No one can escape.

"And, is it necessary for us to go down in such a short time?" Hedley and Manfred were speeding from the walls toward the alcohol factory.

"I never worry about insurance."


Victoria Lentinium (Clarion Team)

".... Three entrances, each guarded by more than thirty people. The bagpipes lay on the house far away from the alcohol factory.

She took a barely repaired military-grade drone from the team.

It is the most suitable for exploration.

"The east entrance is guarded by Sakaz, and the southwest gate is also Sakaz ..... Ugh, but the clothes are not the same, it looks like a mercenary.

"And the main gate to the north.... The one in charge of guarding the North Gate... Shenchi, it turns out that I fought with Shenchi. The bagpipes rubbed their palms.

She remembered everything that happened in Hillock County.

"Hmm... In addition, there are at least five or six patrol teams in the park, walking back and forth between the various factories... Wow, captain, how can they get in here... Huh, why are there no guards in the south? "

The bagpipes took back the drone after repeated confirmations.

"Strange, there are no Sakaz mercenaries guarding the southern wall, has anyone helped us?"

"Alas, forget it, finish my task first!" The bagpipes lifted the newly equipped broken spear and walked towards the deep pool.

The newly equipped city-breaking spear will no longer show signs of overload, or it is difficult to show signs of overload, and the closed-bore burst will last at least continuously until all the battles of the bagpipes are completed.

The technology of automatic adjustment, automatic repair and filling is simply praised by bagpipes.


A huge amount of steam burst out from the city-breaking spear, and the white steam quickly dissipated in the air.

The new account and the old account are calculated together.


The horn and Mandra collided, and the teams on both sides stopped moving forward at this moment.

Mandra "

..." "The horn "..."

"These Victorian soldiers... Are you going to kill them? The Deep Pool Warrior asked softly in Mandra's ear.

They came to save people and did not think of the conflict.

"Damn deep pool! I must.....," Robben, who was about to make a move, was stopped by the horn.

"Sir, why don't you do it?" The warriors of the deep pool stared at the horn people deadly.

Mandra "..."

"Horn! Why are you pulling me? Have you forgotten how many of our brothers died at their hands? "


Before casting the Source Stone technique, the hand of the Deep Pool Warlock (Mandra) will be raised.

It was those hands, the staffs, that took the lives of many Victorian soldiers. The horn's hand rests on the crossbow in the sleeve.

As soon as Mandra's fingers showed the slightest sign of lifting, she immediately pulled the trigger.

Or... Directly buckling it like this seems to be a good choice.

She saw exactly the same thoughts in the other's eyes.

“...... Let's go. Mandra passed by the team of horns, and neither side made a move.

The horn did not let go of her crossbow, and she stared closely at Mandra's back.

One arrow .... This distance only takes an arrow. As long as she pulls the trigger, the other party will explode.

The crossbow was modified by her own hands, and she understood that its power was limited. But they were so close, just for a moment passing by...

"Horn, they're all gone." Robben's tense bodies were relaxed.

"Just now I was really worried that I couldn't control it... Horn, thanks to you for holding me. You're right, we can't clash with the deep pond here.

Robben listened to the eerily quiet surroundings.

"If we fight, we will all be found out by Sakatz."

But that Mandra could even hold back. In the past, she caught us like crazy and bit us.... What is she going to do? Horn

bit her lip, trying to regain her composure, that hill-shire murderer didn't deserve her losing her mind here.

"Don't focus on Mandra, she's not our target for the time being."


"Sir, you are right, we can't fight them." The Deep Pool warrior sneaked and looked at Sakaz patrolling in the distance.

"Our purpose is to save people, and rescuing 'spies' is our primary goal."


"Co-authorship is all about saving people?" Tianshuo leaned against the outside of the wall of an abandoned house.

"The horn side saves people, Rhode Island saves people, and Shenchi side also saves people..." Tianshuo counted his fingers.

Sakaz, how many forces did this kidnap?

There are two reasons why Tianshuo does not want to appear, and the two most important are the two.

There were two people at the scene who could kill him.

Blood Demon Maharajah and Shapeshifter cluster.

Maybe the others hadn't found the two yet, but Tianshuo knew.

Everyone else can be omitted, but only these two....

"Alas, it's difficult, how can Sister Ta's instructions be so difficult every time." Tianshuo shook his head and followed behind the clarion team.

Those two terrifying guys shot, and I can't keep the horn on them.

Tianshuo wanted to cry a little, but there was no way to cry.


The people of Rhode Island went directly to the vents inside the alcohol plant through the structural layer.

"Ahem... How long has it been since this place was cleaned up? But Lucille's hand swayed, trying to fan the dust.

"But I finally know why no one came from the structural layer." Amia jumped from the vent.

The route of the structural layer is not a route that a normal person can take at all, and the interlacing is so complicated that Dr. Amia has no way to do it at all, and it is still dark.

"Rhode Islander guys who have never met... Good evening everyone. Heidi heard the noise and saw everyone.

"Heidi... Lady?

"Yes, I am, we finally met, Miss Amia." Heidi looked at the Doctor, who was standing on the side patting her protective suit.

"I don't have much time to explain, Doctor... You're a Ph.D., right? You described it exactly as Kelsey.

"I'm afraid she didn't say nice things."

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