My back was sticky and a little uncomfortable.

He Feiyu stood up, bent down, and put his hands on the beautiful woman's neck and thighs.

I heard a "hissing" sound.

When it was over, that graceful body was held in He Feiyu's arms.

Looking at the obvious humanoid outline on the leather sofa and the two large ovals in the middle, I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's wrong? Brother?"

Odagiri Naomi rested her head on He Feiyu's chest, enjoying listening to the strong and rhythmic heartbeat. She heard his laughter with the other ear, so she asked curiously.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just that leather sofas don't work well because they don't absorb sweat."

He Feiyu sneered and said immediately.

He didn't tell the beautiful woman that it was because he saw her moving her feet on the sofa, but her buttocks didn't move, leaving two deep marks on it.

If Naomi Odagiri gets angry because of this and stops massaging him with her feet in the future, it will be more of a loss than a gain.

"My sister is poor and can't afford a new sofa."

Odagiri Naomi twitched the corners of her lips that had faded a lot of color and said with a smile.

"If this novel doesn't sell well, my sister may have problems eating in the future."

Immediately he continued to speak with pretense of resentment.

"I'll support you!"

He Feiyu heard this and answered directly without any hesitation.

There was a confidence in his tone that was beyond his age.


Unexpectedly, Naomi Odagiri sighed after hearing this.

"What's wrong? Miss Shangmei"

He Feiyu walked to the bed and sat down. He did not leave the beautiful woman on the bed, but still held her in his arms and asked doubtfully.

"You are saying this now, brother, but how long will it last? In ten years, my sister will be old and wan, but you, my brother, will be in your prime. At that time, brother, you will probably find your sister disgusting and abandon her directly... "

Odagiri Naomi stretched out her hand to move away from the bad thing that was pressing against her, then sat up slightly, put her hands around his neck, stared into his eyes with her charming eyes and said plaintively.

"Of course I will not abandon Miss Shangmei, let alone ten years, not even twenty, thirty, or even ten thousand years!"

He Feiyu knew that he must answer seriously at this moment and could no longer be half-assed, so he said seriously.

He guessed that Naomi Odagiri said this because she was insecure.

After all, her ex-husband chose to neglect Odagiri Naomi because of her old age and beauty, and kept her young mistress outside. The accumulation of loneliness finally made her choose to take the train to find excitement.

After experiencing the mature charm of the beautiful woman in his arms many times, He Feiyu deeply believed that his ex-husband was simply a fool.

Odagiri Naomi, who is in his early forties, is like a longan. The shell is removed with his hands, leaving only the plump and attractive flesh. If he puts it slightly to his mouth, it will slide directly into his mouth, and he will bite it lightly. It fills your mouth with sweet juice, delicate and refreshing, which is beyond the comparison of little girls.


The beautiful woman pouted her lips, showing the posture of a little woman, and asked hesitantly.


He Feiyu nodded heavily.

"I believe you, brother."

A trace of pride flashed in Odagiri Naomi's bright eyes, but soon she buried her head in He Feiyu's chest, making her expression unclear.

Poor Tom was at her mercy.

Of course, Naomi Odagiri didn't have any other bad intentions. She just knew that crying children would get candy.

Doing this was just to make He Feiyu love her more.

After all, everything she said was true.

He Feiyu held Odagiri Naomi's body tightly, as if he wanted to tell the beautiful woman his determination in this way.

In fact, He Feiyu is a person who likes to express emotions through physical contact.

He always felt that words could deceive people, but body language subconsciously expressed by the body could not.

after awhile.

Just when He Feiyu was hesitating whether to continue, he suddenly noticed the warmth and moisture coming from his skin.

Looking down, he found that the beautiful woman was stretching out her pink tongue like a kitten and licking his abdominal muscles.

Then move up.

He held the mung bean in his mouth, sucking and teasing it at the same time.

He Feiyu's body trembled, and his originally cold brain became hot again.

One pillar holds the sky.

"In view of my brother's sincerity towards my sister, my sister is ready to reward my brother."

The beautiful woman lingered on the chest for a while, then twisted her waist, and her limbs were wrapped around He Feiyu's body like a snake. Zhenshou raised her head and kissed the little man for a while, then separated and said.

"Can my sister be my brother's mother for once?"

Then he put his restored rosy lips to He Feiyu's ear and said seductively.

He Feiyu couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

He noticed that older women always liked to play roles in such situations.

Miss Shangmei, Aunt Mingli, and Aunt Manzi have all done this.

"Brother...Yu Jun, come and lie on mom's lap. Mom will massage your body."

Naomi Odagiri stood up from He Feiyu's arms, leaned lazily on the edge of the bed, patted her plump thighs and said softly.

Like a newborn child, He Feiyu crawled next to Odagiri Naomi and lay quietly on his soft lap.

"Good baby, you're so good. You've been exercising for so long, I'm afraid you're already hungry."

Odagiri Naomi said softly while stroking He Feiyu's head with her little hand wearing a sock.

"Come on, open your mouth, ah~"

At the same time she bent down.

He Feiyu cooperated, holding the hardened gummy candy in his mouth and sucking it. He looked a bit like a child.

It cannot be said that He Feiyu's acting skills are superb. It can only be said that everyone more or less retains their own weakness.

He closed his eyes and focused on the movements of his mouth.

Odagiri Naomi looked at He Feiyu who looked like a child, the maternal instinct in her heart burst out, and her eyes were filled with love.

She turned her head and saw something.

Then she looked at her free hand.

Immediately he put his hand to his lips, and a ball of body fluid flowed out from Tan's mouth, which wetted his socks.

Then put it on top.

The already slippery hand socks became even more slippery after being wetted with saliva.



The law of conservation of happiness.

Some people are happy and some are sad.

Shenghua Affiliated Hospital.

In the ward on the highest floor of a certain building.

Three special patients are lying on four nursing beds.

Why is it special?

Because by coincidence, all three of them were deposed as brothers.

The cause of the disease was the same, so the three of them cleverly lived together.

Chapter 247 Gradually going crazy

Although the causes of the three diseases are similar.

But the bandaging methods are different.

Hayato, who was sent in first, was covered in white gauze, with only his eyes exposed.

In addition, he was tied with a solid rope, as if the hospital was afraid that he would escape and deliberately added measures.

Compared with Hayato, Coach Dong Gang and Bucks Shenori are much better.

Coach Dong Gang only had gauze wrapped around his head, but not elsewhere.

As for Buck Sheng, his crotch was covered in three layers of gauze.

If it weren't for his size, I would have thought that the baby was just born and couldn't urinate or defecate...

The three of them closed their eyes and remained silent.

Apparently, they all fell into a coma.

The sun gradually sets from the horizon, rendering the entire sky.

Or it's slightly purple, or it's as clear as a maple leaf.

Beautiful and spectacular.

It's just that the afterglow shines through the glass into the ward.

Sprinkle it on these peaceful three people.

There is an unexplainable and unclear misery.

I don’t know how long it took.

Hayato's eyes, which looked like rice dumplings, opened suddenly.

He stared at the snow-white ceiling, his eyes full of confusion and doubt.

Soon he realized that the environment he was in was wrong.

The body was wrapped in white gauze.

The uneasiness of the tight binding made him struggle violently.

But Hayato immediately noticed that there was a rope binding him from his feet to his chest.

This made him even more uneasy.

The struggle became more intense.

He uttered vague words like "Uh-huh" and "Uh-huh" from his mouth.

The seemingly solid metal nursing bed also began to "squeak" due to its resistance.

Don't wait for Hayato to hold on for too long.

"If you do this again, then we will have to continue injecting sedatives."

A pleasant but cold female voice came from the electronic device beside his bed.

Listening to the threat revealed in the words of this familiar yet unfamiliar voice.

The level of trembling in the nursing bed has significantly decreased.

"You'd better think carefully about why you are like this."

Seeing that Hayato was obedient, the female voice said again without saltiness.

‘Why did you become like this? What's the meaning? ’

Because his mouth was sealed, Hayato could not speak and could only think in his heart.

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