"Ahem...," Alina took the communication and coughed once or twice, signaling to the king of scavengers, and now she was talking.

"Ellafia? ...... In short, compensation has been delivered. "The King of Scavengers is in the tent, and his warriors still need to deal with the army of those Grand Dukes.

The king of scavengers, who hung up the communication, walked out of the military tent and looked at the endless army in the distance, and snorted coldly.

"The Iron Duke... I'm afraid that if you go to that mobile city - Calaton, it will be in vain now. "

The King of Scavengers is perhaps one of the few who knows Isa's strength the best.

No one can hold out in their hands for long.

"Why... There will be a God out there. "This is the only thing that the King of Scavengers has not figured out.

“...... Is it related to the already destroyed Casimir? "

The King of Scavengers ascended to the tall walls and looked into the distance.

An era has passed, and now Casimir is a purgatory, a place that scavengers and bounty hunters will not want to go, despite Casimir's wealth and final supreme glory.

Ioletta Russell, Grand Knight Commander of Casimir.

The King of Scavengers will not belittle a knight who upholds the glory of Casimir.

How many people did Casimir escape? And how many survived?

...... No one will go to the statistics.

However, it became a paradise for criminals, but at the same time - hell.

The desperate men rushed to Casimir, but they all ended up dying inside.

For most of the year, how many people died in Casimir? No one counted.

But the crime rate in Colombia fell by a full sixty percentage points, according to some statistics.


Somewhere in Casimir

, a man is eating the body of a dire fish, half covered in scales, and two dirty short blades fall beside him.

Nothing grows here, not even sunlight.

The man dragged his feet to a ruin, two short blades connected to his waist with long chains, and the short blades dragged on the ground, pulling out a ravine.

The place where the chains were connected at his waist had long sunk into the flesh and merged with his muscles.

His eyelids jumped, as if recalling something.

Tolan Kash

is a former Sakaz, a bounty hunter nicknamed "Guild Leader", and Manna is an old acquaintance.

He did not leave because he saved people, and now he is turned into a sea, half of his body is covered with scales, and his consciousness has long been shattered, but he still remembers some of the past.


After standing here for a long time, Tolan walked in the other direction.

On the wet land, one footprint after another was made, and then it was quickly washed away by the rain.

Withering knights and corrupt knights wander the damp land, and the haiji regrows arms and stronger armor.

The three did not make a sound when they met, but chose to walk together, and they felt... As it should be.

They swing their blades at the dinosaurs, draw their bows at the dinosaurs, and hammer at the dinosaurs.

Then the dinosaurs pounced on them.

At the end of the battle, they gnawed on the body of the dinosaur, and their scales increased again.


Victoria Lentinium

: "Whatever you want, it doesn't matter if you want to be here with us." The shapeshifters lay on their sides on the ground, looking leisurely and at ease.

Tianshuo felt the warmth from the frost star in the palm of his hand.

"Let's go, Snow Hare, I'm staying here, these people here shouldn't stay here."

Frost Star did not speak, but just touched his lips on Tianshuo's cheek, and then left with everyone.

Everyone is spending time here, which is the stupidest thing to do.

The shapeshifter cluster patted the fairly clean ground around him, "Come, sit and wait, they will come here." "

“...... Why? Tianshuo didn't understand why the shapeshifter cluster was so sure.

"Those small toys on the city wall are not decorations, and for others, the small toys are quite threatening."

"Can I ask a question?" Tianshuo pulled up his long hair and sat down.

"Of course, it's our business whether to answer or not."

“...... Who is the Demon King? The

shapeshifter cluster looked sideways at Tianshuo, "What do you want to express?"

Today's openly recognized demon king is Theresia, but the real "demon king" is Amia.

Goosebumps flew up, and for a moment, he even felt like he had been locked.

“... It's nothing. If

you say one more word like this, you will definitely be cleaned up by the cluster of shapeshifters, and (sadly)

Tianshuo closed his mouth very wisely.

"Looks like Wendigo hasn't told you yet." The shapeshifters turned their heads and looked at the twin moons at the zenith.

Beelzebub...... It's Theresia.

The cluster of shapeshifters did not see a little, not even a little, in Amia's intention to save Sakaz.

After the King of Scavengers went to Calaton to meet the ageless Lord (Kelsey), something was not quite right.

It was the first time that the Shapeshifter Cluster had seen the King of Scavengers planning something so seriously.

But that's none of their business.


"We'll be able to leave this damn place in a moment." Mandra helped the badly wounded spy to hurry.

Tonight's operation went extremely smoothly, and all the Sakkaz warriors and the Sakaz mercenaries were attracted by the other two forces.

They rescued the spies easily.

"'Spy', are you okay?" Mandra looked at the spy who had been silent.

"Ha..... Ha..... I'm okay, Mandra. "

The spy gasped, he had been tortured for too long, those sakaz had been tortured for too long to pry his mouth open.

"Every time I hear someone call me 'spy' lately.... It's all Sakaz who came up with some new punishment .... I almost forgot, this is my code name.

"Next time you have the chance, you'll have to choose a name with some taste." I look at the 'oratories' or something, it's not bad, anyway, they are all dead to the point that there is no dregs left, well... At least I didn't see the body. Mandra

tried to control the speed of her body as much as possible so as not to affect the spy's injuries.


You leave some strength first, the leader still needs the Sakaz intelligence you found, and he can go out immediately." Mandra looked into the distance, just walked this way.

"You..... The Shard..."

"No, don't say." Mandra interrupted the spy.

"It's not that I don't want to hear it, but... We need permission from the leader. Our fighters are very pure people, don't burden them too much. "

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