Nurse Tachibana looked at Hayato who was still "struggling" and said emotionlessly.

Hayato was stunned when he heard this.

I! Can you not struggle?

My mouth is sealed!

Do I just want you to give me an injection? ?

It's a pity that Hayato is more like this.

Nurse Tachibana thinks that Hayato should be sedated.

He saw that the needle was about to prick his shoulder.

Hayato had an idea.

The body immediately returned to calmness and stopped struggling.


His unusual behavior attracted the attention of Nurse Tachibana.

He stopped what he was doing.

In fact, Nurse Tachibana didn't really want to give Hayato a sedative.

After all, Hayato would cause a scene every time he woke up.

It affects the rest of patients in the ward downstairs.

Complaining will deduct her salary!

It's best to get back to normal.

And she also wanted to know from Hayabusa who did all this.

Hayato saw Nurse Tachibana not moving.

I felt relieved.

Then he moved his eyes widely.

Trying to attract the attention of Nurse Tachibana.

He only came out with his eyes exposed.

Nurse Tachibana naturally noticed his moving eyes.

When Hayato saw this, his pupils turned downward.

He motioned to Nurse Tachibana to help him loosen the shackles on his mouth.

Nurse Tachibana understood the meaning of Hayato's actions.

"Unless you can promise not to yell loudly or go crazy first."

Seeing that he could make such an action, it meant that he was no longer crazy and had regained some consciousness, so he said.

Hayato quickly shook his head up and down to show that he agreed.

"Since you don't speak, it seems that it still won't work."

Nurse Tachibana said ruthlessly.

? ? ? ?

You are playing with me! ?

How can I speak when my mouth is blocked?

Are the standards of nurses today so low?

If you are tired, destroy it quickly.

In response to this, Hayato stopped thinking and decided to mess it up.

But to Hayato's delight.

Nurse Tachibana did not sedate him.

But he didn't take off the thing that blocked his mouth.

The place returned to quiet after Nurse Tachibana left the ward.

Hayato stared at the ceiling, wondering what he was thinking.

Now he is somewhere between madness and sanity.

There is both unforgettable hatred and unexpected calmness.

Not only did this not make him feel better, but it was extremely torturous.

Perhaps only Hayato at this time knew how painful it was.

the other side.

Nurse Tachibana walked out of the ward and came to the duty office.

Pull out the seat and do it.

She looked at a booklet on the table in front of her expressionlessly.

On the cover are written the words "Anecdotes of the Ward".

This is the special work of this group of nurses that belongs to this floor alone.

Every special case encountered will be recorded.

Nurse Tachibana turned to the first page.

The case recorded above is so old that the handwriting is a little blurry.

But if you look carefully, you can still understand what is written.

Xx year x month x day.

A woman (whose name cannot be disclosed) was hospitalized after a bowling ball was stuffed into her vagina.

Xx year x month x day.

The child's ignorance led him to put several steel balls into his reproductive organs, causing blockage.


There are countless similar incidents


Anyway, they are all weird.

And their group of nurses is used to deal with these things.

It's all dirty work.

If not for the higher salary.

Otherwise no one would do it.

Nurse Tachibana quickly flipped through the paper.

Go directly to the latest record.

Only four cases have been recorded above in recent times.

Three of them had their private parts blown off, while another...

Even more terrifying and weird.

Because that person's thing is not under his crotch... but on his head!

And after professional examination, everything in that person's body turned out to be normal.

Blood vessels, organs, etc. are not disordered due to their special growth.

Just unbelievable.

Of course, Nurse Tachibana was just curious.

She didn't know why, but she always felt that that person became like that and the conditions of the other three were all caused by the same person.

This was also the reason why she didn't inject Hayato with a sedative.

She wanted to know who that person was from Hayabusa's mouth!

"Hey, Nurse Tachibana, is that lunatic going crazy again? Isn't it just that his dick is gone? What's the big deal? Is he really still a man when he yells? Hahahaha, it seems like he is no longer. Hahahaha~"

While Nurse Tachibana was deep in thought, a slightly playful voice sounded not far from her.

interrupted her thoughts.

But Nurse Tachibana ignored her.

Instead, close the book.

He raised his head and stared at the computer screen in front of him.

The area above is the ward where Hayato is located.

She was observing whether Hayato's mood had returned to normal.

The person who spoke seemed to be staring at the focused Nurse Tachibana coldly because Nurse Tachibana ignored her.

She subconsciously raised her hand.

Put the nail of your thumb in your mouth and bite it.

After a while the nails became a mess.

If you look carefully.

The same goes for the rest of her fingernails.

"Damn Tachibana, you ignored me, you bitch, why are you pretending to be cold?"

Nurse Kurokawa cursed in a very low voice that only she could hear.

Chapter 249: The Bad Female Nurse

I don’t know if she didn’t hear it or she’s used to it.

Nurse Tachibana turned a deaf ear.


Nurse Kurokawa didn’t get any attention. She gnawed her fingers for a while, then felt bored. She spit out the crumbs in her mouth and walked to Nurse Tachibana with a gloomy face and sat down.

“Three special incidents have happened in succession recently, plus the one that happened some time ago, a total of four, tsk tsk tsk ~ almost all of them were blown up by someone”

Nurse Kurokawa stretched out her hand with messy and sharp nails like shark teeth and quickly took the ward anecdotes in front of Nurse Tachibana, flipped through it, and said with interest.

“I really don’t know who did this. Could it be the legendary blow-up monster!?”

She continued to joke.

“It’s just...too cool!”

She showed an excited smile on her face.

Nurse Kurokawa had seen the three people who were blown up.

Two of them were thin dogs.

The other one was tall and mighty, with a body full of fat, a veritable muscle man.

Judging from his appearance, he could probably beat up several small dogs.

But such a person also suffered.

Even more miserable.

I don’t know what means the beaten man used to transplant KunKun on his head.

Although it can be done with current scientific means.

But it won’t be so perfect.

It’s a bit like the unicorn in animation and movies.

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