It has been three months since Tianshuo was first hung in the treetops.

During this month, Tianshuo mainly takes on hunting missions and taking care of Ino and Sasha.

The two children are very sticky, eating next to each other, sleeping sometimes running into the Tianshuo bed in the middle of the night, hunting will also keep up from time to time, Ino's tracking ability is incredible to an incredible extent, even Tallula Frost Star has praised.

Sasha has an amazing talent for learning things, taking his favorite use of crossbow arrows to the next level.

It's just that Ino's personality is a little extreme, but in Tianshuo's opinion, it's nothing, everyone needs to grow.

The Tianshuo Air Force has very few times, how can I bring a hare back, and at the peak of the day, I also bring back a white bear.

After all, spatial unfolding is particularly useful when searching for things, plus Tianshuo is now basically not disturbed by that chant as long as it is not widely used and used continuously.

The food was too tight, and the nearby villages did not welcome infected people, which was why Tianshuo went out hunting as the only person in the team who could barely fight against the inner guard alone.

"Sister Ta, I heard that the snow rabbit said that we are preparing to enter the territory of Usas?"

"Hmm... The members have not yet been elected. Tallulah looked at Tianshuo's finger at herself, "Don't you know what you are?"

"Please, I'm awesome..."

You don't even have a little common sense, you can't see with your eyes, in short, there is nothing to talk about about this matter. Tallulah didn't give Tianshuo a chance to continue.

"Yes, I don't want to socialize with people, I just want to see and see, if I don't go, I won't go." Tianshuo took out the two hares he had caught, "Hey, sooner or later the hares here will be caught by me."

Tianshuo left Tallula's tent and walked towards the cooking department, "Next time, I have to go farther." "

The original hunting squad has been disbanded, and it is proposed by Tianshuo to let Tallulah teach them some slightly shallow noble etiquette, and then pretend to be a nobleman to exchange supplies.

At that time, Tianshuo was just complaining with Talula, who would have thought that Talula really did it, got some kind of chamber of commerce, and now he is famous.

Tianshuo was still uneasy a few days ago, following far behind, until he saw Tallula's terrifying control and suppression, he found that his worries were superfluous.

The village chief couldn't be suspicious at all when he saw the nobles, which was engraved in his bones. In addition, Tallulah is a true nobleman, and the aura she exudes does not need to be disguised at all.

Secondly, the Tallullah deal is the most important reason, in order to find business opportunities, to exchange the extra things in the village for things they usually know, but basically can't see, such as... Pipes, lighters, books and other things.

After all, the most collected from the pickets of the infected were pipe paper cigarettes, which once bothered Tallula, but now they are of their use.

Since then, the pressure has come to Tianshuo, and the Chamber of Commerce can bring back dried fruits, salt, vegetables, mushrooms and so on. He had to bring back the meat, which he used to catch by crossing the traps he had gone to school on TV, and of course, it was clear that these methods were of little use in the tundra.

Only the glacier can catch a few big fish from time to time, which can make Tianshuo happy for a while.

The root cause is still because of the tundra, although the food in the camp is much better than before.

It is worth mentioning that the Chamber of Commerce traded a good communication equipment in a village, which was left by the pickets of the former infected, and as a result, the corrupt baron who manages the land chose to directly drop this thing that he could not use in order to swallow this money.

Because Talullah handled the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce, the mining area could only be handed over to Frost Star, and she was almost injured many times, and chased the mining area when Tianshuo accidentally chased her prey, and accidentally ran into the falling snow monster squad, and it was all solved by accident.

When Tianshuo lamented this fate, Frost Star froze his mouth, causing the snow monster squad to breathe a cheerful breath.

As night

falls, Tianshuo, lying in his tent, is touching the candy that Frost Star gave him during his first training.

Put it in my pocket and stretched out: "Where to go tomorrow, the perimeter of the camp has already been determined, and there is no trace of the infected picket stationed." While

hunting, Tianshuo was also reviewing the surrounding area for traces of the stationing of pickets of infected people.

"I heard Sister Tower say that the next target is Chernoberg, well, go over there tomorrow, and explore the road by the way."

Chernoberg heard Frost Star say that it belonged to the Usas Empire.

Early in the morning

, Tianshuo says goodbye to Frost Star Tallula and informs them that it may take a few days for them to return.

Go to Chernoberg while hunting.

As for the hunted prey, it is hidden, thanks to the tundra this large refrigerator.

Using the power of time to cover the breath will basically not be discovered by other animals in the next few days, and it is much easier to put it on the surface to cover it than to directly use the power of time on things.

After a day of hurrying, Tianshuo came to a village. He didn't want to socialize with people, and the psychological shadow that the village had caused him was too heavy.

Standing on the treetops outside the village, Tianshuo looked at the village with some voices, turned away from "Forget it..."

A faint bonfire was raised in the forest some distance away from the village to keep warm, the night was too cold.

[Cold resistance level 7 has been turned on]

"This thing is still quite useful occasionally." Tianshuo smiled when he heard the electronic sound in his head.

Grilling the caught fish, the light of the bonfire was not convenient for him at all, except to reduce some Tianshuo's body cold, and extinguish the bonfire after grilling the fish.

"Ah, another boring night, will the sky of this world be the same as before the crossing, or will the stars be all over the place?" Tianshuo jumped and sat on the treetops and leaned against the trunk, "Well, what about him, this shit world." The

sky lit up slightly, and the sleeping Tianshuo also woke up, today's blizzard was much stronger than before, and he thought several times that the inner guard was coming again.

"The earth is shaking slightly..." "There is a group of things running wildly... Getting closer.

The space

unfolded "Poof..." Tianshuo, who instantly spit out a mouthful of blood, ended the unfolding, what is it so much....

He saw endless bugs rushing from afar, like bugs but larger than the bugs, too many and too many spikes.

"The source stone worm is here! Source Stone Worm Tide!! "Voices came from a distance, bringing despair.

The overwhelming source stone insects swept over, and the place they passed was flat.

There was panic and constant quarrels from the village.

"What is this (foul language)??" Tianshuo listened to the dense sound that was constantly approaching and cursed.

There was simply no time to escape, why didn't he hear such a dense tremor in advance?

No, this is a terrifying source stone insect tide that drills out of the ground.

"Wow." Tianshuo kicked on the tree trunk.

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