
Fang Xigua looks more fetal and more eye-catching.

'Snapped! ’

He Feiyu helplessly held his forehead.

It seems that no matter what world there are strange creatures like this.

"By the way, do you want to use your authority to block Xiguatiao!?"

He Feiyu suddenly thought of it.

Would it be useful to get rid of it before it becomes popular?

But he immediately shook his head.

If there is no watermelon, there is also winter melon and cucumber...

The emergence of melons is inevitable.

No one can stop it.

"Haha, it would be okay if a fellow countryman made it, but if the Jimei people in this world made it, it would be awesome!"

He Feiyu sighed with emotion.

I want to scroll past this video.

After all, when you see this watermelon bar, you know what the content is related to.

It feels like it doesn’t matter whether you watch it or not (Little Bear spreads his hands).

But He Feiyu still

The timeout was canceled by some mistake.

On the one hand, it was mainly the watermelon strips that gave him a sense of intimacy, but on the other hand, it was just fun to watch.

"Family members, who knows? Today there were three men with lower heads in the hospital pretending to save a girl. Do we, Jimei, need them to save us? We are so arrogant!"

"Ah! I'm really just looking for trouble!"

He Feiyu saw it knowingly, but as expected, his spirit was polluted.

Hurry up to the second company and take them away directly with a set of blacklists and shields.

Recalling the comments made by netizens in his previous life, he once again felt that they were right.

Guapi’s headgear makes it impossible to see his facial features, and his heaven-defying copywriting fails to make sense.

Anyway, this melon field will never lack talents.

He Feiyu turned off his phone and took a few deep breaths before calming down.

It's so scary.

Later, he would have to hold Hana Minato-chan and take a few fierce sips to soothe his injured heart.

He Feiyu didn't notice.

Not only did he not block him, but he also paid attention to it.

the other side.

Nurse Kurokawa, who was still browsing the video, suddenly saw a red dot on the message box.

She clicked in curiously.

It was discovered that a user named Tauren Hunter followed her.

"Tauren Hunter? What a childish name?"

Nurse Kurokawa complained subconsciously.

By the way, I clicked on this user’s avatar.

I noticed it was a new number.

And the avatar is also a mess.

It turned out to be a knight holding a bloody sword and wearing insect-like armor. He was placing the sword on the strange monster with the body of a bull-faced beast.

Although it is a Q-print style, the bloody sword gives people a frightening sense of sight.

Full of coldness.

It's chilling.

‘Eh~ It’s so disgusting~’

‘In reality, he’s not a murderer, madman, or insane, using such a horrific picture as his avatar.’

Nurse Kurokawa trembled.

‘It’s really creepy to be paid attention to by someone who doesn’t know if he’s a foot-picking guy behind a screen like this, so I’d better block him.’

Then I thought again.

'snort! Since you are my first fan, why not give you a chance to follow me! ’

After hesitating for a while, Nurse Kurokawa finally did not block the user named Minotaur Hunter.

“Oops~ I didn’t expect that people would pay attention to the first video I just posted. It’s really embarrassing~”

Nurse Kurokawa was pretentious and muttered to herself loudly and sinisterly.

It seemed that she was happy that someone was paying attention to her, but actually she was showing off to Nurse Tachibana who was standing beside her.

But Nurse Tachibana ignored her.

Instead, he stared at the increasing numbers at the message desk with a speechless expression.

She did nothing.

She just uploaded a photo of her face wearing a mask as required when registering, but she didn't expect so many people to follow her.

Difficult to stretch...

Chapter 254: Those days of being a man

"Will Mr. Yu be coming soon~"

Amaga Minato placed the prepared broccoli and egg salad on the dining table and opened the chat interface to take a look. The smile on her pretty face was visible to the naked eye.

"I wonder if Mr. Yu is eating now. Do you want to prepare one for Mr. Yu..."

The girl said to herself worriedly.


A cat meow resounded in Amaga Minato's ears.

What followed was a hairy scratch.

"Hehe~ I forgot about you, Huayu."

The girl knelt down, stretched out her hand, and gently rubbed the cat.


Hua Yu closed her eyes in enjoyment, and a "buzzing" sound came from its abdomen.

"Hua Yu is so good, I'll give you something to eat."

Tianhe Huamin picked up Huayu, with a smile as bright as a flower, walked to where Maomao was eating and put him down.

Then he picked up the cat food, followed the opening, and poured it into a clean basin.


After putting away the cat food, Amaga Minato said with a smile.

Hua Yu licked the girl's palm, then turned to look at the cat basin.

When I was about to enjoy my dinner, I saw the brown beans piled high and screamed unhappily.

Tianhe Hana Minato originally wanted to wait for Hana Yu to move and then walk away.

"What's wrong Hua Yu? Don't you have an appetite today?"

But looking at the flower-feather girl who hesitated to speak, she asked in confusion.

Hua Yu shook his head humanely, said "Meow~", then raised his little head and looked at the cabinet.

"Oops! I was careless. I forgot to freeze-dry Huayu for you. I'm sorry~"

Amaga Minato seemed to understand Maomao's meaning. She looked along, saw something, and suddenly said with self-reproach.

Then he quickly took out the freeze-dried bag and poured some into the basin.

"Okay, let's eat~"

This time, Maomao opened her mouth and chewed slowly, eating elegantly like a lady.

Seeing Huayu eating, Tianhe Huacou smiled.

When Yujun was not around, Maomao always accompanied her.

Unconsciously, she had already regarded Maomao as a family member.

Although Huayu was very picky about food, she would only eat after adding freeze-dried food every time after trying it.

But she was excellent in other aspects.

For example, when going to the toilet, she always went to the bathroom and knew how to flush.

What was particularly funny was that Maomao was shy.

I still remember one morning when she got up to urinate, she just walked to the door of the bathroom,

and heard the sound of water falling.

Curiously, she walked forward and saw Maomao going to the toilet.

When Huayu saw her, her face turned red in a human way, and it seemed that she could see the shyness that only humans have in her little eyes.

Sometimes, when she just got home, Maomao would help her open the door.

Very human.

How could she not like him?

In fact, the most important point is that Huayu is the witness of her and He Feiyu's relationship~

She is not only taking care of the cat, but also taking care of the relationship between the two.

While the cat was eating, Tianhe Huacou also returned to the table.

She picked up her phone and clicked on a software called Share.

This software has been very popular in her class recently.

She also installed it on the recommendation of her classmates.

I didn't expect to find a treasure after browsing for a while.

You can search for many cooking methods here.

Such as sushi, sashimi, miso soup and so on.

And you can also learn the food of other countries.

The girl also saw from it that the food He Feiyu made for her last time was the food of the nearby Longguo.

She knew that He Feiyu was from Longguo.

So Tianhe Huacou was going to learn the cuisine of Longguo.

As the saying goes, if you want to keep a man's heart, you must first capture his stomach.

The girl was going to do this.

"By the way, doesn't Yujun like to take a nap? Then can I learn some things to help sleep?"

Tianhe Huacou ate the salad in small bites and suddenly thought of something.

He quickly put down his chopsticks.

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