Damn, it's too much torture. I'll make up my mind to prepare clothes in the future.

As for the clothes that belonged to Tsubakino Ayato, He Feiyu planned to take them home to wash and return them to him.

For the first time, He Feiyu went to school and went home with a schoolbag. Of course, there were no textbooks in it, only a set of clothes.

Going home to study? That's impossible! It's impossible to study at home for three years of high school!

There were only two extras in the classroom cleaning.

He Feiyu packed his schoolbag and left after finishing everything.

Just as he walked out of the classroom.

Suddenly, the system prompt sounded inexplicably in my ears.

[Ding! Detected that the host's family was executing justice: Huang Mao was incompetent and furious, diverted the target, bullied the weak, but did not expect to meet a tough guy, was defeated by the general, and was fatally beaten. The evaluation was A, and the reward was obtained - Flying Thunder God Technique (revised version)]

Chapter 236 Curry Rice without Curry

[Flying Thunder God Technique (revised version): The S-level space-time ninjutsu originally developed by the second generation of Hokage in the Naruto world has been modified and castrated by the system, removing most of the cumbersomeness and retaining some of the essence. It can be used without consuming chakra, but it can only mark the opposite sex who has had a relationship with the host. At the same time, three unlimited marking quotas will be reserved, and the mark will be automatically cleared after one month]

The system sound disappeared.

He Feiyu had not carefully looked at the new skills he had just acquired.

He quickly found a more hidden place on the floor and jumped down directly.

After landing steadily, he ran wildly and ran towards the school gate impatiently.

"Damn Huang Mao, how dare you steal my home!"

He was still muttering in his mouth.


The piercing bell rang like an old monk chanting a mantra.

It awakened the thin dog Xiong Lusheng who was knocked unconscious by He Feiyu.

He sat up suddenly like a mutated zombie.

A blank expression appeared on his face, and he didn't know what happened for a while.

It was not until the pain in his back and lower abdomen that he remembered everything.

"Damn bastards!!"

"Damn bastard!!"

"Sooner or later, I will cut you into pieces!!"

Xiong Lusheng gritted his teeth and reached out to touch the injured area, cursing.

After cursing for a long time, he stood up tremblingly, like an old man in his seventies who was leaning on a cane and staggering.

The first thing he thought of was not to go to the hospital to check his injuries immediately, but to think about how to regain his face and find back the Purple Palace Xia Ye who should belong to him but depends on others.

Xiong Lusheng was not surprised that Zizhigong Xiaye would offer herself voluntarily.

Because she is that kind of person, he has seen through everything.


Yes, the target is wrong!

Isn't it me? Is it really not me? It should be me!

Why did it become that guy? !

Is it because his Kunkun is older than me?

Well, it is true, Kun is great, isn't it because of this that he can thrive in junior high school...

But I really can't accept it! ! !

Even if I know the reason, Xiong Lusheng still can't forgive!

Zizhigong Xiaye is his target. I don't know how much effort he has put in to find out about her since the beginning of school.

Especially once a day, my favorite beat Kun is decadent, just for today's release.

I have wronged my brother.


Everything is in vain, both ends are empty.

I didn't get any benefits!

I'm afraid the two of them are in a hidden place at the moment.


A sexy scene can't help but play in Xiong Lusheng's mind.

I only saw Zi Zhigong Xia Ye laughing and enjoying while joking.

'Yu Jun's Kun... is better than Xiong Lusheng's...'


Thinking of this, Xiong Lusheng held his head with both hands and roared loudly.

The voice stopped abruptly until he couldn't breathe well.


"Everything is fake! The two have no relationship at all!"

The lack of oxygen made Xiong Lusheng calm down. Recalling the facial expressions and movements of the two, he keenly got the truth.

"Hahaha! I, Xiong Lusheng, haven't lost yet! What's wrong with Kun being big! Skills are the most important! Only big, without skills, is like curry without curry in curry rice! It's tasteless!"

Xiong Lusheng regained his confidence.

Even if the two really had an improper relationship, it didn't matter. He was the best at stealing other people's girls. When the time came, after letting Zi Zhigong Xia Ye experience all kinds of ways to play, he would definitely be devoted to him.

The smile didn't last long.

Xiong Lusheng's face darkened again.

No matter what, he was insulted this time, and felt that his self-esteem was trampled on the ground, and no excuse could wash it off.

Only revenge!

A gentleman's revenge is never too late, but he is a villain, so he doesn't need ten years.

Thinking of this, Xiong Lusheng showed a sinister smile on his face, like a venomous snake lurking in the dark, waiting for the prey to relax, and then he would find the right opportunity to kill it with his fangs!

The dark and irritable Xiong Lusheng limped towards the school gate.

There should be no chance today, so he decided to go home first and let his second brother release it.

After all, if you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools.

Because Xiong Lusheng YY for a while, those who joined the club after school joined the club, and those who went home went home, and there was almost no flow of people at the school gate.

I couldn't help but feel lucky that no acquaintance saw his embarrassed side at this moment.

When Buck Shengkuai approached the school gate, he caught a glimpse of two beautiful figures chatting happily, seemingly waiting for someone.

After a big fight, of course the Bucks beat the European team.

"Hiss~ What a big monster"

As the distance got closer and closer, he could clearly see the full force of his movements, and the curving arc almost reached his navel. It was simply rare in his life. For a moment, he couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

"Logically speaking, I must have investigated a beauty like this long ago. How could I only know about it now?"

Buck Sheng, who thought he had inquired about all the beauties in this school, was confused.

But then he shook his head.

It was a mistake, but it's not too late to understand now.

The Bucks Shengse looked at it for a moment, and finally decided to give up temporarily.

Today's condition is not good, and I can't fully show my majesty. Even if I get it by then, it will be embarrassing if I surrender within a few minutes.

Just when he was about to hold his head high and pretend to be a passer-by.

Only then did I notice another girl.

Seeing this girl's innocent appearance forced Xiong Lu Sheng to subconsciously think of someone he hated, and he suddenly became angry.

Decided to do something!


Tianhe Hana Minato and Sono Yushin stood on one side of the school gate, chatting and waiting patiently for He Feiyu to come out.

Sono Yushin looked at Amaga Minato's gentle face.

She hesitated, not knowing whether she should hide that she wanted He Feiyu to kiss her.

Thinking of our interactions over the past few days, the gentle girl in front of me was as kind and considerate as the sister next door.

In the end, Sono Yushin told Amaga Minato honestly.

I thought the girl would be very angry. After all, if you say you want your boyfriend in front of someone else's girlfriend, getting scolded is a minor offense.

Seeing the slender palm of Amaga Minato slowly reaching towards her, Sono Yushin closed his eyes and trembled his eyelashes, waiting for the anger from the girl.

However, the expected burning pain did not come from his face, but instead there was warmth on the top of his head.

Being caressed.

"Congratulations to sister Yue Xin"

Amaga Minato's soft voice also sounded in his ears.

Sono Yushin opened her eyes in disbelief, and was about to say something, but when she looked into those strange purple eyes, the words she had spoken suddenly disappeared.

As a girl, she saw the love in her eyes that was as vast as the universe, able to tolerate everything and swallow everything at the same time.

Compared to myself, it is stronger and deeper.

Chapter 237: The husband sings and the wife follows Hua Minjiang

Aangano felt the warmth coming from the top of her head, Nuo Nuo nodded, and then smiled sweetly.

He raised his two hands and held Amaga Minato's hand tightly. Although the fingers were not intertwined, it was almost the same.

The girl leaned close to each other and looked close to each other. To outsiders, she looked like a pair of harmonious best friends.

This attracted many boys to look at them, but because the two women were so good-looking, they did not dare to approach them and strike up a conversation.

Of course, there are brave men who move forward, but they are all rejected, leaving only sadness and embarrassment.

Seeing that almost everyone was gone, Tianhe Hana lowered her head slightly and whispered softly in Sono Yushin's ear.

I don't know what she said, but Yushin-chan's white and tender cheeks were visibly reddened. If it were in an anime, steam would inevitably come out of her head.

Invisibly, the distance between the two women became closer and closer.

Until a wretched and slightly angry voice

The sound sounded.

Only then did they get out of this gluey state.

"Yu Xin-san, what are you doing standing here?"

Sono Yushin and Amagawa Minato turned to look at the same time.

I saw a boy with dyed yellow hair, wearing earrings, and dressed like a delinquent.

There was a sly smile on his lips. Judging from his proud and confident look, he should think he was handsome like this.

But paired with that indescribable face, it makes people feel indescribably weird and disgusting.

"Stag wins classmate?"

Aonano Yushin heard Shiga Sheng calling her, and was stunned for a while before she remembered the name of the boy in front of her.

Due to the deep impression she made on the first day and the private ridicule of some girls, it was difficult for her to forget this character who had brought laughter to everyone.

But I was wondering why he suddenly came to her, because the two of them were incompatible with each other.

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