After getting the address, Tianshuo knocked Monique unconscious and rushed to the location.

Although there is no need to take such a risk at all, you can directly ignore it, and you can directly break the contract.

But Tianshuo can't do it, if it is agreed, he will definitely do it.

Tianshuo, dressed in a black coat, moved rapidly across the bungalow, plunging the entire city into chaos and darkness.

Darkness and light are no different for Tianshuo.

Knock knock....

As he approached the junction between Roy and Xuan Tie, Tianshuo's heart suddenly jumped violently several times.

Sudden stop on the roof of the bungalow.

"What is this... Why is there a feeling that if you move forward, you will be watched. Tianshuo's raised foot never fell.

His intuition told him that if he took one step further, he would be discovered.

Roy took the fake chip to a place with a wide view, with an unusually striking table in the middle.

Xuan Tie told him to put the chip there.

"Huh... I'm afraid I'll be killed by an arrow from Xuan Tie the moment I put it on..." Roy looked at the table in the middle, unable to move forward for a long time.

“...... The horizontal and vertical are all dead. Roy walked step by step to the table, praying in his heart.

Tianshuo still stepped over after all, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

In the starry sky, a star flashing more and more frequently, smashing towards Roy like a shooting star.

Tianshuo bit his finger and dripped blood on the blood blade, he still remembered the scene last time, the doctor did not cut off the arrow.

Although its hardness is not clear, it is still conservative.

In the darkness of Kavaleliaki, everyone looked at the meteor, and no one would know that it was an arrow, except Roy and Tianshuo.

Accompanied by the meteor-like arrows entering the city were twenty-one silver spear pegasus.

Bright moonlight sprinkled on their silver armor, illuminating all the buildings around them.

Holy, dignified.

Forty-two Silver Spear Heavenly Horses were supposed to be, but because of the coastal incident, twenty-one were temporarily transferred and left.

The silver spear Tianma, specially approved by the Supervisory Committee, plunged the chaotic city into silence.

The Invisible Alliance stopped hunting the infected, and the infected knights stopped protesting the atrocities.

All eyes were on the march of the army.

People gathered on both sides of the street and watched as they marched into the city.

The Silver Spear Pegasus walked through the crowd.

Walk through the city, known as the City of Knights.

The city does not recognize this group of knights.

Just as the knights did not recognize the city.

They came from distant border fortresses.

Their bodies were tainted with a clearly audible smell of earth.

Mixed with flesh and blood, white bones, countless heroes buried on the battlefield.

In the realm of time and space

, Tianshuo rushed like a bullet on the roof towards the arrow that had fallen down.

Coming to Roy, the blood blade collided with the arrow, and the spear-like arrow now gathered all the power contained in it into one point.


The Blood Blade did not cut the arrow as easily as expected, but slowly repelled Tianshuo against the Blood Blade Blade.

"It's so heavy..." The

space twisted

, twisting the head of the arrow into a ball in an instant, and the bloody blade instantly cut in.

"Love to... Then give it back to you! The space unfolded, and a hundred miles away from here, I found a man with a giant bow.

Facing in the direction of Tianshuo.

"Click, click..." The

illusory pocket watch appeared above the entire city, and everyone heard the sound of the hands moving, and the huge illusory pocket watch illuminated the entire cavaleliaki.

Watching the giant pointer move backwards, every time it moved, the arrow in front of Tianshuo flew back to its original trajectory and returned to its original appearance.

The arrows shot by Xuan Tie were now returning at a speed that completely exceeded its original speed.

It turned into a stream of light and nailed the other party to the ground, silently, without even lifting a trace of dust.

Just lightly pass through Xuan Tie's body and nail the other party to the ground.

"This... Ahem..." Tianshuo was once again confused about his Source Stone technique, which was completely different from what he wanted to do.

He just wanted to ban this arrow space, turn around and throw it back again.

He heard the sound of the pointer that resounded throughout Cavalellachi, and he didn't think it was an accident.

The chip in Roy's hand fell to the ground, and he looked up at the huge illusory pocket watch that gradually disappeared above his head.

What exactly did I go through? What do I see?

"Strange... Why didn't the chant intensify this time? Tianshuo muttered softly.

It's bad enough, but this situation will be aggravated again no matter how you think about it....

"Forget it... I'll study it later, Roy, let's go. Tianshuo woke up the demented Roy, and the two sneaked back to the infected community while everyone was attracted by the pocket watch in the sky.

Back in a dark neighborhood, Roy was silent.

Xuan Tie's arrow reversed back.

Roy's smile stiffened, he was thinking about one thing, whether he would be silenced.

"Isha ? How did you become so icy. Shortly after Tianshuo returned, Isa woke up.

"Isa doesn't know, she doesn't understand a lot of things..." Isa buried her head in Tianshuo's arms.

Roy was dazzled for a moment by some smooth object reflecting by the moonlight.


Roy held Monique and thought, or the reflection of the blade... Didn't see clearly.


Roy and Monique looked at Tianshuo and had been leaning against the wall motionless and not speaking since they came back.

If it weren't for the weak breathing, the two of them would definitely think that the other was dead.

"That... Antidote. Roy finally spoke.

"That's to put an ordinary dagger, you are already free, let's go." Tianshuo almost gritted his teeth and spoke.

The lasting effect of chanting is too violent.

"We will leave here and go to various places

..." Roy and Monique looked at Tianshuo who did not move, "Then we go..." "

Again, if you need us, contact through that private communication line, no matter where you are, as long as we are alive, we will come."

“...... Good.

"Well, goodbye."


Roy and Monique stand on the walls of Cavalellaki overlooking the city, which is still dark.

"From the ruins of Bolivar, to the plain of Casimir, to now Kavalellaki." Roy spoke to himself about his long journey.

No normal person thinks killing is a happy thing, only pampered fools like to watch others bleed.

"So Monik, where do you want to go with me, who looks like a big star in Casimir?"

"All right, anywhere, my big star."

Here is a digression, because of the modification of the scoring mechanism, the previous tens of minutes and an hour of scoring will be automatically summarized as brush scores, if you see the boats and readers here are free, click a follow-up comment, please (by the way, I want to generate doge for love).

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