It's a pity that Katase Shoya will not be Nanao Akane's savior, but will be the last straw that breaks the girl's defense line.


Coach Dong Gang looked at the mobile phone that was still filming, and a bad taste came to his heart.

If you want to film it, then let it be filmed. When the time comes, the video of the two having sex can be recorded, and then it can be used as a handle for you to continue threatening the girl.

It’s really the icing on the cake~

Amid Nanao Akane's disbelieving look, Coach Togo put his phone back on the shelf, and deliberately pointed the phone's camera towards the two of them.

Nanao Akane didn't understand Coach Togo's behavior at all.

Are you really not afraid at all?

She began to feel uneasy for no reason, and Coach Dong Gang's nonchalant look made her feel flustered.

The girl only hoped that Katase would arrive soon.

And the other side.

On a baseball field.

Shoya Katase holds the baseball bat tightly with both hands, waiting for the opposing pitcher to pitch to him.

The pitcher raises his feet, opens his hips, and raises one hand high behind his head. His movements are smooth and fluid, accumulating power.

His eyes were focused, waiting for the best moment to throw.

For a moment, the pitcher caught the swinger dazed for a moment.

Find the right moment!

It's now!

The pitcher suddenly exerted force, and the baseball flew through the air like a sharp arrow towards Katase Shoya.

"Katase! What are you doing? The baseball almost hit your face, and you're still distracted!"

Katase Sho, who was thinking about something, was also awakened by a loud shout, and quickly waved the baseball in his hand. Unfortunately, it was too late, and the baseball had landed firmly in the glove of the catcher behind him.

"I'm sorry, Yang Tai-kun, my condition is not very good today! I'm very sorry!"

Katase Shoya bowed in shame and apologized to the person who just yelled at him.

"Alas! Katase-kun, go down and have a good rest and adjust your condition. Your current situation is not right. You must know that the Koshien competition is about to begin in the spring. If training is affected by some small things, I am not just sorry for you. I feel sorry for all of us!"

Yota spoke earnestly about Katase Shoya.

His words made Katase Shoya nodded in shame.

"Okay, you go down and rest for a while, Takuma-kun, you will take Shoya-kun's place."


Katase Sho also handed the baseball to the visitor with some frustration. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, walked dejectedly to sit under the shade of a tree, picked up his phone and looked through it.

The reason why Katase Shoya was absent-minded was because of the message Nanao Akane sent him previously, which caused him to keep thinking about things related to Nanao Akane.

I wonder if Nanao Akane resolved the misunderstanding with her coach.

He was confused as to why Nanao Akane would send him such a message.

Too many questions caused him to be in a bad state.

Thinking of what Yota just said, Katase Shoya felt inexplicably disgusted with Nanao Akane.

But it was only for a moment.

After all, it is a good thing to be liked by such a beautiful girl.

If the baseball club didn't allow dating, he would have wanted to have something happen with Akane Nanao.

Katase Sho also opened a music and creative short video social software called Share and started looking at the videos.

It is said that this is the latest software developed by Shenghua Group. It has already become popular among students within a few days of its release.

Users of Share software can record or upload videos, photos, etc. through Share to form their own works. Then Share will classify the works uploaded by users and push them to browsing users.

Share will push whatever you often watch, unlike other software that keeps pushing videos you don't like to watch, resulting in a waste of time.

Sure enough, most of the videos Katase Shoya watched were related to baseball, and he could also learn baseball in his spare time.

Katase Sho also admired the convenience and usefulness of Share in his heart. He couldn't help but give a thumbs up to the developer who thought of this software. At the same time, he also admired the legendary female chairman of the Shenghua Group. He didn't know that such a beautiful woman could be so beautiful. Will be owned by that man.

Katase Sho also watched one video after another, and the next video showed a mature woman wearing a kimono, matching the beautiful scenery, complementing each other, and looking beautiful.

He quickly liked and saved it. The young woman was so beautiful that Katase Sho couldn't move his eyes away. His pupils were staring at the fair and plump Mobil L under the kimono.

It wasn't until a message suddenly popped up on his phone that he came back to his senses.

Katase Sho also had the instinct to ignore it. He wanted to cross it out and not delay seeing the beauty, but when he thought about Nanao Akane's words, he realized that it was from a girl. He quickly opened it and saw Nanao Akane's words asking him to go to the warehouse.

Katase Sho also hesitated a little and decided to go and lie down. Only when Nanao Akane and Coach Togo cleared up the misunderstanding could he train with peace of mind. Now he went to see what was going on.

After getting up, Katase Xiang was about to ask for leave.

"Xiaoya-kun, I just saw that you were not in the right state. Do you need me to guide you?"

Just halfway, a voice suddenly came from beside me.

"Thank you for your hard work, Hiroki-kun!"

Hearing the sound and looking over, Katase Shoya's face showed shock, he touched the back of his head in embarrassment and replied.

Katase Sho was also flattered as he watched the young man in front of him, who couldn't hide his handsomeness even in his old-fashioned baseball uniform, bend over unconsciously.

The handsome young man in front of him was different from him.

If there are only two kinds of people in the world, one is an ordinary person and the other is a genius, then the boy in front of him is a genius, the real ace of the baseball club.

Even if the training time is less than one-tenth of his own, he is still extremely strong and once held the title of ten-base king.

Being able to be mentored by such a person will probably benefit me for the rest of my life.

However, Katase Shoya also felt confused. The two of them usually didn't interact with each other at all, so why did he suddenly appear and have to give him some advice.

But it was soon replaced by joy.

No matter what, it will do no harm to you anyway.

Katase Sho also happily followed Hiroki to the side and started special training, completely forgetting about Nanao Akane.

Chapter 230 Despair

A minute passed...

Two and a half minutes have passed...

Five minutes have passed...

Nanao Akane and Coach Togo were facing each other like this.

Coach Dong Gang is not in a hurry, everything is under his control anyway.

His tall and burly body had already blocked the only entrance and exit of the warehouse, not because he was afraid that someone would cause trouble, but because he was worried about the girl escaping.

Since the sheep has entered the tiger's mouth, there is no reason why he should not eat it.

Nanao Akane looked playfully at Nanao Akane, who gradually turned from nervous to pessimistic over time.

Coach Dong Gang was very happy.

Thinking that soon the Nanao Akane in front of her would be completely reduced to a slave to vent her desires, she felt happy.

It makes up for the regret last time.

Remembering what happened last time, coach Dong Gang's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

That guy probably won't show up again this time...

Also, there is no need to scare yourself. There are not so many coincidences in the world. You can't just come out and disrupt the situation every time you are about to succeed.

Coach Dong Gang tried to convince himself.

He thought what happened last time was a coincidence. He accidentally met a stupid young man who was very powerful. He beat him up without caring about his identity as a teacher. What was even more disgusting was that he turned out to be like a doll. , was tortured to his heart’s content.

Think of this.

Coach Dong Gang's injured area began to hurt slightly again, and his eyes were filled with hatred for the young man who suddenly appeared.

He lay in the hospital for a day for no reason, but what surprised Coach Dong Gang was that despite such a heavy kick, he felt as if his liver and intestines were about to break, but he didn't expect that he would be cured in just one day. It's almost done, and even now my body is full of strength.

I believe that if I meet that ungrateful new student again, I will teach him how to behave and how to respect his teachers in an adult way!

Putting the matter of revenge aside for now, it’s not too late to wait for Nanao Akane.

He could even play with Nanao Akane in front of that stupid boy, letting him know that he couldn't do anything and couldn't protect her.

Ha ha!

Coach Togo's sudden laughter made Nanao Akane's already desperate heart even more shaky.

The girl staggered, unable to maintain her figure any longer, and fell onto the soft cushion, her eyes filled with gray.

"Why...why...why didn't you come..."

Nanao Akane's eyes were dull, her white lips trembled and she murmured in confusion.

Six minutes have passed. As long as six minutes of less than two and a half minutes have not arrived, it is enough to explain everything.

Coach Dong Gang looked at Akane Nanao who was in autistic state in a joking manner.

The more desperate you are, the greater the chance that you will degenerate into a nymphomaniac who is your own fluff ball after being played with by yourself later.

So coach Dong Gang decided to add another fire.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk~ What's going on, Manager Nanao, you looked unyielding just now, why are you so embarrassed now? This is not okay~"

Coach Dong Gang mocked sarcastically.

But the girl did not reply to Coach Dong Gang's feelings, but continued to repeat the previous sentences.

"Let me guess what Manager Nanao was doing when he put his hands behind his back just now. He should be sending a message to someone. Who could it be? Is it the stupid green guy who happened to show up? Oh, it shouldn't be him, otherwise It won't be like this now ~ I'm afraid it's just that brat Katase Shoya. It's been seven or eight minutes since you sent the message. Logically speaking, the distance from the venue to the warehouse is only about a hundred meters, even if you walk , it took less than two and a half minutes, why hasn’t that guy Katase Shoya shown up yet~"

Coach Togo didn't care whether Nanao Akane answered him or not, he still kept talking to himself. Perhaps his purpose was to break the girl's mind.

Sure enough, after Nanao Akane heard this, she stopped mumbling to herself, and stared straight ahead with distracted pupils, aimlessly...

Nanao Akane's miserable look made Coach Dong Gang so high that he wanted to rush forward immediately, suck her apart and fuck her.

But there was always a voice telling him that to make the girl in front of him completely despair, only enjoying such a delicious body would be the most pleasurable thing.

So Coach Dong Gang suppressed the thirst of the girl who was being punished on the spot, and licked his lips with his scarlet tongue that had long been decorated with body fluids.

Prepare to use your killer move.

"Do you want to know why Katase Shoya didn't come over~"

Coach Togo asked Nanao Akane with a smile.

In a daze, the girl nodded subconsciously. She wanted to know was clearly agreed...

"Of course I had someone stop him~"

"It's's you! So the reason why Xiangya didn't come was because of you!"

Nanao Akane seemed to have grasped the last straw. She stared at the proud coach Dong Gang not far away and roared at the top of her lungs.

But I was comforted in my heart.

It turns out that Xiangya didn't abandon me, he was just trapped by this villain Dong Gang...

But the next few words from Coach Dong Gang made Nanao Akane, who had just seen hope, fall into the abyss completely.

"Oh my~ Manager Nanao, please don't misunderstand me, I didn't use violence to imprison Shoya-kun"

Coach Dong Gang seemed to know what Nanao Akane was thinking and continued to add.

"Nanao, as the manager of the club, you should know Fujii Hiroki, I just let Hiroki use the excuse of guiding Katase. As for whether Katase chooses to accept guidance or fulfill your promise, Manager Nanao, it is his own choice.

And the result~ Manager Nanao, you also know it~"

Coach Dong Gang mocked.


At the end, he laughed out loud.

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