There is no escape, there is simply no time, and there is no place to escape.

Tianshuo sped through the treetops to the village, and no one in the already completely chaotic village noticed him.

According to the terrain he saw with spatial unfolding a day ago, Tianshuo came to the village with two more steamed buns in his hand.

"Well, I haven't had breakfast yet, after all." Tianshuo hid in the corner of the house and ate.

"Hmm... Not bad. Much better than the fish I grilled myself yesterday. Jumping

on the roof and listening to the tide of source stone insects that had arrived not far away, "This can't be done at all..." "

If Sister Ta and Snow Rabbit and the guerrillas are there... Maybe you can fight? Tianshuo scratched his head.

"The forest can't stop it at all..."

"What about the garrison?!" Where are they?

"That group of moths will not only guard their oily mine, but also take care of us?"

"Whoever comes, who will save me, I don't want to die yet."

"Blame those mines! They alarmed the source stone worm!

"Frightened, complained, shirked, name-called, accused... Noisy... It really hasn't changed at all. Tianshuo walked out of the village and walked with the many people who had left the village.

The growing snowstorm seemed to doom this wretched group of people to die here.


..." "Sonya, don't be afraid..." "

Warm father and daughter, hey, this village is not so hopeless.

Tianshuo followed behind the father and daughter, and the turmoil made the father and daughter unaware, after all, everyone was fleeing in this direction.

"Don't take so many things anymore! Did you take it for life!!

"This... It's all, it's all my baby. "

(Usas foul mouth) threw it!"


The source stone worm came to everyone's eyes, and the violent source stone worm rushed to the tide, and the people who fled late and fell behind were torn apart and became the food of the source stone worm.

The bloodshed was inhumane, and the horror did not cease.

"Nope! No!! Poof..." The

man who accidentally fell was trampled into meat sauce by countless source stone insects.

The father and daughter in front of Tianshuo were at the front of the team because they escaped early, and for the time being, they had not yet been affected.

"The speed of the source stone worm has not decayed in the slightest..." The area in front of it is the place where the space of Tianshuo has not been explored....

Headaches, so many bugs....

Space unfolds

"Poof... Cough, there are too many of them, and the brain receives so much at once, it is about to explode..." All

(foul language) is a bug, and now Tianshuo's brain is full of bugs.

However, it is good news that the evil has explored the road ahead.

As soon as he jumped up and jumped on the tree trunk, the voice of the source stone insect was not much distance behind Tianshuo.

Those who escaped the village were almost dead, leaving only a few who had fled into the forest.

"Can't leave..." Tianshuo scratched his hair frantically, "What kind of stuff is this?" "

Pull out the knife placed on the side of his thigh, and kill the source stone worm that attacked him as he retreats.

After a short contact, Tianshuo found that although the armor on their surface was hard, the root of the surface spike was very soft.

Able to insert one hit to kill.

More and more source stone insects arrived, and Tianshuo gradually became powerless, even if he kept the space open, he could not react, and there was even the life-threatening chant.

"Dad... That man..."

"Sonya is running for her life, fleeing to the mine."

Sonya couldn't see how Tianshuo moved, she only saw the source stone worm pounce and be cut and torn, or exploded into pieces.

"Ahem... Cough. "Tianshuo jumped up and jumped between the trees, and if he continued like this, he would be consumed by himself if he was not bitten to death by the source stone worm.

Stop (foul) singing again!

Since he has been using time mimicry acceleration, now Tianshuo's brain is like an inflated balloon, feeling that it will explode at any time, and those chants are needles.

Broken, broken, broken, broken, to die, to die.

Densely packed bugs behind him pushed down tree after tree.

Something is coming... Tianshuo heard the noise in front of him, a little... A fire sound similar to Sister Tower?

"Bang!! Bang! Bang!! "

Not far behind Tianshuo, it exploded, and many source stone insects were blocked by the sea of fire, and Tianshuo got a gap to breathe and quickly opened the distance.

He didn't know who it was, but it was most likely the Usas army coming.

He fled in the other direction at great speed, without the source stone worm to block the interference, and without the source stone worm pursuit, he quickly disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

And the speech spread and was deified by several people who survived.

Someone alone resisted the tide of Infinite Source Stone Worms, and after the arrival of the Usas army, the whole body retreated.

The more it spread, the more outrageous it became, and finally it turned into a single person slaughtering a hundred thousand source stone worm tides, and the whole body retreated.

And the party Tianshuo did not know this, he lay on the ground panting, his body was severely loaded, and as his heart calmed down, the chanting in his brain began to decrease.

For a long time

, "Whew..." Tianshuo, who got up from the ground, leaned against the stump, "came out for two days, did nothing, and fled for a day." "

The source stone worm... It's too (foul) scary.

I don't want to meet again in my life, but fortunately I found something.

When the space unfolded before, Tianshuo saw two mines and a large number of Usas troops.

"It's time to go back." Tianshuo dragged his tired body forward, "I have to find something to eat..."

As night falls

, as usual, I lean against the treetops and sneak asleep, and there are no animals around because of the slaughter of the source stone insects.

However, there is also the advantage that the animals in this dilapidated forest have collectively migrated to another forest, and the originally scarce place is temporarily equipped with a large number of animals.

Early in the morning

, Tianshuo followed the route back to the place where he hid his prey, fortunately, the prey was still there, and it was a great success! Get back.

Once again, Tianshuo accidentally ran into the snow monster team and returned to the camp with the snow monster team.

"There is a tide of source stone insects over there, I really pinched a sweat for you." Tallulah looked at Tianshuo, who was dragging a bunch of prey back, and let go of her hanging heart.

"Harm, how could I die in that kind of place." Tianshuo waved his hand and walked towards the cooking department: "There are two mines on the Chernoberg road, and there are many, many Usas troops, sister Ta, you can ponder it."

"You! I knew it. Before

Tallulah could lose her temper, Tianshuo quickly slipped away.

Looking at the fleeing Tianshuo, Tallulah smiled and sighed, but now that he knew the general military strength, it was much easier to deal with.

That night, Frost Star and the Patriot made plans together, and of course invited Tianshuo, but Tianshuo refused.

"If you want me to become a staff officer, forget it."

This is Tianshuo's original words.

Tianshuo lay in a long-lost tent, basically did not sleep much for several days, and now he can finally sleep for one night.

Tianshuo didn't think much about their plan, because that was not what Tianshuo should do.

He is a spear, incomparably sharp, capable of piercing everything and saving the infected.

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