"This is the structural layer under the Thomas Alcohol Plant you are talking about." Tianshuo took W and Logos to the bottom of the alcohol factory, and he found that Horn and the others had assembled.

"So, separate here." Tianshuo waved his hand, and the remaining Logos seemed to know him.

"Keep your newsletter safe, and then you will need to use that thing to contact." Logos was a little uneasy about Tianshuo's communication.

I heard rumors that Tianshuo's communication on his body would not last more than a week, and the number of contacts would never exceed two.

"Got it... I feel like we'll see each other again tonight. In short, it won't be long. Logos

also had this hunch, and Rhode Island was probably here to find their informant in Lentinium.

As for Tianshuo... Logos are less clear.

Logos in the not-so-deep structural layer area can clearly distinguish the direction.


But is this really just an alcohol factory?


This is the question raised by Tianshuo and Logos at this moment, Tianshuo

found a large number of soldiers patrolling, both Sakaz and people wearing armor similar to the soldiers of Deep Pool.

There were even some suspected officers of the local officers of Lentinum among them.

“...... Forget it, this is not something I should consider either. Tianshuo ruffled his long messy hair, which was a little strange.

Tianshuo found that his hair did not seem to be afraid of flames, and he stood under the bombardment of the city defense artillery before, even if it was contaminated with Mars, it would not be damaged.

Tianshuo touched his hair, "Is it because of the power of time?" "

The long hair has always woken up again after falling into a deep sleep, and this coma time occurs.

"Alas... Or is it because of Haiji or something? After

simply straightening out his long hair, Tianshuo ran towards the direction of the horn.

As for the blood and other miscellaneous unknown things on his hair, there is no time or environment for him to clean up now.


Victoria Lentinim Horn Team

"Captain, the cello has arrived in position." The bagpipes came to the horn after receiving communication from the other party.

"Then it's time for us to act. Bagpipes, you are the best, you enter through that huge wall on the north side, and when the time comes, you will meet here.

The horn said and pointed to her hand-drawn map, which was spliced together from the information gathered by everyone in the past few days.

The map isn't very complete, or detailed at all, but it's enough for them to act.


"You are fighting alone, be careful, just confirm that this road is passable."


Tianshuo has already touched the top of everyone's head in the horn, the top... No, maybe Tianshuo is not a top stalker, but at least the horn crowd can't find him.

When it comes to stealth Ascaron, Scout, Sasha, Logos and others, the stealth technology is top.

All go to that alcohol factory, whether it is Rhode Island, Deep Pool, Horn, Sakaz is gathering towards this place.

Everyone can clearly know the location.

Deep in the structural layer of Rhode Island, the deep pool led by Mandra in the north of the alcohol plant.

Inside the alcohol factory, Manfred and Hedley, who was commanding the mercenaries of Sakaz, were arriving at Askalun.

and Scout, which lurks on the wall surface of the city wall, and the W and Logos that stand at the highest point of the alcohol plant.

The Blood Demon Lord was also slowly walking towards here, and the cluster of shapeshifters that Tianshuo saw before was also in Rhode Island.

There is also a guy who Tianshuo does not know hiding in the shadows, but Tianshuo has a slight impression that he has met each other (Misery) when he was in Rhode Island.

It's hilarious....

If the city defense artillery fired here at this time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But well, the guy who commanded Sakaz is in there, and he won't blow himself up.


"Being the head of a Sakhaz mercenary is just different." Logos turned his pen and looked at the back W.

“...... I know you're upset with me. W also said without any worries: "I am not happy with myself. "

“...... Those mercenaries will listen to you even if they are no longer under you.

W was silent and didn't speak, she didn't want to take Logos' words.


"Benny, is there some quiet around the factory? The mercenaries who were originally guarding here, they are all gone? Heidi carried the work that Sakaz asked them to do.

"Yes, not a single one left."

"The performance of mercenaries is ..... Quirky. Heidi put down what she was holding, since the person monitoring them was no longer here.

There is no need to pretend anymore.

"They're inherently weird, aren't they? Who Sakaz wants to be friends with, and who he wants to kill, never reasonable. Benny threw down the material in his hand and smashed it on the ground with a screeching sound.

"Don't talk like that unless you intend to provoke them." Heidi kindly reminded the young man in front of him who was still a little angry.

"Sorry, Ms. Heidi..... Having been locked up here for more than half a month, it's hard not to hate Sakaz.

"No one will blame you. You're doing well enough. Heidi was looking around.

Someone helped them transfer the Sakaz mercenaries from this area.

'By the way, madam, there is also news that in addition to the mercenary leader who came at noon today, that General Sakaz (Manfred) is also here.

"Manfred? Even he ... Oops. "

What's wrong?" Benny wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Heidi in front of him, a mature lady.


: Heidi's

real name: Heidi Thomson.

Niece of the Count of Vincent. As early as thirteen years ago, when he was a teenager (emphasis added), he helped her father pass information for Kelsey.

I almost got so intoxicated after seeing Kelsey's dress up that I forgot about my work.

Information exchange with Kelsey is still taking place today.

He is the author of a masterpiece: "Kelsey... Hey, Kelsey (crossed out)


"It's a trap, Clovicia and them (the Rhode Island team)..."

"Are you trying to say that the commander will act today?" Well... We did have to find a way to inform them, well, but we couldn't get a chance to send a message for so many days.

Heidi shook her head, "No, they must have thought it was a trap, maybe ... This is also an opportunity.

"Benny, inform the others that our action may be ahead of schedule, and all those who can fight, be ready to fight."


On the walls of Victoria Rentinium

, "the scales are all hooked." Manfred looked at the calm Thomas Alcohol Factory, calm and reassuring.

"There are a lot of scales in the bite, and many of them are still a little strong, can you pull them up?" Hedley suddenly spoke up from the side.

"Huh..." Manfred didn't go to preach Hedley.

The Rakan had two royal courts and himself, and the mercenaries of the Sakaz soldiers.

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