"Ahem... Cough. Tianshuo, who was just a coma fragment, got up from the ground.

"My brain feels better." Tianshuo rubbed his head with both hands: "Every fight is the biggest brain load, and sooner or later something will go wrong." "

Can't sleep yet, Sasha and Ino....

"Try to believe and rely on them."

"Alina?" Tianshuo turned to the voice that was gentle to the extreme, "How do you..." "

If you continue like this, you will fall."

"Try to rely on it..." Tianshuo smiled helplessly.

"Take a break, even for a moment." Alina pulled Tianshuo to the bed and lay down, "I will always watch over you on the edge of the bed until you wake up." "


Sakaz mercenary

"W, you are too impulsive!" Ines put the badly injured W on her shoulder.

"That guy, it's all because of him... Theresia..."

"W! What really happened back then? Ines couldn't see the past in W's shadow, the original "W" was dead.

W was silent and did not speak.

"He's *, next time I will definitely blow him up, ***." W suddenly leaned on Ines's shoulder and cursed.

"Go back, that Garson guy is still there, he won't allow us to run around with the Sakaz mercenaries."

"Sooner or later, kill him, and I will come to the top."

"Come on, if you want to kill him, you have to at least add a ruthless person."

“...... You can call that stinky blind man. "

Isn't that your opponent?" Ines didn't forget how Tianshuo said that he wanted to kill Tianshuo.

"I am a mercenary working for an employer, and the smelly blind man is a guard doing an errand for the Rostov family, strictly speaking, there is no conflict between the two of us."

"Try to get in touch?" Ines pondered, "Are you going or me?"

"Go back to the wound first, the guy with the shotgun is a little overdone." Worthy of being one of the few hidden masters of Sakaz. W said as he covered the large wound on his arm and gritted his teeth.

"With ACE and Scout escorted, Rhode Island has completely brought the Doctor back."

"It's not so easy, the smelly blind man is not so easy to deal with, I don't know what means he has in his hands, I checked his information and the result is a black household, ***."

The corners of Ines's mouth twitched slightly.


Two humanoid monsters from the interception team

came out from the front of Amia and the others to retreat, blocking everyone's way.

"Brother Tianshuo is really powerful, and he actually counted the other party's changed retreat route." Ino controls the humanoid monster around Sasha.

"Don't fall in love with war, retreat as the main thing."

"Can't beat this monster at all, what the hell is this?" Amia's technique had no effect on it at all.

"I'll drag these two things, you guys go first, go and join Linguang." ACE raised his large shield to shoot the flying humanoid monster, "E3 squad stay and I break off."

Amia did not hesitate this time, she knew that dragging now would cost everyone's lives.

Sasha ordered the sniping of the people who began to evacuate.

"Did the people hiding in the shadows finally attack?" ACE raised his large shield to block the flying crossbow for everyone, and waved the sledgehammer in his hand: "Let me and my squad meet you."

"Can't shoot through his shield." Sasha took Ino and kept moving position, "Strengthening the crossbow arrow will not cause any real damage. "

Let them go, Brother Tianshuo should be in some trouble." Ino said nonchalantly, "I have already notified Sister Frost Star, she will intercept at the exit." "


Scout pulled out the crossbow arrow that had been shot into his left arm and moved quickly.

Completely in a passive, invisible enemy, this is a dimensionality reduction strike against a sniper.


"Amia?" Scout looked at the source of the sound, which was their agreed signal, the sound emitted by a specially modified weapon.

"It should be long enough to withdraw." Scout took out a source stone device and threw it into the sky, and a crossbow arrow passed through it, exploding into a dazzling light.

While the light had not yet disappeared, Scout disappeared in place.

"Instructor Doberman?" Scout saw a group from a distance.

"Start retreating!"

"The group of people who ambushed were temporarily blinded by me, go." Blood dripped down Scout's left arm and fell to the ground.

"It's good to bandage yourself." Dubin gave the medical staff a brief briefing before hitting the road.

"If I had time to bandage, I wouldn't be so embarrassed."

"The other party is so terrifying? Even you..."

"A completely invisible enemy, and was suppressed by fire at the beginning, there was no way to fight back, and there were crossbows and arrows on all sides."

"It is estimated that Amia and they have also been attacked, hurry over." Dubin and the crowd quickened their pace, and Scout rushed to the front as usual, "I'll go find a place to support you first." "

This guy... When he returned to Rhode Island, he must be taught a good lesson by Kelsey. "


Frost Star's snow monster squad

Frost Star looked in the direction of the central area of the city, she had already sent Petrova with a team of people to activate Chernoborg.

How is the natural disaster happening now.

"Sister Frost Star, I found that unknown forces are coming here."

"Rearm, prepare to block."


Tianshuo slept soundly and at ease, and it was still late at night when he woke up again, but his mind and body were completely relaxed, exactly the same as after the first training.

Alina disappeared like the previous times.

Tianshuo put on his coat and walked out of Rostov's house, heading in the direction of Ino and Sasha.

"Stinky blind, you have finally appeared." W suddenly appeared from the intersection and startled Tianshuo.

Ten minutes from my unfolded range to here, this guy....

Tianshuo had already drawn his blood blade and was ready to deal with the flying bombs at any time.

"Wait... I'm not here to fight. I came to you to cooperate. "

Cooperation? What can a dead cockroach work with me? The blood blade in Tianshuo's hand did not let go.

"You and I teamed up to kill Garson, and I'll help you stop the Rhode Island gang." W twirled the object on his finger "How?" "

Rhode Island? Is that the group today? And who is Garson?

"Garson? Kill him for what.

"You are not only blind or stupid*, how can I become the leader of the Sakaz mercenaries if he doesn't die?"

This madman is going to invite me to come and go, maybe it's some kind of trap or some kind of monster.

That wolf alone is enough to annoy me.

"Not going."

"Of course, I can let you see my sincerity first, I have the temporary transfer right of temporary mercenaries, and I can accompany you for one night."

Sakaz mercenaries ....

I heard Sister Tajie talk about a group of people who can do anything for profit.

Tianshuo thought quickly.

"In a word?"

"In a word."

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