From what she said, it was not difficult to guess that her name was Nurse Tachibana who set the flag. She did not expect that it would come true so quickly.

"First, the one who escaped from the hospital...disappeared...and then several recent similar incidents...who could have done it..."

"Nurse Hirasong, come down and help me carry the load...I will be on duty for you next time you are on a business trip."

Nurse Tachibana called to the ambulance softly, but before she finished speaking, she thought of something and immediately changed her words.


The man in the ambulance responded to her with a brief comment.

“You’ll have to come down within four minutes!”

Nurse Tachibana added something inexplicable.

There was no reply this time.

Nurse Tachibana stopped talking and continued to think.

Four minutes passed like that.

A short figure stood next to Nurse Tachibana.

Originally it was only five or six meters away, but it took four minutes to get there. I really don’t know what people who witnessed this scene would say.

Although the nurse named Hiramatsu is not as tall as the nurse Tachibana next to her, her round face always shows laziness visible to the naked eye, as if she has a lazy aura wrapped around her body, giving people a different and strange aura.

Her long hair was a bit messy, and the nurse's uniform looked casual on her, as if there was no decoration.

But not as bad as being homeless.

It just makes people wonder how such a person could become a nurse.

Nurse Tachibana walked to the trunk and took out a stretcher. She cooperated with Nurse Hiramatsu and slowly and slowly took five or six minutes to lift Shiga Sheng up and place it next to a man whose head was wrapped in white gauze.

Two figures, one fat and one thin, were crowded together, looking indescribably funny.

The two then drove away from the school.


"I'll give you a surprise later"

When he parted with Tianhe Huamin, He Feiyu mysteriously spoke in her ear.

The girl didn't ask any questions, her purple eyes were shining with stars, she nodded expectantly, and then kissed the boy gently on the lips.

On the way home, Yushin-chan remained silent for some reason, but would secretly glance at him from time to time, then blush and immediately look away, but after a while, she couldn't help but repeat the action.

It made He Feiyu laugh.

Chapter 239 Yuxin-chan’s Revenge

Sure enough, no matter what kind of world it is.

Girls' emotions are unpredictable.

Sometimes Yushin-chan will make bold moves, and sometimes she will be shy.

Just like the weather in June, it is cloudy and sunny.

He Feiyu didn't feel bored because of this, thinking that this was the right thing to do.

Human beings should have rich emotions.

You will be happy when you see happy things, and you will be sad when you see sad things.

Instead of being a star slave who could only vent his desires for the Tauren, he only had Ou Jinjin in his mind.

The atmosphere became eerily quiet all the way.

I saw everyone entering the apartment.

The girl still didn't ask for a kiss.

He Feiyu couldn't help but slow down his pace a lot. The man who usually took three steps per second now took one step per three seconds.


It's not like he wanted to kiss...

It’s just that as a man, you should keep your promises!

Yuexinjiang followed He Feiyu.

He raised his head and stared at the tall and straight figure in front of him.

Her fair cheeks turned red.

The two green-white little hands were clasped together, and their thumbs were entangled around each other.

The clear-cut red lips opened and closed, unable to make a sound or say those few words.

The girl felt very shy.

Then it turned into anger.

That annoying idiot, Mr. Feiyu!

Do I have to bring it up?

I'm a girl!

Could it be that the woman takes the initiative when it comes to spending time with Hana Minato's sister?

Yuxin-chan cursed in her heart.

But as the stairs gradually disappear, the view slowly broadens.

She fell into mixed emotions again.

Why did Yu Xinjiang dare to kiss He Feiyu's cheek downstairs last time? It was because her emotions had reached a certain limit and were difficult to restrain.

Just like the krypton gold card draw, when you see your favorite character being attracted by someone else on the Internet, you can't help but feel excited. You feel that you are also the lucky one, so you top up a small amount of money and decide to give it a try.

It's a pity that I didn't have that good luck, but I just recharged when I thought about it. Why not recharge a little more to see if it comes out next time, wouldn't I make a profit?

The next time and the next time, it finally turned into full krypton, and it would not give up until the oath was taken.

Commonly known as being on top!

This was what Yushin-chan was like last time.

But now~

The road is not very long, and no matter how hard it is, you will reach the moment.

He Feiyu looked at the corner just around the corner, hesitated for a moment, and stopped.

Yuxin-chan behind him was distracted and bumped into his back.

A knowing smile.

Then he turned around.

He looked down at the girl who was touching Qiong's nose and feeling pain.

"What are you thinking about, Yushin-chan? You're so focused that you don't even pay attention to your walking."

He Feiyu smiled and teased.

"I'm...I'm...thinking about k...kiss..."

Yushin-chan whispered coyly.

The sound was like a thin thread. If He Feiyu didn't have good ears, he wouldn't be able to hear it clearly.

"What!? Didn't hear clearly"

The girl's shy look made He Feiyu couldn't help but want to tease her.

"Want to kiss..."

This time, Jie Xinjiang mustered up her courage, raised her head, and raised her voice.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw He Feiyu with a smile on his face, and immediately understood that the boy had heard it clearly.

"Hateful Feiyu Jun, I will never talk to you again!"

She was ashamed and angry for a while, and she shouted with a trembling voice. She felt that it was not enough, and even stomped her feet.

I don't know if it was because her feet were too strong, or she was angry about He Feiyu's attitude, but there were tears flashing in her eyes.

That look made people feel worried and pitiful.

If this scene was taken by some busybody in He Feiyu's previous life and posted on the Internet, I'm afraid he would be criticized by thousands of people and immediately be labeled as a scumbag.

The girl was angry and turned around to run upstairs.

But how could He Feiyu give her this opportunity.

Instantly grabbed Jie Xinjiang's little hand.

With a gentle pull, the girl was embraced by He Feiyu.

Jie Xinjiang seemed to be still angry and struggled in He Feiyu's arms.

But now He Feiyu is just like the legendary overbearing president, unreasonable.

His broad, thick and warm palms tightly shackled the girl's delicate wrists, not allowing her to escape.

"Let me go, I don't want your kiss! Big bad guy! Big fool!"

Jie Xinjiang seemed to be angry.

He Feiyu stared at the girl who was saying one thing and thinking another.

At this moment, he really wanted to say a greasy word.

Very good, woman, you have attracted my attention.

After all, it was just a thought, it was too embarrassing, and I really couldn't say it.

Jie Xinjiang wanted to say something else.

But He Feiyu's eyes were too hot.

The girl's resistance was inexplicably reduced.

Now it's better to use flirting instead of resistance.

Gradually, because of the excessive force before, Jie Xinjiang began to breathe heavily.

The rosy red lips were like two pale pink, opening petals, delicate and tempting.

Because the girl tilted her head back, the fragrance from her lips all hit He Feiyu's face and entered his nose.

He Feiyu couldn't hold it back any longer.

He leaned down suddenly and held the two petals in his mouth.

He sucked gently with his big mouth.

Soon, the upper and lower lips of Jie Xinjiang were stained with crystal water stains.

Under the light, coupled with the girl's pure appearance, it was indescribably enchanting.

I don't know if He Feiyu kissed too hard, or if this was the first time the girl kissed someone.

She was very dull and was completely dominated by He Feiyu.

At this moment, Jie Xinjiang felt as if her body was electrocuted, trembling slightly, and a panic surged in her heart.

He Feiyu seemed to notice the girl's uneasiness, and his movements became more gentle.

The hand that was originally holding Jie Xinjiang also loosened and wrapped around her waist.

Slowly, Jie Xinjiang was immersed in He Feiyu's attack.

The two of them stayed like this.

I don't know how long it took.

Yuxin-chan was so breathless from the kiss that she gently pushed He Feiyu's chest apart with both hands.

At the moment when their lips parted, a clear water channel extended from there, and in less than a moment, it fell down and hung on the lips of the two.

In the quiet corridor, only the girl's slightly hurried panting sounded.

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