that this is the case, let’s start~

Coach Dong Gang moved, but he didn't go to Qiwei Akane, but came to the shelf.

Qiwei Akane watched Coach Dong Gang move, her heart tightened, and she instinctively took a few steps back, fearing that Coach Dong Gang would suddenly become beastly, and she couldn't compete with this big guy now.

Seeing that Coach Dong Gang's target was not her, Qiwei Akane breathed a sigh of relief, but seeing the direction he was going, wasn't it where she hid her phone?

The girl became nervous again, just hoping that Coach Dong Gang would not find anything.

Unfortunately, Qiwei Akane was destined to be disappointed. Coach Dong Gang reached out and fumbled in the shelf for a while, and then a smile appeared on his face.

When he took his hand out, there was already something in his palm.

"Humph, you dare to show off your skills in front of an expert, Qiwei Akane, Qiwei Akane, you are all left over from my play"

Coach Dong Gang said proudly while playing with the pink phone in his hand.

"Tsk tsk tsk~ I didn't expect Manager Nanao to be a rich woman, hahaha, it seems I can be a gigolo in the future"

He looked at the model, it was actually the latest model of Yali mobile phone, which could not be bought without 250,000 yen.

"Dong Gang...you...how did you know!"

Nanao Akane didn't hear what Coach Dong Gang said at all. She opened her eyes wide in horror, and couldn't believe how Dong Gang knew that she put a mobile phone there.

Chapter 229 Share

"Hehe, of course...these are all my leftovers"

Coach Dong Gang smiled playfully, and wanted to pretend to be cool and say that he had installed surveillance, but thinking that in order to better destroy Nanao Akane's mind next, he decided not to expose it, and immediately changed his words and joked.

"Play...play with the leftovers..."

Nanao Akane heard this, her expression was dazed, and she didn't know what to do for a while, and realized that Jiang Guo was really the old one.

It was not until the cold feeling from the mobile phone in her hand that Nanao Akane woke up slightly.

Let the phone be discovered, anyway, Shoya is here, as long as he can recognize the true face of Coach Dong Gang, it doesn't matter if outsiders don't know.

The girl only hopes that Katase Shoya will not be deceived by Coach Dong Gang again. Once he knows Dong Gang's true nature, the two of them will work together and will definitely find a chance to drive Dong Gang out of the baseball club. In this way, the boy's future will not be delayed, and she can stay by his side without worrying about a wolf lurking around him.

Coach Dong Gang knows that Nanao Akane has sent a message to Katase Shoya.

Her last savior may be him.

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