"Tianshuo, is Isha by your side?" Kelsey's voice came from the communication device.

"In, what's wrong? It should not be time for a review. Tianshuo ate the food sent by the community, and as for what he didn't know or had never seen, it was a bit like the chicken rolls he had eaten before.

"Is there anything out of the ordinary?"

"Unusual changes ... Except that it became a little cold, there was no big problem, probably cold, after all, it was almost the end of autumn, and there was nothing abnormal. "

“...... It's okay, there is time to go around the doctor, and the business federation has eyed him. "

I want potions... Huh? How to hang. Tianshuo put the device away.

"Even if you say so, I don't have time."

Now the knights of the infected community are basically going out with the Red Pine Knights, and if the Wuxun Alliance comes again, it will directly suffer a devastating blow.

Business federations... Didn't Sona get those two data? The Supervisory Council is busy enough for them.

Tianshuo lay on the bed in a large figure, his feet on the edge of the bed.

"I'm back!" The voice of the wild mane came from outside, "Huh? Haven't you come back yet?

Tianshuo heard the voice come out of the room, "You actually came back first, Avona." "

The group of scumbags of the Wuxun Alliance, when they saw the silver spear Tianma enter the city, they were like eggs, anyway, I dragged it out long enough, and simply retreated."

The silver gun enters the city... Is it the guys who went into town in armor?

Tianshuo also found that group of people when looking for Xuan Tie.

"But tonight is really a miracle night, there are all kinds of amazing phenomena, this is also amazing, it is the first time I have seen such a big pocket watch..."


Manna stood on the top of the building and watched the line of silver spear pegasus walking through the street.

"Missed?" Tolan watched it all with his hands folded over his chest beside Manna.

Manna shook his head after a long time: "No.

"Is it?

I miss it, I miss that..." "I miss the time when I mistakenly thought that the land was not so bad, it was a time of great spirit."

“...... No need to beat around the bush, Tolan.

Tolan's gaze shifted from Silver Spear Pegasus to Manna, "Will you go?"

"If you really don't have any ideas, you won't stand here and watch those conquest knights enter the city."

"Manna, look around, the city is asleep, who would have thought?"

“...... I'll go, and you? Manna and Tolan looked at each other, and at this moment Manna was no longer the indifferent look.

"Don't look at me like that. I don't go to the coast, there is such a big place waiting for me, and I am not a 'loner' like you." Tolan spread his hands, avoiding Manna's sight.

"Then again, I'm really not going to tell our valiant knight Yao, Manna Linguang is about to go on an expedition... Wait a minute, I won't say it, don't do it. Tolan

rolled over and jumped off the roof to avoid a blow from Manna.

The two looked up and down and suddenly smiled.

Tolan looked at Manna, who was standing on the roof, and said to himself, "That ranger... Came back. "

Rare." Manna looked at a silver spear pegasus coming from a distance, and Tollan returned to Manna.

The Silver Spear Pegasus performed a standard knightly salute to Manna: "Your Excellency, greetings for a long time.

"Don't salute me, I'm not even a knight." Don't forget who you are. Manna jumped down from the roof to lift the other man up.

"If you're here to find Margaret, you're probably going to be disappointed."

Silver Gun Pegasus looked at this pitch-black lifeless house, "... I haven't returned to the Great Knight Lord, the hero's home, has it become like this?

"Aren't the sisters living here anymore?"

Looking at Manna did not answer, "Faux pas, this is your family problem, sorry."

"Is there anything else?" Manna looked at Tolan, who was hiding in the shadows, a little amused.

"Your Excellency Manna..."

"Don't call me that."

“...... Others may belittle you, but we won't. Even if Margaret went astray, even if her sister was still young, the Linguang family did not earn respect by history and fame.

"Those merchants who claim to be elite do not understand this essence, and they will be puzzled by the various actions of the knights."

"The hero has ended." Manna patted the other man's shoulder and turned to walk towards the dark house.

"Even seeing that you're well is a bit reassuring. Your Excellency Manna, please allow us to you..." Silver

Gun Tianma seemed to feel that something was wrong, "No, I would like to express my highest respect to the Linguang family! "

We already know from Grandmaster Ioletta (Russell) that you are going to the coast, you... Take care, after cleaning Casimir of the filth, we will also go and fight with you! "


The Red Pine Knights

were running on the uninhabited street, the lights around them had turned on, and it seemed that power had been restored.

Flametail is taken away by the Candle Knight, saying that someone wants to see her.

Now that the chip is on her, she needs to rush to a safe place to meet everyone.

to ensure that there are no surprises....


An arrow passed through her face.

"Damn, this group of ghostly guys of the Wuxun Alliance." Ash dodged in the streets.

"Miss Frost Star alone blocked an unknown number of members of the Wuxun Alliance to buy us time to retreat..."

Shirogane walked down the street: "I was staying well on Lot Zero, but suddenly the lights went black. "

Came to a corner" I thought that the Wuxun Alliance was finally unwilling to pay the electricity bill for the house at the outpost, but I received a message for help... Belch. "

Platinum and Gray collide head-on around the corner.

"Are you again? How could the Wuxun Alliance not even catch a knight. Shirogane quickly pulled away, and the bow in his hand opened with the sound of the gears turning.

"The Wuxuan Alliance has slipped so badly, the two Lapis Jin can't be contacted, and Xuan Tie has disappeared, is it time for me to run..." Shirogane didn't rush to shoot, her gaze swept over Gray Hao.

"If you want to fight, fight!" Ash was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Shirogane.

"Eh, can't you just not fight? I just finished my shower..."


The street lamp on the side of the road suddenly shattered, and for a moment the two lost light in their eyes.

"Ash, retreat, we cover you."

The voice of the Far Tooth sounded in the communication equipment, and Ino and Sekyak had broken through the encirclement of the Invisible Alliance.

Or maybe the overwhelming bugs made the Wuxuan Alliance squad without the commanders of Lapis Gold and Platinum chaotic.

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