She...this is the first time she has done this...

I have watched short movies in the past.

But I found it boring and didn't go into depth, that's all.

did not expect...

Somewhat comfortable and enjoyable.

Especially fantasizing about my junior brother...

Nanao Akane stood under the shower.

Let the warm water wash over you.

"Nanabi Akane, what...are you doing..."

The girl who had been silent for a long time finally spoke, and her first sentence was to condemn the bad thing she had just done.

"Junior...if he knew you were doing this...I'm afraid he would be angry...maybe he would even hate you..."


"I can't bear it anymore..."

Nanao Akane whispered softly.

At this moment, her mind was filled with that handsome figure.

The young man who saved her from fire and water twice in danger.

Even now she doesn't even know the boy's name.

But the young man had already left an indelible impression on her heart.

So much so that it was just spur of the moment.

He actually did something like that.

My junior is so kind and righteous.

Would you be very angry if you knew I was treating him as...

The girl is like a young girl in love with her child, with wild thoughts.

"By the way, the next time you meet your junior, you must ask for his name, otherwise..."

"Never let him go!"

Nanao Akane suddenly thought of something and said in a serious tone.

Finished washing again.

The girl picked up a white towel and carefully wiped her wet body clean.

Then her soft body was covered by a long bath towel.

I saw that her slender waist was tightly wrapped by it.

A head of short reddish-brown shoulder-length hair spread around.

The water stains on it have not yet dried up.

Waves of light flow.

Reflecting red light.

It adds a bit of delicacy to the girl.

Her slender thighs were hidden.

But the exposed ankles are lingering with a touch of pink.

Just like a sunset, coupled with the tender and white soles, it will make people excited when they see it.

Maybe when a guy with foot control sees it, he may turn into a licking dog and taste every part of it.

Nanao Akane took steps.

Walked out of the bathroom.

Staring at the quiet living room that seemed to be deserted.

Unspeakable emotions arose in my heart.

She turned off the lights in the living room.

Return to the bedroom.

Subconsciously prepare to pick up the phone.

When you can reach it quickly.

Confusion and discomfort flashed across her pretty face.

Who else can I speak to now?

Usually at school, she devotes almost all her attention to the baseball club.

There are only a handful of friends who can talk.

I thought it was worth it...

Haha, it’s just wishful thinking after all.

But it doesn’t matter.

If that's the case, let's start over.

He who forsakes me shall not retain yesterday's day!

As if he had made some kind of determination.

Nanao Akane no longer hesitated.

Picked up the phone.

Press the button and the screen lights up.

Nearly a hundred messages flooded her mobile phone page.

Only a few pieces of news are irrelevant.

The rest were all from the same person.

It was Katase Shoya.

The girl's eyes were firm.

Don’t hesitate to click on the message.

No hesitation.

She chose to block and delete this friend.

Finish these.

Nanao Akane is like a dehydrated person.

Suddenly he collapsed on the bed.

It would be a lie to say that I don’t feel uncomfortable.

After all, we have been together for so long.

But sadness and discomfort are also real.


Katase Shoya's performance really disappointed her.

For the first time, he was deceived into believing that Coach Dong Gang could still understand and accept him.

But it was clearly agreed upon the second time.

Why don't you come! ! !

Are those few minutes of guidance really more important than her?

Even though Nanao Akane knew that Katase Sho didn't fulfill the agreement, it was Coach Togo's plan.

But the one who made the choice was just like that scumbag Dong Gang said.

But it was Katase Shoya himself.

Although we said we would work hard together to break into Koshien.

But there is that girl who doesn’t want people who care to pay more attention to herself! ?

The girl thought she was already tolerant.

But what Katase Shoya did was very chilling to her.

"What would happen to me now if I didn't have my junior brother..."

Nanao Akane revealed her true feelings.

"With the scumbag character of Coach Dong Gang, I'm afraid I won't just be simply..."

Some strong movie plots popped into the girl's mind.

My throat instinctively felt nauseated.



"Damn it! Why didn't Nanao reply to my message!"

Katase Shoya stared at the phone screen.

His two thumbs turned white from pressing them.

"She must have gone to do other things and didn't see my message, otherwise there's no way she wouldn't reply to me!"

Katase Shoya comforted himself.

But he didn't realize that he had sent nearly a hundred messages.

The time span is at least two and a half hours.

The fact that he didn't reply to his message can also explain the situation to a certain extent.

He is completely fooling himself.

"The boy Nanao is clinging to today should be the one that Coach Togo said cheated on Nanao!"

"Damn it!"

"Not only did he beat Coach Dong Gang again, but he also turned him into that kind of thing..."

"Devil, he must be a devil!"

"Nanabi must have been deceived by his sweet words."


"Nanabi, I will definitely save you!"

"After all, didn't we make an agreement?"

Katase Sho also opened his eyes wide, thinking about the weird thing he saw this afternoon. Not only did he swallow his saliva, but when he thought of Nanao Akane, who was as beautiful as a little fan girl, being played by others, he was unwilling to accept it, so he forced himself to talk to himself. road.

"Qian, do you still remember the agreement we made under the sunset in the first half of summer? (*^_^*)"

Katase Sho also edited a message and sent it to Nanao Akane again, trying to awaken the beautiful memories of the girl and him.


But after sending it, the red exclamation mark next to the message made him look like a clown.

Please take a day off~

The head is dizzy and the body is lazy.

Doves fly for a day and settle for a night.

Chapter 257 Angry Himuro Kanade

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