The two people's different attitudes towards each other explain the difference in pretending to be cool.

The ward returned to silence.

"Me too"

Until Hayato, who had been silent all the time, said inexplicably.


Behind the screen.

Nurse Tachibana and Nurse Kurokawa looked at each other.

"Hahahaha! It's really funny. These three guys are really good at bragging. They don't look like people who would do good things. They are also heroes who save beauties and get injured. It's so funny."

"No, I'm going to post their words on Share and let the sisters comment on them. Hahaha~"

Nurse Kurokawa couldn't help laughing and laughed without concealing it. Her words were full of disdain for the three people.

She even prepared to record a video and post it on Share to make others laugh.

After saying that, she really clicked the record button on Share and began to imitate the words in a weird way.

Nurse Tachibana didn't stop her.

Instead, she watched Nurse Kurokawa record the video with curiosity.

She saw that the face of Nurse Kurokawa did not appear on the screen, but a long object similar to a watermelon appeared on it.

The strange thing is that although it did not have the appearance of Nurse Kurokawa, it had her two eyes and mouth.

"Family, who knows~ There are three men in the hospital today..."

Nurse Tachibana was shocked. She didn't know why she felt that since Nurse Kurokawa played this Share, she started to...

She looked back at the downloaded software on her phone and hesitated.

Should I delete it...

On the other side.

"Since we are so destined, why not... become brothers!"

After a period of silence, Xiong Lusheng suddenly spoke.

Little brother, you can become my brother with any status, position and strength! ?

"... OK"

Coach Dong Gang wanted to say this, but agreed.

"That's great!"

Xiong Lusheng was a little excited.

Because you rely on friends to get along in society, the more brothers you have, the more roads you have.

And he felt that these two people were very kind, and he was happy to see Coach Dong Gang agree.

"Friend, what about you?"

He turned his head and asked Hayato with difficulty.

Hayato remained silent.

Even though he had replied a few times before, it seemed that nothing had happened.

But only he knew how strong his desire for revenge and to destroy everything was.

But he could not figure out who he was venting his anger on, which was the most painful thing for Hayato.

Hayato did not take the proposal of Xiong Lusheng to heart at all.


Hayato did not answer Xiong Lusheng, which made him feel depressed. He suddenly had a whim, but he did not expect that it would end in failure.


Before the feeling of loss spread, a hoarse answer came to Xiong Lusheng's ears.

"But I need you to help me figure out one thing"

"No problem, I am best at gathering intelligence!"

Xiong Lusheng agreed directly.

Coach Dong Gang did not promise anything. There was a strange light in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth were raised high, which looked ferocious and gloomy.

Chapter 253 This melon field will never lack talents

It was already evening when He Feiyu returned home.

After knocking on the door to no avail, he chose to use the key to open the door.

"I'm back~"

He whispered while changing his shoes.

Unfortunately, no one answered.

Looking at the lights on in the living room and the familiar music in his ears.

"Aunt Manzi didn't fall asleep again while practicing yoga, did she?"

He Feiyu whispered softly.

When he walked into the living room, he saw it.

It was true.

It was almost the same as yesterday.

Gunjian Manzi lay lazily on the sofa with her eyes closed.

Her curvy and graceful body rose and fell.

The only change was that He Feiyu didn't have the same desire as yesterday.

"Don't be afraid of catching a cold"

He said with concern.

Then he went straight into the bedroom and found a thin blanket to cover her seductive body.

He turned off the TV by the way.

Then he looked down at Aunt Manzi's peaceful sleeping face.

He subconsciously reached out his hand.

He gently stroked the red cheek with the back of his hand.

It was warm and delicate.

Just like a young girl in her youth.

He Feiyu stroked it for a while.

He took out Tsubakino Ayato's clothes.

He wanted to find other dirty clothes to wash together.

But he couldn't find any after searching.

Helplessly, he could only put them in the washing machine alone.

While waiting, he chatted with the girls for a while.

He told Hanamito again that he would give her a surprise soon.

He hoped she wouldn't be surprised.

He smiled and nodded after seeing Hanamito reply with a cute emoticon pack saying "no problem".

Otherwise, when he uses Flying Thunder God later, the girl will be shocked when she sees him suddenly appear.

Close the chat.

He Feiyu opened Share.

Looking at the strange and familiar picture.

He couldn't help but curl his lips.

I didn't expect that one day I could watch short videos in this world.

How to say it.

Rich women are really amazing.

Especially with beauty and money.

'Is it similar to the beginning of the previous life? '

He Feiyu watched several videos.

Most of them are about food, scenery and music.

It makes him feel like he has returned to his previous life.

What year is it today?

The initial beauty and innocence moved He Feiyu.

It feels different without so much biodiversity.

“Who understands, my family~”

Just as He Feiyu was sighing at the good years, a voice that made his hair stand on end suddenly rang in his ears.


He Feiyu’s pupils instantly dilated, staring at the familiar watermelon strip special effects and exclaimed.

“What’s going on? Is there another time traveler?”

He almost crushed his phone to pieces.

“Even if there is, what does it have to do with me?”

But he soon calmed down.

This is not the fantasy world of cultivation in novels.

You don’t have to step on other people’s corpses to become an immortal.

Even if there are other time travelers, it will not affect He Feiyu.

And he just wants to live a quiet life.

At most, he will transform into a Kamen Rider and fight the Minotaur.


It’s hard to say whether it’s a blessing or a curse to travel to such a world.

It’s okay if there is a plug-in.

If not, you can only seal your heart with cement.

Otherwise, be prepared to wear a hat on your head at any time.

Of course, there is no morality.

"Why is this watermelon head square?"

He Feiyu observed carefully and compared it with his memory, and found something wrong.

He thought for a while.

He nodded in agreement.

The watermelons in his previous life were big and round.

But the watermelons in Neon are square.

So it makes sense that the special effect is a square watermelon.

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