Maybe even make her fall in love directly.

After all, the anime and novels he has read are like this.

Morishita yelled out those words and thought in his heart in an instant.

He made up his mind.

Then he raised his fist and rushed towards He Feiyu.

Morishita, who was dazzled by the beauty, didn't even consider whether He Feiyu was powerful.

I just want to "hero save beauty".

It's a pity that the result is destined to disappoint him.

He Feiyu looked at Morishita, who was running towards him with many flaws.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up with a hint of disdain (——_,——).

Being scolded by Himuro Kanade and ridiculed by hot girls.

He has accumulated a lot of negative emotions for a long time.

I didn’t expect to meet someone who wasn’t afraid of death.

Just the right time to vent.

He Feiyu definitely didn't do it just because he was a man.

Yes, it is like that!

"Teacher Meihe, I'm here to save you!"

Morishita shouted schemingly.

Thinking that doing so would leave a deeper impression on Miwa Shirakawa.

Add drama to himself.

"You bastard who takes advantage, give me a Shoryuken punch!"

While Morishita was punching, he was also shouting moves like characters in anime.

Two out of ten.

He Feiyu watched Morishita's performance speechlessly.

The fist that hit his chin at this time was not as strong as Dong Gang's.

Soft and powerless.

He Feiyu suspected that he would kill this otaku if he fought back with just a little force.


Out of humanity.

Or maybe he's not sure if Morishita is a tauren.

He could only take a little action.

His other free hand easily caught Morishita's fist.

Morishita was confused.

Is it so simple to be blocked?

And the force is terrifying.

He wanted to withdraw his hand.

But it's impossible.

An anxious look appeared on Morishita's face.

Immediately, he hit He Feiyu with his other hand.

Seeing this, He Feiyu used 10% of his strength to squeeze Morishia's hand and push it towards his chest.

Morishita was pushed and his center of gravity became unstable.

He stumbled and fell to pieces like a dog chewing on the mud.

Chapter 261 Hypnosis Series

Miwa Shirakawa felt the warmth coming from her waist and the snow peak.

My head is confused.

This was the first time she had been so intimate with a man.

Intimate to the point of skin-to-skin contact.

Not to mention that the man holding her at this moment was still her student.

A touch of delicate red clouds steamed out from Miwa Shirakawa's face.

She actually forgot to react for a moment.

Until He Feiyu and Morishita fought.

Morishita fell to the floor.

The heavy and muffled sound made Shirakami wake up from a dream.

"Feiyu...Jun, can you let go of the teacher?"

Bai Hemeihe blushed and said softly to He Feiyu.


He Feiyu was still watching Morishia wailing, but when he heard Bai Hemiwa's voice, he quickly let her go.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Baihe, I just saw you were about to fall, so..."

At the same time, he explained.

"Well, the teacher knows"

Of course Shirakawa Miwa knew the reason.

There's just one thing she hasn't said yet.

That's why he suddenly hugged her tightly just now.

But in order not to embarrass He Feiyu.

She didn't ask.

"Feiyu-kun, the teacher didn't hurt you just now, did he?"

Bai Hemihe suddenly thought of something, and worried about He Feiyu.

He Feiyu was startled when he heard this.

Shame washed over me.

"Teacher Baihe is as soft as cotton, how can I feel pain?"

He quickly replied.

Words spoken without thinking.

After saying that, He Feiyu felt a little regretful.

It feels like he looks a bit like an LSP.


After hearing this, Miwa Shirakawa's pretty face blushed even more.

Morishita, who was lying on the ground, looked pained and gloomy.

The pain was because his body ached when he fell to the ground.

The gloomy thing is that Shirakawa Miwa didn't care about him immediately.

Instead, he was still there chatting with the culprit who beat him.

This made Morishita almost furious.

"Oh~ yo~ It hurts~"

Morishita thought that Shirakawa Miwa must not have noticed him, so he deliberately made his voice a little louder.

Morishita's deliberate performance was not in vain.

"Morishita-kun, are you... okay?"

Miwa Shirakawa heard his screams, looked down at him, saw the pain on Morishita's face, and asked with concern.

Shirakawa Miwa never thought that her concern not only did not make Morishita get better, but had the opposite effect, making him scream even louder.

See this.

A trace of anxiety appeared on Shirakawa Miwa's face.

He Feiyu watched Morishita's performance amusedly.

He certainly knew how hard he had used it.

How could Morishita show such pain?

At first glance, it looks like she is acting there.

Mostly to gain sympathy.


Suddenly an idea flashed in He Feiyu's mind.

Then he quickly looked at Morishita's appearance.

The long bangs in front of his forehead almost completely covered his eyes.

It is very consistent with the setting of the male protagonist having no eyes in some series.

In addition, Morishita had seen him hugging Miwa Shirakawa and his aggressive behavior.

It seems...

My mind was racing.

'Hypnosis? ’

He Feiyu deduced Morishita's type as a tauren.

He was opening his eyes to look at Miwa Shirakawa.

Black and ominous luck enveloped her head.

He Feiyu suddenly felt a headache.

It was different from Dong Gang's way of forcing others to fall.

Hypnosis is not easy to deal with!

It is hard to prevent.

After all, the trouble of hypnosis is second only to the time-stopping type.

Of course, hypnosis can be divided into many types.

There are props, magic, and suggestion types like his own.

I just don't know what type Morishita belongs to.

Should I find an opportunity to directly...

He Feiyu was murderous.

Anyway, after transforming into Kamen Rider, he would just kick him with one knight.

There would be no ash left.

He would not be disgusted by seeing a pile of rotten meat.

It's just... reward...

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