"Amia?" ACE looked at Frost Star, who ran with Amia, "This is?" "

The integration movement is an infected person with a common goal."

"So, let's beat ourselves up for one night?"

"Count... Sort of. Amia looked at Frost Star.

Scout jumped out of nowhere, "What about those who can't see? "

Sashaino, come out."

As Frost Star's words fell, the two showed their figures on the side.

"This source stone technique? This is simply foul! Scout kicked the rockfall far away.

"It's kind of not fighting and not acquaintance."

"Amia! Kelsey's newsletter.

"Amia, are you with anyone around now?"

"There is... A lot of people, what's the matter, Dr. Kelsey. Amia replied awkwardly after looking around.

"Nothing, anyway, it won't be long before they will know, now, leave Chernoberg immediately."

"Uh, Dr. Kelsey, did something happen?"

"The ancient hunters of Usas are heading in your direction... Moisture... Multiply. "

The contact was lost..." Amia patted the communication device in her hand, "Something is interfering."

Frost Star, who had been silent, stared at the falling snowflakes in the sky, "It's snowing..." Scout

hid in the shadows, "Someone is coming." In

an instant, everyone showed their weapons and stood on guard.

A figure appeared in front of them, accompanied by snowflakes fluttering, wearing a black coat.


Scout's bullet was cut off by the inner guard and exploded in the air.

"The emperor's blade..." ACE's eyes were full of incredulity, "How could this monster appear in Chernoberg?!" "

The E1E2E3 squad is attacking as a whole!" Dubin gave orders to the squad.

The crowd did not move.

"You..." Dubin looked at the pale-faced crowd, "line up!" Reorganize the formation, don't give him a chance, don't miss a single gap! "


ACE stood up in front "Don't be afraid, the more you are afraid, the more he will kill you, keep your eyes open, he may do it at any time, at least to survive."

"Don't slack! He could draw a knife at any moment! "

The Snow Monster Squad cooperates with Rhode Island. Sasha leads the Phantom Crossbowmen in support. "Frost Star stared at the extremely rapid decrease in the temperature around the inner guard, it was him, the emperor's blade.

The snow turned black.

The inner guard disappeared in front of everyone.


Scout and Sasha fired bullets and enhanced crossbow arrows from both sides at the same time, but to no avail, Black Ash slowed down and the inner guard dodged easily.


With a slash, ACE blocked the stab with both hands and the other party disappeared again.

ACE lifted his foot that was stuck in the ground, "Don't slack!

Countless ice blades stabbed towards the inner guard, and the inner guard intercepted it with a slash and came behind Frost Star.

"You're not the only one who will lower the actions of others." The cold in Frost Star's eyes formed substance, and the feet of the inner guard were frozen while Scout and Sasha Phantom Squad shot at the same time.


An ice shield appeared in front of Frost Star to resist the impact damage of the explosion and was shocked tens of meters away.

The soot dissipated, revealing an unscathed inner guard.

"Phew, infected with ice."

Black ash gathered on the blade of the inner guard, the figure flickered in front of everyone, the operator was constantly under attack, only Scout and Sasha could still capture the inner guard's movements on the scene, but to no avail, the attack of the two would be cut apart in the air every time.

Every time they were slashed by the inner guard, a trace of black ash would remain on it, and in just a few seconds, the operators had already been attacked dozens of times.

If it had not been for the timely remedy by the ACE, it might have collapsed long ago.

The remaining black ash began to twist and expand continuously.

"Throw! Throw it away! ACE's roar woke everyone up.


The black ash exploded, and the spikes formed penetrated the bodies of the operators, and the formation instantly collapsed.

Although Amia's mental outburst can cause damage to the inner guard, it can't hit at all, and after receiving an attack, the inner defender's speed is so fast that Amia can't see it at all.

The inner guard who broke through the formation rushed to Amia and slashed down, which was the only person present who could pose a threat to him.


ACE held a large shield in front of Amia, and the huge impact made him half kneel on the ground.

Aiming for the interval between the inner guards' attacks, Amia released two mental bursts in a row and briefly blew off the inner guards.

The wounded inner guard only paused for a moment and rushed forward again, greeted by countless crossbow arrows and Scout enhanced bullets.


The hind feet of the inner defender, who were forced to retreat by half a point, were frozen again, which is the source stone skill of the snow monster squad.

Frost Star manipulated a giant ice pick to fall from the sky and hit the inner guard.

Is it over?

This is the common thinking of all those present who are still alive.


The desperate sound of an ice pick breaking reached everyone's ears.



Why is his (foul) emperor's blade in the snow hare! Tianshuo was stunned at the moment when the space unfolded.

Tianshuo threw down the bun in his hand and rushed out the door.

"Captain..." Pinok looked at the buns that had fallen to the ground and the door that was still shaking.

"I... I've never seen Mr. show that kind of expression. Early Lu was stunned on the side.

"I haven't seen it either, which can make the captain like that... It's just Froststar and Tallula..." Pinok picked up the bun on the ground and wiped it.

Jump like a shooting star on the rooftop.

Catch up, be sure to catch up....


"The infected ... Call. "Ice slag on the blade of the inner guard flicked the blade" Chernoberg, the territory of Usas, you are not allowed to be presumptuous. "


ACE's shield was cut off, and it was his left hand that flew out with it.

When did it come over... Obviously still in that position....

The figure of the inner guard remaining in place gradually disappeared.

Originally...... Is it an afterimage?

ACE gritted his teeth and swung the sledgehammer in his right hand with all his strength.


The inner guard's head smashed into the ground with the hammer that swung down, setting off countless rubble.


"Leave me alone, now! Attack! "Blood gushing out of ACE's left arm, staining the earth red.

Various explosions sounded on the inner guard, for more than tens of seconds.

ACE was urgently treated by medical operators for his wound and was out of danger, but the arm could never be recovered.


The inner guard got up from the ground, his coat was tattered, and faced the direction of ACE: "You, very good, if it is the emperor, I will definitely nominate to summon you." The

figure disappeared and appeared next to ACE and slashed down, but the blade that should have fallen was frozen in the air by Frost Star and could not be chopped.

The inner guard smashed the ice cube with his sword, blocking his waist and slashing towards Frost Star.


"Finally... Catch. "

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