The hand came to the crotch.

Touch it through your pants.

People are stupid.

Where are my things?

Even if it was exploded, it's impossible for there to be nothing left! ?

What does it mean to be flat and smooth?

Could it be that I am actually a woman?

But that’s not right, even a woman can’t be so neat! !

"Ah! Ah! Ah! It must be! It must be that brat's fault! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!! Ahhh!"

A third wailing person appeared in the ward.

Hearing this, Hayato was stunned.

What's going on here?

How come someone has to be called when he wakes up?

A few words.

Won't everyone be blown away? ?

Is it really such a coincidence?

Bucks Sheng was also stunned.

What hatred or resentment.

It was even more exaggerated than the possibility of losing his second brother.


Coach Togo is the same as the original Hayato.

His eyes were wide open, and the whites of his eyes were covered with dense bloodshot eyes.

Two lines of teardrops can also be seen on the dry skin.

It shows that this situation has hit him hard.


Even if Hayato's egg is exploded, he can still feel the traces of his second brother's existence, proving that he was once a real man.

Coach Dong Gang has nothing left, even no scars. If he hadn't had thick eyebrows, big eyes, and bulging muscles, he would have thought that everything in the past was just a dream.

But the happy scenes of falling in love with the girls are still vivid in his memory, which proves that everything in the past was not an illusion, which proves that something must have happened to cause all of this.

The only thing that happened recently was that he threatened Nanao Akane.

He thought it would be successful this time, after all, he had arranged everything.

but! That damn brat appeared again at the critical moment, destroyed everything, and even used some means to turn himself into a monster that was neither male nor female.

"Nanabi Akane!!!"

Coach Togo couldn't help blaming Nanao Akane for all this. If she had surrendered directly to me, nothing would have happened.

He hates it! He hates that brat who always gets in his way! But he hated Akane Nanao who dared to resist him even more!

Buck Katsu, who was eating melon on the side, heard Coach Togo yelling Nanao Akane's name.

His expression suddenly changed.

Because he knew that Nanao Akane was the beautiful girl senior who was ranked among the top two in his second year of high school.

How did he know Nanao Akane's name?

Could it be...

A bold idea appeared in Bucks Sheng's mind.

Could it be that the big guy opposite is also a student of Brass Academy?

But the voice doesn't sound like a student, more like a teacher or something.

Hayato, who was emo next to him, also heard Coach Togo's roar.

Inexplicably, the name Nanao Akane felt familiar.

I heard it somewhere like déjà vu.

Think about it for a while.

Suddenly he remembered that Nanao Akane was in the class next to him, wasn't he?

"Hey, big guy, stop barking. Are you from the Brass Academy?"

So Hayato asked directly.

"What's wrong? Does it have anything to do with you?"

Coach Dong Gang replied hoarsely.

"Haha, of course, because I am a student of Brass Academy"

Hayato scoffed.

Nani! ?

What fate?

There were actually three people from the Brass Academy gathered in one ward!

When Xiong Lu Sheng heard the two chatting, his face was filled with shock.


Coach Dong Gang didn't really want to chat with Hayato. He was now filled with hatred and pain.

"Cough...cough, actually I am also a student of Brass Academy"


It wasn't until Bucks Sheng spoke up that Coach Togo was surprised, as was Hayato.

I thought two people would be a coincidence, but now three people appeared.

For a moment, the atmosphere fell into an eerie silence.

"Why did you enter the hospital?"

Buck Sheng asked curiously.

Now he has regained some of his mood, because not long ago he could actually feel the presence of his second brother and be able to move! There are still reactions, indicating that it has not been completely abolished.

Chapter 252: Ward Three Becomes Brothers

Coach Togo and Hayato twitched their mouths and their eyelids jumped when they heard Buck Sheng's question.

Fortunately for Hayato, he forgot exactly what happened to lead him to the hospital.

But the original reason can probably be inferred.

But coach Dong Gang is different. He has not lost his memory and knows everything clearly.

Then how could he say in front of others, especially in front of the students of Brass Academy, that he was coercing the girl? He thought everything was ready, but he didn't expect that he was cut off by a brat in the end, and he was also crippled. Lose.

Buck Sheng saw the two of them huddled together and said nothing.

Decided to throw some bricks and mortar into play.

He didn't know why, but from the bottom of his heart he felt that these two people were very close, like half brothers, and wanted to get to know them and make friends or something.

"Cough...cough, since both of you are embarrassed to say it, let me go first."

So Buck Sheng said.

The other two people still ignored him.

But it doesn't affect the shameless Bucks' self-explanation.

"After school this afternoon, I usually planned to leave after helping a classmate on duty. But I never thought that as soon as I walked to the school gate, I saw a pervert plotting against two girls. As a good young man, I didn't even think about it. I want to rush forward and prepare to stop that nasty bastard!"

He said in an angry tone.

Just when he got to the climax, Xiong Lusheng kept silent.

His performance was just like some TV dramas, every time the most exciting part of the episode was broadcast, it would suddenly stop, and there would be a "Please listen to the next episode to know what happened next".

It was extremely unpleasant.

Although Hayato and Dong Gang coaches did not speak.

But if you approach them and look at their expressions carefully, you can know that they also

hate this behavior.

It's not that Xiong Lusheng was deliberately mysterious, but he was trying to arrange his own wonderful deeds in his mind.

He has never done anything good, so it's natural that he won't be so smooth when he tells others about justice.

"I didn't expect that guy to be a martial artist. I fought with him for two and a half hours before he ran away, and I was also bravely injured and sent to the hospital by the two girls. When they left, their reluctant and willing expressions were still vaguely visible"

After two and a half minutes, Xiong Lusheng continued.

"Ah~ it's hard to be a good person!"

Finally, he couldn't help but sigh.


If Hayato and Coach Dong Gang were not tied up, the two would have wanted to get up right now.

Slap this pretentious guy on both sides!

Boasting should also be logical.

Open your eyes and look at the time on the door now!

It hasn't been more than two hours since school.

Where did you get that half an hour?

But the two listened to the self-praising Xiong Lusheng, and a little appreciation was born in their hearts.

To be so shameless, you have to say it's awesome!

"I'm about the same as you"

Seeing this, Coach Dong Gang's eyes turned, and he had a bold idea, and suddenly said in a deep voice.


Xiong Lusheng was surprised, I made it up, is it really that coincidental?

"What? Don't believe it?"

"No, no, no! I believe it, I definitely believe it, after all, if we are not from the same family, we will not enter the same door"

Xiong Lusheng quickly denied it.

"Well... let me briefly tell you about my story."

"Actually, I am the advisor of a club in the school. By chance, I went to the warehouse to pack up today. I didn't expect to run into someone in the warehouse who was about to bully and insult a girl from our club. The boy looked decent, but he was a beast in human form, and he was quite powerful. Even I, who often exercises, was no match for him. In the end, I used up my last bit of strength to let the girl escape, and I was exhausted and fainted. When I woke up, I came here."

Coach Dong Gang was not as exaggerated as Xiong Lusheng. He lowered his voice and said in a more mature tone.


Is it really that coincidental?

Xiong Lusheng was stunned.

How can this be so similar to mine.

Are you sure it's not an adaptation?

But the true feelings revealed in Coach Dong Gang's words made people feel as if it was really a special thing.

Xiong Lusheng was not sure whether Coach Dong Gang was bragging like him, so he could only believe it half-heartedly.

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