The intertwined pipes of the Lentinom structure are enough to make anyone powerless.

Except, of course, some hang-ups.

This is also the capital that the rebels were able to fight with Manfred for half a year without being annihilated, and even able to save some captured people.

And now, the most core existence of the rebels, the commander - Clovicia, is also the core of the entire rebels.


is called a unicorn girl by Tianshuo.

Commander of the Rentinium Citizen Self-Help Corps. Although younger, he has the consciousness of being a commander, very similar to the leader of Rhode Island, Amia.


Blocked at the entrance to the pipeline by Sakaz mercenaries and soldiers.

"Commander, you go first, we break later." Feist kicked over a Sakaz soldier who was blocking the entrance.

"Hey! Your group of soldiers who followed Wang Ting were at this level? A Sakaz mercenary roared.

Sakhaz mercenaries and soldiers look at each other unfavorably.

"Less ** say this nonsense, stop them."

"Hey, a bunch of trash who can only slap horseshit."


"Hmm... It seems that Sakaz is also not very united. Tianshuo was lying on the ceiling, his long hair curled around his neck.

It's lucky to see each other and not fight, and just this is ready to declare war on the whole world?

Tianshuo was lying quietly in the dark pipe, he was waiting for an opportunity, he couldn't just go out.

Not to mention whether such a huge number of Sakaz could consume his spirit to the point of collapse, just the Blood Demon Lord standing on the city wall was an absolute threat.

Lolo's drone was destroyed by a black spell and fell above the head of a Sakaz mercenary, sparks splattered and blood burst in an instant.

(Sakaz foul language)! Where did you hit? The Sakaz mercenary covered half of his head and shouted wildly.

"Go... Retreat first! Clovicia commanded the rebels.

Strictly speaking, their so-called rebels are no match for Sakaz at all.

It was through the pipes, as well as the internal discord within Sakaz, that they were able to struggle here for so long.

"Back to the entrance, there is support over there." Clovicia noticed that from time to time at the entrance there were one or two dead Sakaz who were ready to block the entrance.

"Jebb rush this intersection, don't save energy, hit out with maximum power!"

Tianshuo heard the unicorn's command words after the last sakaz at the harvest entrance.

"This guy's observation ability is quite good."


Jieber's attack caused smoke to rise at the scene, obscuring everyone's vision, which just covered the retreat of the rebels.


Above the walls

, "four minutes, we'll have to wait another four minutes." Manfred looked at the chaotic scene below, and Lentinom hadnin this kind of chaos in months.

In another four minutes, the city defense secondary gun here can be successfully activated.

When the time comes, a cannon is fired at that position, although it is only one-tenth of the power, but it is enough to blow up the group of rebels to pieces.

"It just so happens that our fighters are not yet happy. Holding a city like Lentinum is a world of difference compared to robbing a Lateran caravan in the wilderness.

"When acquaintances meet, I don't have to worry about whether the other party is thinking about their heads at any time, I am not qualified to complain about this life." Hedley shook his head and denied Manfred's words.

"Don't confuse yourself with them. Few mercenaries will endure the life of being locked up in a small courtyard and reading books every day like you. The

Blood Demon Lord listened to the words of the two and was not ready to talk, he was watching the chaotic battlefield.

Those two little guys, namely Tianshuo and Logos, are not impossible for him to kill.

But...... One holds a weapon with the breath of a Wendigo, and one mother is a banshee.

Kill it rashly... The trouble caused is immeasurable.

The Banshee had not supported Trassis' decision this time, and Wendigo did not speak, but now someone came to the city with the weapon he had given.

Also mixed with the little banshee two... The meaning is also vaguely revealed.

"Manfred, can this little toy on the wall still be activated?" The Blood Demon Monarch said coldly, this little toy will definitely not kill those two little guys with one shot, but it is enough to bring them some trouble.

"It will take another minute or two, I know Maharajah you want to see my results, please be patient, you will be able to see it immediately."

"It better be so."


"Move faster." Tianshuo's voice sounded above the rebels.

He had a bad hunch that something troublesome was coming.

But the Blood Demon Lord was still standing on the city wall, with no intention of acting.

"Quick! Going down to the structural layer, those who remember the route with those who do not remember, scattered into eight teams, take different routes, fast!

Crovisia waved her hand to rectify the remaining rebels, and she raised her head to look at the sky on the ceiling.

There was no such person in her mind.

"What are you doing stunned? Let's go! Tianshuo jumped off the ceiling, picked up Clovicia and rushed towards the structural layer.

The speed is close to the speed of sound.

The shells of the city's secondary artillery hit this chaotic battlefield at this moment, and Sakaz had already evacuated here.

The rebels were withdrawing through the smoke, as was Sakaz.

Bang———— boom!!!

The violent shaking shook some of the less solid ground, and the rebels who had not yet evacuated dissipated in the light of the shells.

A blazing wave of air rushed down the pipe from the entrance, and the flames stained the clothes of the rebels, rolling violently on the ground.

Some of the rubble from the explosion shattered half of their heads and fell beside their companions.


"Ahem... Cough..." Clovicia knelt on the ground and coughed, the speed of sound combined with the violent impact of the explosion made her whole body cough unstoppably.

Tianshuo's blouse was torn to shreds in the explosion, the hem of Clovicia's skirt was engulfed in flames, and now her white thighs were exposed to this hot air.

"The city defense cannon was actually aimed at the city..."

Tianshuo patted the dust on his body, perhaps he should apply for a special development of a set of clothes that could not be easily damaged.

There is nothing wrong with the people, but the clothes are miserable.

"Hey, little unicorn, are you okay?" Tianshuo gently patted Clovicia's back.

Not everyone can withstand the speed of sound, and it is already calculated that this unicorn is not crippled on the spot.


"What trouble did you cause again?" Logos came from deep within the structure, and the sound from the explosion was enough to reach every corner of the Sadeon district.

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