Let her know that she can not only see but also touch and even...

Himuro's cold eyes looked at He Feiyu, whose expression was constantly changing.

My heart was filled with pride.

In full view.

The little bastard can only suffer.

Let her be humiliated.

The pleasure Himuro is getting now is completely incomparable to the pleasure he got from scolding him before.

Because it's a private matter.

In order to get more pleasure, Himuro couldn't help but increase the intensity of her death. The beautiful black stocking feet hanging in the air began to shake even more violently. The black high heels almost fell off from her toes. It looked like Precarious.


He Feiyu's eyes widened after witnessing this scene.

"Kou-sensei Himuro, don't force me!"

Not sure whether it was because he couldn't stand being humiliated or because he wanted to taste the black cake, He Feiyu suddenly raised his head to meet Himuro Kanade's eyes and said in a deep voice.

Himuro Kanade, who was suddenly looking at him, was startled by He Feiyu's eyes, as if he were looking at prey.

Some bad memories came to mind.

My body immediately felt strange.

"Forcing you? What do you mean? Teacher, why can't I understand?"

Himuro Kanade still insisted on being normal and replied disapprovingly.


But her twinkling eyes betrayed her current nervous and uneasy mood.

But soon there were some noisy sounds in the office, which made Himuro Kanade feel more at ease.

She was still mysteriously convinced that He Feiyu didn't dare to do anything in front of so many people.


He Feiyu understood that Himuro Kanou was unwilling to give up until he saw the Yellow River. It seemed that he had to teach her a lesson.


He Feiyu stood up.

His sharp hawk-like eyes quickly scanned the office.

Find a suitable place to commit the crime.

The brain works rapidly.

Less than two and a half seconds.

After analysis, two suitable locations were obtained.

One place is here.

Another place is a cabinet used to store sundries against a wall.

Kind of like the lockers in the neon school anime.

Judging from the size, it should be able to accommodate two people.


Himuro Kanade was startled again by He Feiyu who suddenly stood up.

She didn't understand why she was still worried about He Feiyu's every move, even though the office was her home field.

It’s so disappointing!

"What are you standing up for? Keep squatting and writing. It took me a long time to write only three words. Isn't that ridiculous!"

In order to save face, Himuro Kanou said with a frown.

Completely unaware that danger was coming.

He Feiyu snorted softly upon hearing this.

"You! What are you humming?"

Seeing this, Himuro Kanade's heart skipped a beat. The high heels she was hooking on her toes suddenly slipped off and fell to the ground. A bad premonition suddenly arose, but she still said forcefully.

But before she finished speaking, her whole body fell into a state of stillness.

Not only Himuro Kanade, but also those around him.

Only He Feiyu can take action.

"Kana Himuro! Kanade Himuro! Why do you have to commit suicide when you are doing well!?"

He Feiyu bent over and looked at the delicate face close at hand. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to pinch the cool and elastic face of Himuro Kanade, and said with a smile.

Unfortunately, Himuro Kanade couldn't answer him.

Even though her face was pinched by He Feiyu, which made her look a little cute, she still looked arrogant.

He Feiyu squeezed Himuro Kanade's cheek wantonly.

The anger in my heart finally vented a lot.

Finally, he kissed her lightly on her thin lips.

Then he picked her up by the waist.

Heading towards the lockers.

A powerful purple hand emerged from He Feiyu's side.

Open one of the lockers.

As expected, it was filled with clutter.

Like some worn textbooks or unopened sealed boxes.

And it's also full of dust visible to the naked eye.

It appears to be rarely cleaned.

But these are not things.

The four big hands that appeared beside He Feiyu were already holding cleaning tools at some point.

In an instant, the storm surged.

The feather duster stirred up a gust of wind.

"It's all your fault! Mr. Himuro Kanade, I will get back the hard work of Platinum Star and Crazy Diamond from you later."

He Feiyu looked at the oncoming dust, took a few steps back, and then said viciously to the quiet beauty in his arms.

Platinum Star, who was cleaning, didn't know whether he was choked by dust or something, and his body trembled slightly.

The lockers were quickly cleaned.

He Feiyu thanked the substitutes.

Then he carried Himuro Kanade into the locker.

After entering and experiencing it for myself, I realized that the space is quite large.

There's almost room for three people.


Time resumes its flow.

In the locker.

Himuro Kanade, who had not finished speaking, continued to explain, but He Feiyu covered his mouth with his hand and made a "Uh-huh" sound.

Himuro Kanade, who didn't know what happened, had confusion in his eyes.

She could have struggled.

But He Feiyu pushed her against the wall with his strong body, and her two delicate little hands were imprisoned by He Feiyu's big hand.

Himuro Kanade couldn't move at all.

The mouth cannot speak either.

Her beautiful eyes opened wide.

"Kana Himuro-sensei, don't speak too loudly~ It would be bad if other teachers hear us and find out we are here~"

He Feiyu stared at Himuro Kanade's confused beautiful eyes through the dim light, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up, and then he slowly moved his head to her ear and whispered softly.

'What does this nasty little bastard mean? ’

‘What do you mean don’t let other teachers hear? ’

Himuro Kanade thought in confusion.

'wrong! Where am I? ’

But he immediately grasped the point.

‘Didn’t I just scold the little bastard? ’

'here! here it is! Lockers? How did I get here? ’

Himuro Kanade glanced sideways at He Feiyu first, and then looked toward the small opening with light. She saw the general outline of the office, and finally realized something, with disbelief written all over her pretty face.

‘It’s a little bastard! right! It must be him! The first time he suddenly appeared from the bathroom! Oops! I got too carried away and forgot that this little bastard can do magic! ’

Chapter 265 Compromise

Superpowers are too unbelievable.

Even if He Feiyu suddenly appeared from the bathroom, Himuro Kan only regarded it as a magic trick.

In fact, it's almost the same.

Stealth fighting

The awning is of high-tech type.

It is very similar to the cylindrical gratings and materials with similar refractive index used in modern invisibility performances.

From this, Himuro Kanou guessed that He Feiyu must have used some kind of magic to bring her into the locker without anyone noticing.

"Mr. Himuro Kanade, aren't you mocking me for not daring to do something to you in public? What about now? Haha."

Before Himuro Kanade could sneer at seeing through He Feiyu's "little trick", he heard He Feiyu say again.

After He Feiyu finished speaking, the hand covering Kanade Himuro quietly let go so that she could speak, otherwise she would be "mute" and lose a lot of fun.

"What are you doing? He Feiyu! If you don't quickly return to the original state, are you thinking that two hundred and fifty words are too little!?"

Hearing this, Himuro Zuo's slender eyebrows stood up. She was not an idiot. Naturally, she knew that He Feiyu was doing this to retaliate against her, so she scolded him coldly.

Apparently Himuro Kanade has not broken away from the role of scolding He Feiyu before, and still thinks that He Feiyu will be obedient, but he does not know that He Feiyu has already turned against him.


"It seems that if I don't teach you a lesson, Himuro Kanade-sensei, you still don't know where you are now!"

After hearing this, He Feiyu just shook his head in amusement, and his eyes immediately became aggressive.

Not waiting for Himuro Kanade to respond.

He Feiyu kissed Himuro's thin lips fiercely.

I just had a taste of it before, but now I definitely want to give it a try.

The lips just touched.

The ice-cold, soft and bouncy touch like jelly was transmitted to his brain through He Feiyu's lips.

Immediately, his tongue crazily penetrated into Himuro Kanade's lips like a python.

It seems that because Himuro Kanade was suddenly attacked, he didn't have time to react.

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