"Dead cockroach, you are the one who wants to usurp the throne and catch Rhode Island to save it."

"I want to kill him."

Tianshuo stopped talking, it would be impossible for you to kill him, I still have to ask him something."

Tianshuo brought a group of Sakaz to the agreed place, full of crossbow arrows, it seems that this place has ended, that should be in another article, I hope it will not be late.

"Go, the other side."


Sashaino Blocker

"Is this person a monster..." The humanoid monster controlled by Eno has already fallen, and the other party rushed to Scout and Dubin E1 squad support halfway, and the humanoid monster was smashed to pieces without Sasha's support.

"Sasha is ready to withdraw... Well? Eno looked at a group of people running in the distance, "That's... Brother Tianshuo!

"W, look at your performance."

Tianshuo Blood Blade came to ACE in an instant, "Got it!" "


Unexpectedly blocked with a shield in an instant? Tianshuo rolled and jumped backwards, and the humanoid monster forced back ACE with a punch, and the two sides opened the distance.

That shield... The blood blade actually left only a scratch on it.

"The enemy's support is coming..." ACE observed the surrounding battle situation, "can't delay any longer, retreat to the east!" "


Dozens of source stone devices were thrown out, and the flash illuminated the entire heaven and earth.

"Retreat!" The ACE with its eyes open initiates the command.

Tianshuo was not hindered by this flash, and went straight towards the first person to evacuate.


Super accelerating, Tianshuo turned around, and the blood blade in his hand cut through the explosion generated by the bullet that shot Tianshuo flew away.

After stabilizing his body after a few rolls, he silently flicked his right hand, which was numb from the explosion, "I hate snipers." "

It also allows the opposite side to run away.

The sniper in the dark couldn't even take him, I couldn't locate him, and he could capture my speed and snipe at me.

Rhode Island....

Tianshuo came to the side of Inno, "Are you all right?" "

The eyes are still a little flower... By the way, Brother Tianshuo, you quickly go and inform Sister Frost Star to retreat, and they went in the direction of Sister Frost Star.

"Snow hare? You hide first, the group of sakaz is not very credible, don't reveal your identity, the strange disappears and then converges. Tianshuo went straight from the other direction, "W! See you tomorrow at the place where we first meet.

Tianshuo froze after arriving at the place where Frost Star ambushed, and at the same time there were ACE, Scout and others who arrived together, "What is the situation?" "

The two sides did not fight, and they rushed towards this side together.

"What's going on?" Tianshuo is a little unclear.


Tianshuo dodged the bullet sideways and jumped behind the building to cover.

This damn sniper, the other party does not know that the snow rabbit has joined forces with them, what is the situation ... Tianshuo's mind is a little confused now.

There is a slight shaking of the ground, it was Chernoberg that started? The Third Army has no intention of entering the city, not that it will start a war ....

Wait, who is in control of the central city now?

Tianshuo turned around and went to the central city, if Frost Star was fine, he didn't need to notify anymore, now he needed to go to the central city to confirm something.

"Hopefully it's not too late." The Frost Star Snow Monster Squad and Amia are rushing as fast as they can.


Tianshuo came to the outside of the central city, which had been blown into ruins, and the sarcophagus was intact, not even worn at all.

The door is locked....

Tianshuo kicked the door of the central city, "Boom! Something went wrong. "

Where is Chernoberg driving now?

This is what Tianshuo wants to know the most now.


There was a sound of fighting in the door, and Chernoberg was temporarily stopped.

It seems that Tianshuo has guessed that there are already eight or nine inseparable from ten, and there are inner ghosts in the ranks, and it is the Third Army that is inserted to control Chernoberg with their hands, although I don't know what they want to do with Chernoberg, but this is probably not a good thing.

Can't get in, can't get in no matter how you think, this door didn't even explode the terrible bomb of W.

The masters of the Third Army were the Duke of Baikal and the Viscount Kirk ... Tianshuo thought with his back against the door.

Judging from the fact that the Duke of Baikal could be suppressed by the two newly rising nobles, there was nothing extraordinary, so probably Viscount Kerk was the real mastermind.

"Abominable!" Tianshuo punched the wall, "Can't do anything..." Even

if you know, you can't change it.

If only the patriots could directly break through this gate by force here, Tianshuo leaned in front of the door and quietly felt the whole Chernoberg.


Third Army

"What's going on?" Kirk looked at Chernoberg, who had only been moving for a few tens of minutes: "Don't (Usas's foul language) something is wrong." "

If something goes wrong, my head will go off."

Kirk turned to the inner guard behind him, "Please take a trip." The

inner guard in a black coat walked alone towards Chernoberg, wind and sand mixed with snow.

"Please move less!" Kirk was not very relieved to instruct again.

"I really don't know how those old guys called these monsters in the depths of the tundra... Aren't they only going to listen to His Majesty's orders? Kirk

looked at the behemoth of Chernoberg, and what made him feel even more terrifying was walking on the sand—the emperor's blade.

These monsters are all involved, does that mean that His Majesty is also....

The corners of Kirke's mouth gradually rose, if His Majesty supported these main battle factions, then Usas would definitely be able to return to the peak era of the emperor again!



was wrong in the central city, the inner guard appeared at this time, and from outside the city, Tianshuo Space unfolded and saw the inner guard who gave him a psychological shadow walking towards Chernoberg.

Third Army? But how could the internal guard listen to the orders of the Third Army.

Tianshuo scratched his brain with both hands, there were too many things that he couldn't figure out today.

Whoever has the ability will stop, anyway, I will not go, go to eat, starve to death.

Before leaving, he did not forget to kick the door, the natural disaster was coming again, and Chernoberg stopped again.

"Catastrophe ... What will it look like? Tianshuo walked in the direction of Natalia, "I probably wouldn't want to see..." "

Although I would like to see the snow hare, but Rhode Island is there, it will be bad for me to go..."

"Oh..." "

Everything is not going well, everything is not going well."

When Tianshuo arrived at Pinok's address, it was already dawn, he hadn't eaten for almost two days, and Tianshuo touched his already shriveled stomach.

"Pinok, is there anything to eat?"

"Just in time for breakfast, the captain is also coming?" Pinok looked at the tired-looking Tianshuo.

"Were there any casualties yesterday?" Pinnock heard explosions everywhere last night.

"The Phantom Squad I brought didn't suffer any casualties, but the material consumption was too great." Tianshuo took a bite of a bun.

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