Tianhehua Minato subconsciously covered the spring light leaking from her chest.

Wait until the wonderful ketone body is covered again.

He Feiyu disappeared from her eyes.

Only a pair of white and tender feet were left.

The girl stared at the feet.

Realized something.


next moment.

Hot breath came from her feet.

A smile flashed in Tianhehua's eyes.


Does Yujun like feet that much~

The girl knows.

He Feiyu didn't have about half an hour.

It won't stop.

I was glad for a moment that I had taken a shower.

Especially the feet.

She rubbed it for nearly ten minutes.

It has long been free from dirt and grime.

This way it won't disturb the young man's interest.

But I felt bored again.

When He Feiyu bullied her feet.

The girl is shy and leisurely.

Commonly known as having nothing to do.

So Tianhe Huamin put his eyes on He Feiyu's exposed feet.

Looked at it carefully.

An incredible look burst out from her beautiful eyes.

Because these feet were as delicate as hers.

If you don't know clearly how powerful He Feiyu is.

The girl almost thought that the boy was actually a beautiful girl pretending to be a boy.

Tianhe Huamin stretched out her white jade arms and took He Feiyu's feet into her arms.

He Feiyu stared at the beautiful feet he had tasted countless times in his hands.

There is no doubt that my heart is rippled again.

In the quilt.

The light is looming.

It makes the girl's soft feet look mysterious and hazy.

Adds a touch of unique beauty.

He Feiyu's eyes were blurred.

His palms subconsciously rubbed the smooth skin.

The touch in the palm is as tender and elastic as tender tofu.

It is different from Naomi Odagiri who looks like an aged wine.

One has a full aftertaste, and the other is exceptionally delicious.

Played with it for a while.

He put it to the tip of his nose and sniffed it without hesitation.

The faint scent of lilies and an indescribable astringent aroma penetrated his nose.

Suddenly his lips and mouth felt dry.

When He Feiyu was about to open his bloody mouth and swallow him.

But he felt his feet being held in the girl's arms and being held softly.

The warm touch immediately made He Feiyu's heart flutter.

Didn't pay too much attention to it.

The tender tofu is about to enter your mouth.

He Feiyu's toes suddenly felt wet, hot and sticky.

His body trembled.

Then he suddenly raised his head from the quilt.

He looked at the girl on the other side with a strange expression.

At the same time, he shrank his feet.

"Yujun, why are you looking at me like this~"

Tianhe Huamin noticed He Feiyu's gaze, and her pretty face turned red.

"Seeing that Mr. Yu likes it, I want to try it too~"

The girl attacked again at night, group ⑥; nine ④ nine ③ 'Lu Yi' Sanwu stuck out her pink tongue and said.

"...actually it's not a good idea to do this."

He Feiyu paused, and then said seriously.

"It's nothing, and doesn't Mr. Yu often do this?"

Amaga Minato pursed her lips, feeling that there was no peculiar smell in her mouth, and said doubtfully.

"Cough...cough, strictly speaking, my behavior is actually bad."

He Feiyu explained awkwardly.

"I don't feel anything wrong! As long as Yu-kun likes it, I can do whatever Hana Minato does~"

The girl made no secret of her tolerance and love for He Feiyu.

The more Han Minato-chan behaves like this, the more He Feiyu doesn't want her to have the chance to contract such a quirk.

It pleased him to do that, but the girl didn't feel that way.

If a girl licks his feet, He Feiyu will feel guilty and upset.

I think this is a waste of time for Hana Minato-chan.

A girl like this is gentle and kind, but once she falls in love with someone, she will be devoted to you, and will tolerate you no matter what disgusting things you do. He really doesn't want this pure lily to be polluted.

"Well, Mr. Yu doesn't like me doing this, then I won't do it."

Staring at He Feiyu's serious expression, Tianhe Huamin obeyed.

"Well, Hana Minato-chan, don't eat these dirty things. I'll give you a taste of the big treasure."

Tianhe Hana Minato rolled his eyes at He Feiyu who was smiling evilly.

Chapter 256: Decision

In the bathroom, mist swirls.

Through the glass, you can vaguely see a graceful figure lifting up her slender legs and leaning into the bathtub.

The waist that Yingying grasped slowly disappeared.

In the end, only a small head was left looming.

Nanao Akane sank toward the water and did not stop until her nose was almost submerged. Immediately, bubbles appeared on the liquid surface, making "gulu" and "gulu" sounds.

I don't know if she thought of something shy or if it was because of the warm water soaking.

The girl's beautiful cheeks were slightly red.

Like pink clouds in the morning light.

Especially against the mist.

It looks charming and hazy.

Nanao Akane soaked for a while.

Slowly sit up straight.

Revealing a snow-white long neck like a swan.

The girl is familiar with the road.

Raise your hand.

Squeeze out a dollop of milky white shower gel from a nearby bottle.

The tender and slender jade legs slowly hang on the water.

Nanao Akane bent down.

Apply body wash evenly to every inch of exposed thighs.

Knead for about two and a half minutes.

Then he lifted up the other beautiful leg and repeated the action.

This is how you take care of your already fair thighs.

It also makes skin as white and tender as milk.

You can't help but feel jealous.

I was jealous of these double-curved legs that were as perfect as sculptures. I didn’t know that they would be used as toys and desecrated by that stinky man on his shoulders.

After the thighs is the neck, below it is the jade arms, and finally is the delicate body.

The girl's green-white fingers caressed the proud peaks.

Slowly slide through the rounded arc until it stops with a touch of red.

A hint of confusion and strangeness appeared on her pretty pink face

Such sentiments.

He hesitated for a moment.

The other free hand followed the ketone body and disappeared into the water.

Then the bathroom was filled with moaning sounds one after another.

It makes people subconsciously excited and full of imagination.

If someone is standing outside the bathroom at this time.

Listen carefully.

I can vaguely hear the word "Junior".

a long time.

The girl seemed drunk.

Legs shaking.

He stood up tremblingly.

He almost fell into the bathtub due to physical weakness.

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