Tianhehua stood aside and watched quietly. For some reason, this Huangmao gave her a feeling of physical discomfort. If it hadn't been for the fact that she knew Sister Yuexin, she would have pulled the girl away long ago.

"Hey, I didn't expect Yushin-san to actually recognize me. I'm really flattered~"

Buck Sheng grinned, revealing his big yellow teeth.

"Yuexin-kun must be waiting for someone. The weather is so cold. Why don't you come with me to a milk tea shop and sit there, drinking hot milk tea while you wait? Of course! I'll treat you to the milk tea!"

Without waiting for the girl to reply, Buck Sheng patted his chest and pretended to be generous and continued.

"No, thank you Shishikatsu-san for your kindness. I'll just wait here."

Yushin-chan declined.

"Let's go, let's go. Don't be polite to me. We are all classmates anyway. Are you classmates who are worried that I will harm you?"

Seeing Sono's heartfelt refusal, Shikasheng showed an eager look and even reached out to pull the girl.

Seeing Shikasheng reaching out, Yuxin-chan was jumped and quickly dodged sideways.

"The stag wins, right!? What do you want to do? Since Sister Yuxin has rejected it, why are you still insisting on it?"

Amagawa Kaminato realized that something was wrong, and immediately protected Sono Yushin behind her, and questioned the yellow hair in front of her who made her unhappy.

"Oh, I forgot that you are a girl with beautiful breasts. I wonder if I am lucky enough to know your name."

Buck Sheng simply stopped pretending, exposed his true nature, and said frivolously.

He can lie if he can, and it doesn't matter if he can't. He can't deal with He Feiyu, so why can't he still win over the two girls?

Today I have to take away a woman, the abominable He Feiyu, who dares to bully me in person. Then I will also bully your little fan girl. When we have sex, let her continue to stay by your side and spend the rest of your life with you. , and finally tell you everything when you are having fun with your family. Your wife and children are mine. That will be your biggest revenge, hahaha!

Hana Minato-chan ignored Shikasheng directly and stared at Shishikasheng unblinkingly with her purple eyes filled with cold light.

As long as you wait until Mr. Yu comes out, everything will be fine.

"Hmph! If you don't tell me now, you will have the opportunity to tell me willingly later!"

Xiong Lusheng turned all his jealousy and resentment towards He Feiyu into dark motivation, and was ready to vent it on the two girls in front of him. There was no one around, so he transformed into a hungry wolf and rushed forward with strode.

The ferocious look of Shikasheng frightened Yushin-chan. The girl trembled and hid behind Minato Amaga, looking at Huang Mao who was getting closer and closer, feeling very scared.

"Come to me if you can, I'm not afraid of you!"

The girl closed her eyes, but she saw Amaga Minato standing motionless in front of her. She felt a little guilty for some reason, and her eyes that were about to close opened again, and he actually passed by Amaga Minato and blocked her. In front of me, Xiaozui said loudly.

"Ha! No one can run away today!"

Huang Mao smiled strangely.

But never thought about it.

With a "bang" sound, Buck Sheng hit something.

"Ouch, it hurts me so much!"

The unprepared stag was in great pain. The new injuries added to the old ones, and they all cried out in unison.


Yushin-chan looked at Shishikatsu who was rolling on the ground in confusion.

I didn’t do anything! Is this a quarrel?

But it doesn’t look like it! Unless Buck Sheng is an actor, most people can't pretend to be in pain.

Sono Yushin subconsciously wanted to ask Amagawa Minato if she knew the reason.

Turning his head to the side and seeing the calmness on her face, he guessed it had something to do with Sister Hua Minato.

But before she uttered a word, she saw the unknown side of Sister Hua Minu, and her pretty face was filled with shock.

Amaga Minato was at a loss at first, but when she thought of some of what Yu-kun had said to herself, she immediately calmed down.

She was happy in her heart, even if Yu Jun left her side, he was still protecting her.

Then she remembered what He Feiyu had told her, that any man who wanted to hurt her should be beaten to within an inch of her body.

Then he trotted to the front of Xiong Lu Sheng, raised his foot and struck hard, hitting Xiong Lu Sheng underneath.


The pain caused by his crotch made Buck Sheng moan incessantly. He wished he could faint immediately and not have to endure the torture caused by his second brother, and then wake up and find that it was actually just a dream.

It's a pity that adrenaline didn't give him a chance. It secreted a large amount of adrenaline, allowing him to stay awake and continue

Life is worse than death.

It seemed that God couldn't bear his pain, so he finally closed his eyes and passed out.

Unexpectedly, I played with eagles all day long, but one day I was pecked in the eye by an eagle.

I don’t know how he will face it disappearing when he wakes up!

"Okay, sister Yuxin, everything is fine."

The first thing Amagawa Kaminato did when he turned around was to comfort the frightened Sono Yushin.

He gently stroked the girl's hair with his hand to soothe her emotions.

Aonano swallowed hard, not knowing what to say.

Is this still the gentle Hana Minato sister in front of me?

it turns out...

So awesome!

"Sister Hua Minato, how did you do it!"

With stars twinkling in the girl's eyes, she hurriedly hugged Amaga Minato's hand and asked excitedly.

"...It will be kept secret for the time being. Anyway, sister, you will know about the knot soon, so work hard~"

Unexpectedly, Tianhehua Minato smiled mysteriously.

"Soon... you'll know..."

Leaving Yushin-chan confused.

Chapter 238 Nurse Hiramatsu

He Feiyu hurried to the school gate.

At a glance, he saw Stag Sheng lying motionless on the ground.

Immediately, his eyes locked on the two girls who were chatting intimately, without realizing that he had arrived.

Realizing that the two women were safe, He Feiyu slowed down.

He slowly walked to Xiong Lu Sheng's side, looked down, and saw a scene that chilled him.

In addition to the original color of the pants, Stag Sheng also added a touch of magical red flowers to his crotch.

For him, who is a fried egg boy, of course he can see it at a glance.

The stag is completely useless and can be cut off and fed to the dogs, which can still use its last remaining heat.

At the same time, I felt happy that the two girls could bravely resist the oppression from Huang Mao.

He Feiyu gave a symbolic "cough", and then the two girls noticed him.

I don’t know what we are talking about, so excited...



Seeing He Feiyu, the two women jumped for joy in unison, and rushed towards him one from the left and the other from the right, hugging him.

"Are you okay?"

With Nephrite in his arms, He Feiyu asked symbolically.

After all, the evil yellow hairs had already fallen to the ground and lost their most proud brother.

Who is the big villain?

Amaga Minato shook his head slightly to indicate that it was okay.

She just held the boy's hand with her soft and warm hands.

"That damn Shigakatsu is the guy who contradicted Mr. Himuro Kanade at the beginning of school and was punished for standing. He...he actually wanted to lie to us!"

On the other hand, Jie Xinjiang looked up at He Feiyu and said angrily.

The girl's sweet appearance coupled with the round cheeks that swell slightly when she is angry is extremely cute.

"Fortunately, Sister Hua Minato and I were smart enough not to be fooled, but we didn't expect that he would reach out to take advantage of us in such a rage!"

She waved her delicate fists while looking at Buck Sheng not far away and continued.

"But I was defeated by Hana Minato-san! Of course, I wasn't afraid either!"

After saying that, Yushin-chan's angry look disappeared immediately, and she looked at Amaga Minato standing aside with a bit of admiration. Immediately, anticipation filled her fair and pretty face, and her eyes were looking at He Feiyu eagerly, as if she had done something good. Then tell the parents to wait for the child to be praised.

"That's awesome ~ Yushin-chan"

He Feiyu chuckled and stroked the girl's hair to praise her.


Sono Yushin narrowed her eyes slightly, enjoying the touch from the boy.

"I'm not here, all the hard work is spent on Minato-chan"

He Feiyu didn't care about one thing or the other. He gently squeezed the warmth in his hand and said softly to Tianhe Huamin.

"Yu-kun is not here, so naturally it is me, the older sister, who should protect Yushin. There is no such thing as hard work, and... Hasn't Yu-kun always been with me~"

Tianhe Huamin slowly raised He Feiyu's hand, placed it between the soft snow peaks, and said softly.

He Feiyu immediately understood what Hua Minato meant, because the place where his hand was placed was where the girl's succubus tattoo was.

Ah hey hey!

Can you please stop showing off your affection?

Damn it, I feel like I can save it a little more!

Can anyone call the hospital?

If the still sober Bucksheng saw these three people, he would definitely complain like crazy.

before the three left.

It was Yuxin-chan who suggested calling an ambulance or something for Shikasheng. If someone died, wouldn't it be very troublesome.

He Feiyu rejected the girl's proposal because Huang Mao in this world did not die so easily, and an ambulance would take him on the road later.

After the three people left.

Some time passed.

A familiar ambulance drove to the school.

When passing by the school gate, the people in the car saw Xiong Lusheng lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

It stands to reason that as an angel in white rescuing the injured, the ambulance would usually stop. Even if it was not the purpose of the trip, it would conduct an inspection and then send another vehicle to help based on the severity of the injury.

But the ambulance just drove by without any intention of stopping.

I can't help but make people suspicious, is this a doctor?

Twenty-five minutes when an ambulance enters campus

It took a few minutes to drive out again.

This time, he didn’t treat Bucks Sheng like garbage on the roadside.

A female doctor wearing a mask got out of the car.

The white nurse uniform she wore not only did not give people a holy feeling, but because her bulging body looked tight and astringent, it was very attractive and more like a sexy costume.

The first time the nurse stepped forward, she saw blood somewhere, and her purple eyes flashed solemnly.

"I didn't expect it to come true just a few days ago. Last time, no, it should be the last time plus today's two..."

The nurse said in thought as she stared at Shikasatsu.

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