‘Is this a hospital? ’

There is always a strong feeling lingering on the tip of my nose

The irritating gas made Hayato feel uncomfortable, but he immediately smelled the source of the smell.

‘It really is a hospital’

Hayato squirmed like a maggot and sat up slightly with his upper body. The appearance of the ward came into view, confirming his suspicion.

‘Why am I here? Who are these two people? ’

Immediately I felt confused again.


Hayato calmed down and finally recalled some things.

‘Have I lost my memory? ’

But this made him feel even more confused.

Because the last picture that came to his mind was the scene of making a phone call that night and preparing for revenge the next morning.

And then...no more.

He had no idea why he was in the hospital at this moment.

‘Could it be that I was so happy that I fainted because I succeeded in my revenge? Or was his head accidentally injured by his brothers? ’

Hayato speculates on the reason for his amnesia.

Just when he was thinking wildly.

The "click" sound of the doorknob twisting caught his attention.

Hear the sound and look.

A female nurse came in wearing a mask but could not hide her proud figure.


Hayato swallowed.

I said in my heart that it was so on point!

This female nurse is a beauty at first sight.

The figure is graceful, with a willow waist and plump hips.

I don’t know how many times better than the women I played with before.

And the beautiful eyes exposed were obviously cold.

It would be so cool to play SM...

Hayato was lustful in his heart.

I don't know why, but according to common sense, when his second brother sees such a beauty, he should straighten up slightly to show respect.

But why is there no response today?

Is it because he was tied up that the second brother hasn't woken up yet?

That should be it, just wait and see!

‘Nurse Tachibana’

Hayato looked straight at the round figure of the female nurse and noticed the work badge hanging on her chest.

"Is it back to normal?"

Nurse Tachibana asked in a cold voice, her beautiful eyes filled with coldness.

She was naturally aware of the lust in Hayato's eyes. As a nurse, she was used to it and was used to it, but that didn't stop her from treating these people like scum with cold eyes.

"Nod if it returns to normal, shake your head if it doesn't."

Seeing Hayato's "Uh-huh, uh-huh", Nurse Tachibana remembered that Hayato was gagged, so she asked again.

Without thinking.

Hayato immediately moved his head up and down.

He really wanted to talk.

At the same time, I also want to flirt with this cold-tempered nurse and develop a relationship.

"Are you nodding? Ha, but that's not enough."

Hayato didn't expect that the nurse in front of him didn't let him go, but said something incomprehensible.

For some reason, Hayato felt a little uneasy, always feeling that something big was going to happen later.

"Do you know what's going on with you now?"

Hearing this, Hayato's eyes were confused and confused.

"You're ruined"

Then Nurse Tachibana said calmly.

‘It’s useless? What's useless? leg? Or feet? But I can feel it! ’

Hayato's heart skipped a beat and he thought in a panic.

I didn't think about it at all.

"The egg was exploded"

Nurse Tachibana wanted to be tactful, but Hayato didn't understand and she had no choice but to speak directly.

She didn't sympathize with Hayato, after all, it didn't matter if a scum like this was destroyed.

But the first few times she and her colleagues told him straightforwardly.

Unexpectedly, he struggled wildly. If he hadn't called out five or six big men, Hayato would have run away like crazy.

Moreover, this person's inner defense is extremely low. Every time he tells him, he will be violent for a period of time. But after being injected with a sedative, he will lose that part of his memory when he wakes up again.

Resulting in having to say it again every time.

Is your psychological quality that low?

Isn't it just that it was abolished?

Without that thing, there would be no worries.

As a girl, Nurse Tachibana couldn't figure out why Hayato was so excited after hearing the truth.

If only everyone were like Hayato.

Then would it be the same for the two people who were still in a coma when they heard similar news?

Do you want to nip problems in the bud?

The other two people were also tied up.


Hayato was lost in thought, with only those four words lingering in his mind.

No wonder my brother, who usually gets active when seeing beautiful women, wasn't excited.

That's how it turns out...

The hospital bed shook violently again.

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"

The originally dull eyes were replaced by madness, and the whimpering sounds gradually became harsh.

'who is it! Who is it? I am going to kill you! I am going to kill you! Ah ha ha ha ha ha! ’

A ray of black flashed across Hayato's pupils, and then they were filled with dense bloodshot eyes.

Chapter 248 Anecdotes from the Ward

Nurse Tachibana looked calmly at those wide eyes.

Even though the blood threads inside are intertwined like silkworm cocoons.

The deep coldness in her eyes did not waver at all.

Because she has been a nurse for too long.

I have seen a lot of joys and sorrows and disgusting things.

It’s no longer what it used to be

That excellent nurse who is serious and responsible.

Enthusiasm and thoughtfulness were all drained away.

Now, the only thing that supports her in handling daily business like a zombie is a sense of duty.

"Is it the same as before... It seems that I need to inject sedatives again."

Nurse Tachibana murmured in a low voice.

After saying that.

She walked to the head of the bed and opened the locked cabinet with the key.

Began to prepare for the injection.

From her words, it can be inferred that Hayato seemed to have woken up several times.

But every time he learned that he was disabled, he would fall into madness.

Finally, he was injected with sedatives.

He would forget everything when he woke up.

Repeated the cycle.

Nurse Tachibana's faint whispers were incredibly heard by Hayato who was going crazy.

Originally, his brain was in chaos.

Hayato, who was left with only hatred, suddenly had a clear mind for some reason.

Although he had the desire for revenge at this time, he was no longer so crazy and extreme.

His situation was like drinking a bottle of ice water immediately after strenuous exercise.

Although his mind was clear, his eyes were still blood red.

It looked hideous and terrifying.

After adjusting the syringe, the nurse Tachibana gently pressed the tail of the syringe.

The air in the needle was drained.

She turned around immediately.

She prepared to give Hayato an injection.

Hayato, who was inexplicably awake, turned his eyes.

He saw the needle flashing with cold light.

He was afraid.

It was not that he was afraid of injections.

He was worried about whether he would lose his memory again after the injection.

Rather than experiencing the pain of knowing the truth again and again.

It would be better to leave it like this.

So he wanted to speak to stop it.

But because his mouth was sealed.

The words of explanation eventually turned into whimpering.

"Are you still crying? It doesn't matter, I will help you get rid of it right away"

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