He Feiyu was very confused.

After all, it is nip in the bud.

Still the same as before.

Follow the steps.

Act as timely rain.

They only appeared when the tauren were about to succeed.

Yeah, yeah, yeah~


Shirakawa Miwa wanted to bend down and help Morishita up.

But the strong urge to urinate prevented her from doing so.

Afraid of making a slightly bigger move.

It will leak out...

"Feiyu-kun, can I ask you to help the teacher? Can you help Morishita-kun up?"

So she looked at He Feiyu who was in a daze.

"Okay! Haha, I can also send Morishita-san to the infirmary~"

He Feiyu naturally agreed, and immediately smiled at Morixia Heshan.

That laughter was so terrifying.

Of course, that's how it sounds to Morishita's ears.

His eyes saw He Feiyu's "ferocious" smile through the gap in his bangs.

I felt horrified.

Thinking that this thug might take the opportunity to do something bad.

"Hey, I suddenly feel like my body doesn't hurt anymore!"

Morishita stood up with a smile.

"Are you really okay? Morishita-san was obviously in so much pain just now. I think it would be better to send Morishita-san to the infirmary."

He Feiyu pretended to be enthusiastic and said.

He seemed to be friendly and concerned about his classmates.

"Morishita-kun, the teacher thinks Feiyu-kun is right, how about"

Miwa Shirakawa echoed.

"No! You really don't have to!"

But before Shirakawa Miwa finished speaking, she was interrupted by Morishita.

"Teacher Meihe, look, I really don't have any problems anymore!"

He was also afraid that Shirakawa Miwa wouldn't believe it, so he even jumped a few times.

"Since Morishita-kun is fine, the teacher can rest assured."

Shirakawa Miwa patted her chest and said calmly.

"If the teacher has something to do, he will leave first."

But something was wrong immediately, she said suddenly.

"By the way, don't fight again in the future. Students should love each other. The teacher just pretended not to see it this time. If there is a next time, then he will call the parents~"

Immediately, he walked quickly towards the toilet and reminded him at the same time.

"Teacher Miwa is so gentle~"

He Feiyu watched Bai Hemihe disappear around the corner and couldn't help but say.

"Yes, Miwa-sensei"

Morishita on the side couldn't help but agree.

There was obsession in his eyes.

"Haha, so whoever dares to hurt Teacher Meihe, I won't let him go."

He Feiyu glanced at Morishia and said thoughtfully.

He stopped talking to Morishita and walked into the office.

"Damn it! What do you mean by this bastard! He looks at me like this! How could I possibly hurt Teacher Miwa!"

Morishita seemed to understand that there was something behind He Feiyu's words. He looked at He Feiyu's disappearing back fiercely and said in a deep voice.

Then he also walked into the office.

It was the first time for He Feiyu to come to the teacher's office.

I don’t know where Kanade Himuro’s seat is.

His eyes darted over.

Finally, in a relatively remote location, I saw Himuro Kanade, who was lowering his head and didn't know what he was doing.

He quickly walked towards where Himuro Kanade was.

"Mr. Himuro Kanade, I'm here."

Arriving next to Himuro Kanade, He Feiyu lowered his head and spoke softly.

He looks like a good boy who does something wrong and then waits for criticism.

Although He Feiyu disagreed in his heart.

But as for the appearance, it has to be done well.

But when he lowered his head, he saw an incredible scene.

Chapter 262 Bad Thoughts

From the moment He Feiyu lowered his eyes.

I was attracted by the plump and straight curves embellished with silver threads.

It seemed that it was because Himuro Kanade was working with his legs crossed.

That fleshy buttocks was squeezed so hard that it was almost ready to come out of the black skirt.

It's bulging and full of flesh.

I had no idea how refreshing it would be when kneaded with hands.

He Feiyu thought this was enough to attract his attention.

But he never thought that when he continued to look down.

A heart almost jumped out of his chest.

I wish I could transform into a licking dog.

Stick out your tongue and taste it.

hateful! My damn hobby.

He Feiyu couldn't help but criticize himself in his heart.

But his eyes remained fixed.

Just because the dark gap formed by the beautiful black silk feet hanging in the air and the stiletto high heels is like a black hole.

He Feiyu's eyes were firmly devouring him.

He couldn't move his eyes away at all.

"Huh! Are you here? In fact, you can wait a little longer and try to come to the next class!"

Himuro Kanade did not raise her head, but when she heard He Feiyu's voice, she stopped writing and turned her pen around with her hand, her tone cold and unhappy.

It was obvious that he disliked He Feiyu for coming too slowly.

"Haha, I was delayed by something just now."

He Feiyu sneered.

‘Damn hot girl’

But he complained in his heart about Nogami Izumi who was delaying his time.

As for why there are no Shirakawa Miwa and Morishita.

Teacher Bai He was so gentle, he just ignored it.

And Morishita~

Anyway, he taught me a lesson.

Complaining again would make him look stingy.

Moreover, big things are waiting for him in the future.

"Delay? Delay refers to holding Meihe-sensei tightly and then fighting with others!?"

Himuro's voice sounded a little louder in vain.

She obviously saw what just happened at the door.

Also, the movement was so loud, how could no one notice it.

It's just why no one took care of it before.

It's quite confusing.

He Feiyu also wanted to explain.


Isn’t that embarrassing enough? As a student, you take advantage of your teacher! boom! Learn to respect teachers just like you respect your parents! "

But Himuro Kanade didn't give him a chance to speak. He stopped spinning the pen with his green and white jade fingers, raised his head suddenly, and stared at He Feiyu with cold eyes. In order to show his majesty, he even pushed the pen cap to the table with force, causing the surroundings on the table to The thing trembled.

It also affected the female teacher who was resting opposite Himuro Kanade.

The female teacher was taking a nap on the table with her headphones on.

The table shook like this.

She was so shocked that she thought it was an earthquake.

"There's an earthquake! Teachers! Run!"

She straightened up immediately, took off her headphones, and said in panic.

Neon is originally an island country, a small place surrounded by the sea.

It is between the two plates.

There are constant earthquakes, big and small.

It is normal for the female teacher to misunderstand it as an earthquake.

"Teacher Mikami, are you sleepy~"

It was just her shout that made the others laugh. They didn't know it was because of Himuro Kanade, so they joked.

"Ah!? I'm sorry to bother you. I'm in a bad state lately. You continue to be busy."

The female teacher named Mikami explained with a sheepish smile.

The female teachers around him chuckled a few times when they saw this, and then got busy again.

"Oh~ Are you really sleepy? It's so embarrassing!" Teacher Mikami said nothing and was about to lower his head, but saw Himuro Kanade opposite her looking at her with a strange look, which made Teacher Mikami's His face turned redder, and he quickly said shyly, "You continue!"

After saying that, she lowered her head.


He Feiyu almost couldn't help laughing.

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