A flower in front of my eyes.

He didn’t wait for He Feiyu’s reaction.

A feeling of weightlessness came.

‘Oops, I forgot to stand up and use my skills’

He Feiyu quickly twisted his body in the air.

Like a falling cat.

Immediately lower all limbs downward.

Then I felt pressed against something soft.


"Yeah! What is it?"

Amaga Minato's slightly frightened voice sounded.


When she saw clearly what was pressing on her body, her tone immediately changed to surprise and joy.

"Haha, I'm sorry~ I didn't scare you Hana Minato-chan, did I?"

He Feiyu looked at the girl below him sheepishly.

Amaga Minato nodded first, then shook his head.

The girl has long known that her boyfriend is somewhat strange and magical.

"Hey~ I don't think I have~"

He Feiyu looked at Hua Minato's cute expression and couldn't help pinching her cheeks with his hands, then lowered his head and kissed her gently on the lips.


The girl responded instinctively without any hesitation.

"Me too"

He Feiyu quickly lifted off Hua Minato's quilt.

With lightning speed, he got into the girl's warm bed.

The poles are reversed.

He's like an octopus.

Her limbs were tightly wrapped around Hana Minato-chan's body.

Then he buried his head on the girl's chest.

Keep rubbing.

Tianhe Hana Minato originally wanted to ask something else.

But if Meimou saw He Feiyu like this, it would be fine.

She moved her body with difficulty under He Feiyu's entanglement.

He didn't stop until his body turned sideways.

"Yujun, what's wrong with you? Did you encounter something disturbing?"

Tianhe Huamin took out a hand and gently stroked He Feiyu who was acting coquettishly on her chest.

"Because I am your girlfriend, Mr. Yu"

The girl looked down at He Feiyu's questioning eyes and smiled softly.

She felt that He Feiyu was particularly clingy today.

In the past, whenever He Feiyu was not in a good mood, he would always like to be with her.

If you pay a little attention, it will become clear.

"Well, I don't know why I always feel that Hana Minato-chan, you will disappear from my side one day..."

He Feiyu told Tianhe Huamin the reason why he emoticons.

Not quite, but almost.

"Yujun, how can you think like this?"

"Kanaminato will never leave you, Yu-kun."

The girl's expression became gentler after hearing this, and she said in a firm tone.

"Unless Mr. Yu hates me..."

"But, even if Mr. Yu doesn't like me, I won't..."

And added.

"So, Hana Minato will never leave Yu-kun."

When Tianhehua Minato said these words, the hand that was stroking He Feiyu's head couldn't help but exert strength.

Almost burying his entire head into his chest.

He Feiyu, who was wrapped in the girl's love and softness, said "Hmm"


"That's pretty much it. Mr. Yu, please don't think about these unrealistic things again in the future."

After hearing He Feiyu's response, Tianhe Huamin was satisfied and educated him at the same time.

After all.

Tianhe Huamin is still one year older than He Feiyu now.

It's my sister.

At this time, the girl felt that it would be good to act as a sister to comfort He Feiyu occasionally.


Tianhe Hua Minato was still immersed in the joy of being a big sister to comfort He Feiyu, but suddenly she felt Xuefeng being wrapped in warmth and moisture. A blush instantly covered her cheeks, and she let out a seductive hum from her nose.

"Bah chi...ba chi..."

He Feiyu nestled in the quilt, slowly moving his mouth.

He didn't want to be sour at first, but the feeling Hana Minato-chan gave him just now was so warm that he couldn't help but...

The girl seemed to have just taken a shower, and she was only wearing a bra and a bra, so he succeeded easily.

It was not the first time that Tianhe Huamin was treated like this by He Feiyu, and he quickly adapted to it.

I don't know if it's because He Feiyu is acting soft and soft like a baby, but special emotions are spreading in the girl's heart.

Hana Minato-chan's eyes were doting, and she comforted He Feiyu like the mother she had seen in the video caressing her child.

take a day off

Take a day off~

Chapter 255 Two people

"Be good, be good, Ha-kun, Hana Minato-chan will never leave you~"

Tianhe Huamin gently stroked He Feiyu's head and said softly.

He Feiyu, who was pouting in her arms, said softly "Hmm".

Some of the troubling thoughts he had left behind him.

Instead of fantasizing about unrealistic and inexplicable things, it is better to care about the present!

Don't wait until you lose it before you know how to cherish it.

Moreover, the girl's body temperature coming from my body at this time was so real and warm.

He couldn't help but put his hand around Tianhehua's waist a little harder.

He seemed to want to melt her into his body.

A few minutes later.

He Feiyu got out of the quilt.

"Thank you, Hana Minato-chan."

He said to Amaga Minato, who was currently lying on his chest and rubbing circles.

The girl listened to He Feiyu's strong and powerful heartbeat with peace of mind.

His voice of thanks came to the other ear.

"Yujun! Why do you say such harsh words!"

He couldn't help but raise his head and pouted his mouth unhappily.


Staring at the girl's slightly unhappy face, He Feiyu knew that he was wrong, so he chuckled and replied.

"Yu Jun, never say that Hua Cou will leave you again. No matter how you treat Hua Cou, Hua Cou will not leave you, understand?"

Tianhe Hua Cou put her little head on He Feiyu's chest again, listening to the heartbeat that made her feel at ease.

"Well, I know, me too, I won't leave Hua Cou either"

He Feiyu knew that he was a little hypocritical, and shouldn't let the bad mood that was born inexplicably affect others at will.

"Yu Jun, if you encounter any troubles, you can tell Hua Cou, but don't mention something like Hua Cou will leave you, which is absolutely! Absolutely! It will never happen!"

The girl seemed to be a glutton in He Feiyu's stomach, knowing what he was thinking, raised her head again, looked into He Feiyu's eyes and said seriously.


After being "educated" by Hua Cou, the mood did not get worse, but better.


Looking at the girl's serious and cute expression, He Feiyu lifted Tianhe Huacou's body and kissed her lips.

"Does Huacou-chan smell good~"

After just a light kiss, He Feiyu moved his head away and changed the subject.

"My own smell..." Tianhe Huacou was stunned when he heard it, and then suddenly thought of something, her beautiful face turned red, and she said slightly, "Bad guy Yujun!"

Although the girl said this, she was very happy in her heart.

Yujun's shy performance means that he is back to his usual self.

"Hehe~I can be even worse~Do you want to see it, Huacou-chan~"


The girl nodded shyly.

Seeing Huacou-chan's seductive appearance.

He Feiyu, who didn't want to be shy, had bad thoughts.

He put his head on the girl's fragrant shoulder.

He raised his nose.

A faint fragrance and a fragrance similar to lily rushed into his nose.

It made his shy thoughts even worse.


How can you say that you have bad intentions when you treat your girlfriend like this! ?

He Feiyu waved his hand.

The quilt flew up to the sky.


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