Tianshuo shrugged his shoulders and motioned for Logos to look around him.

"The city defense artillery was activated."

Smoke swirls around the pipes, and every breath you can feel the most cordial greeting from gunsmoke.

"Ahem... Get out of here first. Clovicia got up slowly from the ground, her chest cavity rising and falling enough for others to see that the girl had not fully eased up.

Logos looked at Clovicia and the striking unicorn, and looked sideways at the rebels who had blown off a leg or a hand...


The group returns to the rebel base deep in the structure, and with the help of Tianshuo and Logos, the number of rebels who should have died is cut in half.

A heavy atmosphere shrouded this somewhat gloomy place, with no one speaking or shouting loudly from the wound.

There were only low moans and the application of the medicine and the pulling of the bandage.

Logos turned to leave after placing the last person.

Sakaz is not welcome here, and even if he saves the seriously injured, the hatred in their eyes will not change because of this.

How ironic that the city defense guns of Victoria's capital, Lentinium, were aimed at the city, at the civilians of Lentinium.

"That Sakaz..."

Logos' footsteps paused for a moment, and he knew that the other party was calling him, and he was the only one here.

“...... Thank you. Gillia's eyes were open, and although it was only a slit, she was also trying to see what the Logos looked like.

“... Thanks for coughing: Helped:

"Don't sleep, Gillia, don't sleep..."

Logos listened to the thank-you voice getting quieter and quieter, until the breath disappeared.

Only one person was left to sob and not even dare to cry out loud.

They are the ones they should hate.

Tianshuo did not move, he could listen to those voices whispering and wailing, who died and who was unconscious.

His ears heard clearly for his eyes.

One he can save, two can save, but what about a group?

He came to Logos, ready to leave with him, neither of them speaking, just silent, heading towards the darkness in the distance.

Clovicia came behind the two and made Victoria's heaviest thank-you salute.

"Thank you both for your help, the Lentinom Self-Help Army will always remember you."

The figures of Tianshuo and Logos faded away in the dark pipe until they disappeared.

Clovicia looked in the direction the two left, blood already solidified on her clothes.

"No reward, this is the only thing we can do..."

W looked at the two people walking towards him and was about to speak.

But Tianshuo grabbed her collar with one hand and took her away.

"Hey! Blind man, my bomb is still there! W struggled to get Tianshuo to release his grip on her.

“...... What's wrong with you guys? W struggled a few times to find that the atmosphere was wrong, so she had to let the other party pull her by the collar and drag herself forward.

W turned his head away from looking at Tianshuo's face blocked by his long hair.

And so the three of them walked in the pipe.

"It's me, Logos."

After a long time, in the dark and silent pipe, Logos received a communication from Amia.

"Mr. Logos, how is the situation over there?"

“...... All the best. "

We're heading to the Thomas Alcohol Plant in the Sadion district, how about we meet there if conditions allow?"

Logos looked at Tianshuo beside him, and the W who was dragged by Tianshuo to walk.

"Okay, we'll go as soon as possible, Misery should already be around you, pay attention to handing over to him." Logos hung up the communication

: "Are we going to that alcohol factory too?" W rubbed her blade and didn't have to walk on her own, maybe it was also a pleasure.

Thinking from another angle, it is beneficial to your body and mind, if you have been entangled in that point, W may have died of anger long ago.


"The Thomas Alcohol Works ... If I remember correctly, Manfred built a makeshift prison there, what did Rhode Island go to do there?

"Amia and the Doctor are the supreme commanders of this operation, and all we can do is trust their judgment and do our best."

Logos looked at the silent Tianshuo on the side, "What about you?" Are you ready to meet the integration movement?

Tianshuo shook his head, he had not yet found the personnel who had entered the city of the integration movement, to be precise, he had not found the personnel he knew who had entered the city.

"Oh, come to think of it, Tallulah asked me to tell you that she asked you to go and join Rita Scamandros' team, codenamed Horn, and keep her squad safe."

W tugged at her collar, allowing her to escape from Tianshuo's clutch and get up from the ground.

Her trouser legs were already covered in dust after a long period of rubbing.

“...... That Ruper? Got it. "Tianshuo has long discovered that the other party has entered the city, as well as the vaivan named bagpipe.

At this moment, the Horn's squad has rescued some Victorian soldiers and is hiding in an abandoned factory.

Not far from Thomas Alcohol Works.

"Looks like. Our destinations are basically similar.

W turned his head to look behind him, but unfortunately the dozens of bombs she had planted were now no different from losing them.

That's almost all of her inventory, of course, the quantity she brought with her this time.


Victoria Lentinim Deep Pool Team

: "Are we all in place?"

Mandra walked around the alcohol plant with a small group of deep pond warriors, inspecting the route.

"Well, go to that temporary prison as Sakaz wants..."

"Don't be stupid, I'm not talking about what Sakaz wants us to do." Mandra patted the helmet of the Deep Pool Warrior and made a crisp sound.

"Uh, sir, are we really going to act tonight? Could it be..." The Deep Pool Warrior moved his helmet back into place.

“... Are you trying to say, are we going to fall for Manfred's trap?

"Do you think I'm too stupid to see what he wants to do?"

"No, I don't dare..."

Mandra led the group to a high wall and looked up at the huge wall, on the other side of which was the Thomas Alcohol Factory.

"He wants to test me, and I will let him tempt. Our men will be at his disposal... But he didn't know how many of us there were.

"So, we still have to help Sakaz keep the goal?"

“.... Shut up. Mandra's palms clenched, her eyelids twitching violently.

"I hate this statement so much, it sounds like we are Sakaz .... Sakatz's..."At

the end Mandra let out a long breath, and she suppressed the anger in her heart.

"Oh, forget it. We just have to endure this day. When this last thing is done, we leave Lentinom. "

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