After all, feet are for walking.

Dirty as hell.

Who would like it?

'wrong! ’

‘If it’s a little bastard, it’s really possible! ’

Reversal and reversal, Himuro Kanade guessed viciously.

After all, in her mind, He Feiyu was both a "stalker" and an "outlaw."

It’s normal for your hobby to be a bit disgusting!

Himuro Kanade originally wanted to speak up and scold He Feiyu for looking disgusting.

But thinking that there was no actual evidence, I gave up the idea.

But there is no such thing.

But if you linger for so long without writing an apology letter, you can still do something about it.

Himuro Kanade hesitated for a moment.

In the end, he didn't say anything.

It's not that she forgives He Feiyu.

I simply felt that there was no point in scolding him like this.

Things are more valuable when they are rare~

'If I could hit the little bastard with a pointer...'

A big idea suddenly appeared in Himuro's mind.

And getting stronger.

It made Himuro feel a warmth flowing through his body.

The originally cold-looking phoenix eyes were a little crimson and strange.

'snort! So what if I just let this little bastard watch? Does he still dare to bully me in public? ’

After all, Himuro Kanade had no idea of ​​reprimanding He Feiyu, but instead, she wanted to tease him.

Being able to see but not being able to eat is often the most painful thing!


All of He Feiyu's attention was attracted by those beautiful black silk feet.

He didn't notice the change in Himuro Kanade at all.

He is like a gluttonous child.

Want to try all the black ice cream.


White, green, purple, all the colors are the same, adapt to changing circumstances.

Naturally, he would not let Himuro Kanade go.

But he can't find a chance now.

Although it is available, I took advantage of Himuro to try it.

But that's not interesting.

It only makes sense to look at the woman's facial expression while tasting it.

‘Alas, there’s no chance. If Himuro Kanade can do it without me,

If you make a mistake and provoke me... then you can...'

He Feiyu sighed in his heart and thought.

This beautiful black jade.

The more he looked, the more his heart palpitated.

The urge to taste becomes stronger.

The beautiful feet wrapped in light black stockings are vaguely flesh-colored, and are set off by shiny dark black high heels.

Sexy yet mysterious.

It attracts endless imagination.

There is also a charming fragrance coming from the tip of the nose.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is both delicious and delicious.

The feeling of not being able to eat.

It made He Feiyu feel like there was a cat's paw in his heart.

He Feiyu was already suffering.

A scene that made him even more uncomfortable appeared.

I don’t know why Himuro Kanade.

He actually reached out and took off his high heels.

Not right either.

It was to let the high heels hang down from her heels.

Her toes were still hooked on her high heels.

You can see the sunken arch at a glance.

I'm afraid even Leonardo da Vinci would not be able to copy the perfect curve.

After all, it is a miraculous craftsmanship.

It is far beyond human reach.

He Feiyu was fascinated.

I really don’t know how comfortable it is to put it on your face and rub it.


Why are you taking off your shoes?

Are you trying to seduce me?

He Feiyu suddenly thought that his IQ was online.

Then he immediately raised his head.

As expected, the guess was good.

Himuro Kanade was looking at him with a smile on his face.

It’s just that it’s better not to smile.

I don't know how serious it is.

"Does it look good?"

Himuro Kanade asked first.


Whether the answer is good-looking or not, both will suffer.

If it looks good, it means you took a peek.

If it doesn’t look good, that’s even worse.

Not only does it mean you peeked, but it also offends her.

Now the only thing left is "Abba" and "Abba" to get through.

"Hmph! Don't try to get away with it. It's been so long and you only wrote three words. Don't think of me as a fool!"

Unexpectedly, Himuro Kanou guessed what He Feiyu was thinking and said directly.

He Feiyu looked at the almost blank paper awkwardly, not knowing what to say.


Simply put it in a bad way.

Unexpectedly, Himuro Kanade's next words made He Feiyu clenched his fists.

"Good-looking!? Ha~ You only dared to take a peek anyway!"

Himuro Zuo was not angry when he heard this. Instead, he rolled up a strand of silver hair next to his chest with his fingers and mocked.

She did it on purpose.

The first two times I was bullied, there were no outsiders.

In the office now.

There are so many people.

How dare He Feiyu do bad things blatantly! ?

I can see it, but I can’t eat it, and I’ll make you mad!

Himuro Kanade thought.

She had no idea whether He Feiyu would surprise her after school.

Just feel good now.

Chapter 264: Teach the Female Demon a Lesson

"After all, you can only do bad things secretly!"

Himuro's green and white jade fingers curled up the silver thread on his chest.

Her beautiful face was slightly raised.

But her beautiful eyes were lowered.

Her eyes still fell on He Feiyu who was squatting on the ground.

His eyes and expression were full of disdain and ridicule.

seems to be saying.

In public, what can you Feiyu do to me?

This provocative look is like a big female ghost.

He Feiyu clenched his fists.

The look on his face was uncertain.

He didn't know who gave Himuro Kanade the courage to say these words.

Is it Liang Jingru?

Official matters can be handled impartially!

He was reprimanded for copying homework, and he deserved it! He endured it!

Because he did make a mistake.

As a three-good youth, he was brave enough to take responsibility.

But being despised and humiliated like this now was beyond his expectation.

Peeping at feet could not be the reason for him to be attacked.

After all, you can't be accused of harassment just because you were curious and took a look at a beautiful woman wearing black stockings while walking on the street.

Now Hirumuro Kanade's behavior is simply riding on He Feiyu's head.

Do you want to deal with this female ghost?

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