Akane Nanao simply made up her mind.

She deleted everything related to Katase Shouya.

Rather than lingering on, it is better to be decisive.

Let him pursue honor, and she should have a new life.

After doing all this.

The girl raised her hand holding the mobile phone high and slammed it heavily on the bed.

A breath of turbid air came out from her thin and pink lips.

Her originally rosy cheeks seemed to be brighter.

It was as if she had let go of something.

However, a hint of sadness could not help but be revealed in her blue eyes.

Was he wrong?

Or was I wrong?


Maybe I was wrong...

I was wrong in overestimating her importance in others' hearts.

I was wrong in not pinning her cowardice on others.

I wanted to satisfy myself by accompanying and witnessing the success of others.

"It's good this way, I learned a lot..."

Akane Nanao couldn't help but sigh again and whispered softly.

There were tears in her eyes.

A tear slid down her cheek and disappeared into her hair.

The girl had fallen asleep.

No matter what.

Good or bad.

It will all be gone.

Tomorrow is a new beginning.


He Feiyu gently scratched the nose of the sleeping girl in his arms with his fingers.

He looked at Hua Minato's cute sleeping posture and became playful.

He touched this and pinched that.

The girl subconsciously complained.

He Feiyu held back the smile on his lips.

Then he stopped his restless movements.

His thumb and index finger gently pinched Hua Minato's pearl-like earlobes.

Soft and cool.

This was his second "bad habit" of liking feet.

I don't know how long it took him to get it.

But Hua Minato must be responsible for it.

Who told the girl not to complain no matter what he did.

Of course.

He Feiyu was just joking.

He couldn't take it easy to care for her, so how could he blame her.

After kissing the girl's forehead.

He Feiyu also fell asleep.


It was the day He Feiyu looked forward to the most in his previous life when he was in junior high school.

Even now, he was full of happiness when he recalled it.

After all, it was a happy time after five days of study.

Unlike high school, there was only a short day.

There were still so many homework to deal with.

He only slept at night, and then it was another heavy six days.

Although college can be like junior high school.

But it makes people feel like something is missing.

As for him in this life?

It's quite free now~

He Feiyu sat in his seat.

He propped up his face and listened leisurely to the classmates around him discussing what they were going to do this weekend.

Some people went to cram school in order to get a good class next year, and some people were going to go to the game hall to spend a whole day.

All kinds of things.

However, He Feiyu still liked the idea of ​​several otakus the most.

That is to stay at home.

Hugging my 2D wife, I am happy.

"Feiyu-kun, why don't we find some time to go out and play together this weekend~"

Yuxin-chan listened to their discussion, turned around, and said with a smile.


He Feiyu was entangled when he heard this. He had things to do on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, and it seemed that he had no time...


"Is it okay~ Sister Hanamitou must want to go out and play with Feiyu-kun too"

Canono Yuxin saw He Feiyu hesitate, and couldn't help begging, and even brought up Tianhe Hanamitou.


He Feiyu thought about it and agreed.

He hasn't gone out to play with Hanamitou-chan for a long time.

Since Yuxin-chan mentioned it, let's go.

But he didn't dare to miss Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

Then he had to choose the morning of one of the days.


Yuxin-chan smiled sweetly, unable to hide his excitement.

She even stretched out her feet and rubbed He Feiyu's feet.

Feeling the warmth from the ankles.

He Feiyu smiled helplessly.

It seemed that after what happened yesterday afternoon.

The relationship between Yuxin-chan and him became deeper and deeper.

"Brother Feiyu, good morning!"

When the girl was happily telling where she was going to play, a soft voice suddenly sounded.

"Oh, good morning, Ayato-kun"

He Feiyu also replied politely.

"By the way, Ayato-kun, this is your sportswear, thank you for your help yesterday"

Looking at Tsubakino Ayato who was holding a textbook in his hand, He Feiyu reached out and took out the washed clothes and handed them to the thin boy in front of him.

"Don't worry, it has been washed, guaranteed not to be dirty"

Tsubakino Ayato did not take it immediately, so He Feiyu added.

"Hehe, actually, it doesn't matter whether you wash it or not, Brother Feiyu"

"...Hurry up and take it!"

Looking at Tsubakino Ayato who was touching his head and smiled like a girl, He Feiyu inexplicably thought of a man-girl in his mind, and then his body was cold, and he hurriedly handed the sportswear to Tsubakino Ayato.

"Oh, OK... I'll go hand in my homework, Brother Feiyu"

"Okay, go ahead"

After Tsubakino Ayato left, He Feiyu heaved a sigh of relief.

It's not that he hates Tsubakino Ayato, but it's just that a boy who looks 90% like a girl smiling at you is really too scary, and you don't know how powerful he is.

He Feiyu is a straight man (sexual orientation). In such a chaotic world, it is not wrong to nip things in the bud.

"Tsubaki-san looks like a girl... If she wears a wig, she will look even more like one..."

Yuxin-chan beside him suddenly said thoughtfully.

He Feiyu didn't dare to imagine it at all.

He quickly imagined Hanamito-chan, Aunt Manzi, and Aunt Mingli's body in his mind before he calmed down.

"Feiyu-kun? Feiyu-kun? What are you thinking about?"

"Uh... nothing"

Looking at the girl's five white jade fingers, He Feiyu came back to his senses.


"Feiyu-kun, give me your homework, I'll help you hand it in together"

Aono Yuxin took out two stacks of notebooks from her schoolbag and said.


"Fuck! When did you say that? Why don't I know!"

He Feiyu opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief.

"Wasn't it written on the blackboard yesterday?"

Yuxin-chan said puzzledly.

"Didn't Feiyu-kun see it!?"

Then he realized something.

He Feiyu recalled quickly.

He remembered that when he arrived at the classroom, the student on duty had already wiped the blackboard clean, so he didn't see the homework. And because the school had just started, no homework was assigned in the past few days.

Due to many coincidences, he didn't do his homework.

"It's all my fault! I forgot to tell Feiyu-kun yesterday..."

Yuxin-chan couldn't help but blame herself.

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