Related words were entered into the search bar.

Then a lot of videos related to it quickly popped up.

The girl watched patiently.

Dozens of videos later.

"ASMR? Intracranial orgasm?"

Amaga Minato whispered softly.

This is the video that appears the most and makes girls interested.

It just doesn’t work that well without headphones.

She stood up again, found the headphones and put them on, wanting to experience it in detail.

Listen carefully to the sound.

It seems that there is indeed a little sleepiness in my heart.

Minato Amaga took off her headphones.

Think for a moment.

Decided to study.

Anyway, she has quit the club.

Instead of wasting your free time in the afternoon watching movies, you might as well learn this for Yujun.

"Do you still have any whispers about the food... Hehe, it's really enough~"

Amaga Minato felt satisfied.

"By the way, I forgot to prepare food for Mr. Yu."

The girl remembered something again, quickly put down her phone and ran towards the kitchen.

When the girl returned to the table again.

The egg salad was already cold before I had even eaten a few bites.

Amagawa Minato ate the broccoli in a hurry.

He immediately ran to the bathroom again.

Been busy for a long time.

She was afraid that she would smell strange.

It would be bad if He Feiyu heard about it.


He Feiyu dehydrated the washed clothes and put them on the balcony to dry.

Return to the living room.

Gunjian Manzi was still resting.

He looked at the time.

Then he walked quietly to Gunma Mitsuko.

Bend down.

Pick it up slowly.

Prepare to take her back to the bedroom to sleep so as not to catch a cold on the sofa.

"Ah~ha~Ha-chan, what it now?"

Although he didn't move much, Gunma Mitsuko woke up.

"Haha, it's almost eight o'clock"

He Feiyu replied with a chuckle.

"What? It's eight o'clock! Auntie, did I sleep for that long?"

Gunma Manko opened her beautiful eyes wide and said in surprise.

He Feiyu nodded.

“I didn’t expect that practicing yoga would be so tiring~”

Gunjian Manzi couldn't help but sneered and said sleepily.

"That's right! Yu-chan, put me down quickly, and Auntie will cook for you."

Gunjian Manzi suddenly remembered something and said anxiously.

"No, Aunt Manzi, please rest. I had eaten before coming back, and I'm not hungry now."

He Feiyu shook his head.

"Really? Don't lie to me, auntie"


He Feiyu affirmed.

He didn't lie. He did eat a lot of butter before, and he was a serious person.


It’s hard to say whether the stuff used to hold the cream is serious or not.

"Aunt Manzi, please continue to rest."

He Feiyu said softly.


Gunjian Manzi nodded his head in confusion.

In order to stay in good shape, she practiced for two and a half hours today.

The body is exhausted.

If she hadn't been worried that He Feiyu hadn't eaten, she might have just slept until dawn.

Gunjian Manzi was gently placed on the bed by He Feiyu.

Looking at the beautiful woman with her eyes closed.

I always feel like something is wrong there.

Just about to turn around and leave.

Only then did I realize that Aunt Manzi is still wearing yoga pants.

"Aunt Manzi, let me help you take off your yoga clothes, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to sleep."


Mitsuko Gunma was very cooperative.

He took off her pants and clothes without any effort.

There are no other small actions.

After covering him with a quilt, he left quietly.

He Fei

Yu returned to his bedroom.

Lying flat on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

I don't know why I'm confused.

Everything I experienced from waking up to now was like a dream.

Everything seems so unreal.

He raised his hand.

Inexplicably, I want to hold the light.

Unfortunately it's all in vain.

But the touch from the clenched fist was so real.

It seemed to tell him that this was not a dream.

Thinking back on all kinds of things.

There are already many people around him who he loves and people who love him.

In a world like this, they need his protection.

He cannot be confused.

Don't even back down.

If you are timid, all good things will be swallowed up.

He must have faith.

Destroy all evil that destroys good.

Only in this way can they thrive.

He Feiyu thought of many things in an instant.

It only took a moment for him to go from confused to determined again.

Very normal.

Man is a very emotional animal.

You may be laughing one moment and crying the next.

Especially when one is alone.

Maybe he suddenly becomes decadent~

At this time, you either rely on other people's chicken soup, or you rely on your own encouragement.

Obviously He Feiyu belongs to the latter category, but he can also be the former.

He closed his eyes.

Also use Flying Thunder God.

Several connections suddenly appeared in his mind.

And it seemed like it was all he had in mind.

He can go there easily.

Ignore the limitations of space.

He Feiyu felt it carefully.

There are two in Gunjian Apartment.

Above and not far from him respectively.

It was Yushin Sono and Mitsuko Gunma.

Then another place...

"This is Hana Minato-chan."

"Why is the modified version of Flying Thunder God a bit like teleportation..."

"I wonder how it will feel when I use it...will it feel like I'm on a roller coaster?"

He Feiyu said to himself.

"Forget it, after thinking so much, I might as well experience it myself."

He Feiyu immediately connected the point in his mind that belonged to Tianhe Huamin.

The next second.

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