"I understand.... Mandra..... You've always been that good girl. The spy's eyes were already a little unable to see the surrounding environment.

Feeling that the world was spinning, he knew that he would not live long, and Sakaz had tortured him for too long, so long that he really... I can't keep that last ounce of loyalty.

Even if he knew he had been abandoned.

“.... Don't be like a 'robber'. Annoyed, they were gone, leaving me alone in this damn place to worry about the leader. Mandra

told the spy about the recent events, as if he was venting those unpleasant things to his friends.

"Good thing you're going back soon. You are not there, that Ahchani occupies the position next to the leader all day long, I am really afraid... I'm really afraid..."

"I'm afraid... What the? "The spy's voice was faint, even if no one else made a voice to disturb.

Even though Mandra was by his side, she needed to listen carefully to every syllable he uttered.

"I'm afraid the leader will get too close to those nobles.... One day she won't want us. "

Leader she..." The spy struggled to open his eyes to see Mandra holding his body.

"Sir... The warriors guarding the gate... Both, sacrificed. The Deep Pool Warrior came to Mandra and lowered his head in a whispered voice.

Mandra bit her lip, trying to restrain her emotions, she couldn't show too much negativity in front of these warriors.

Leader her....

The spy looked at Mandra in front of him, and he didn't say anything.

Leader her... Already abandoned me.

"Ahem... "

Spy! Your injury... Quick, go get the medical staff over. Mandra looked at the blood spat on her body, anxious.

“...... Medical..." The warrior of the deep pool don't overdo it, his hands are squeezed into a solid "The warrior of medical treatment has also fallen. "

Spy?! Your blood... Can't stop. Mandra panicked.

"Then go and find it, except for Sakaz ... Anyone can! "

“...... Be! Mission accomplished! The Shenchi warrior walked out quickly, bringing a few people with him.

"By the way, also.... Find a messenger and immediately inform Count Morning outside the city. We need to make sure that the 'spies' see the leader as soon as possible. "

Count Morning? ..... Did you win him over for the leader? The spy lay in Mandra's arms, he was a little cold, but it didn't matter, Mandra's arms were much better than the cold cell.

"Don't talk... That would aggravate your injuries. Mandra looked at the spy.

“..... At this time, we can only count on the help of the nobles .... Pretty ridiculous, isn't it? "

Ahem... You... Grew up.

"You talk too much nonsense, it's not like you, spy, the rest of the words wait until you are not so ragged and will die at any time."

“...... Hold on, they have gone to the medical staff.

"Remember before? When we weren't in the deep pool, then..." "

I don't listen, I don't listen!" Mandra interrupted the spy with a jerk of his head.

"Wait until it's out... Besides, you shut up first. "


"Did you find them?"

Manfred led the group of Sakaz in the direction of the evacuation of the deep pool.

"Found it, General, they are hiding in the south, and a hole has been blown out there."

“... It's time for this restless clown to stop and surround the past. "


"Head, who was that woman just now?" A Sakaz mercenary came to W's side and asked.

It's rare to see W listening to a person like this, or they haven't seen it at all.

"A person who can casually kill everyone on the scene before leaving."

It's also the head of what I used to be.

W's bandage oozed a trace of blood again, and the wound was too deep to be treated systematically.

"The hole I blew up in the south, you all sent someone to guard it, right?"

"A brother is waiting there."



"Well, is it better?" Mandra looked at the spies who had undergone poor treatment of their wounds, they could not stay forever.

There is hope only if you escape.

"What do you want to hear?" The spy grinned bitterly.


"I'm here, I'm here, don't talk! Your blood is coming out again.

"You go, I... Can't walk anymore. The spy looked sideways behind him, and this was where they had come from.

"What nonsense? Come, lie on me, I'll take you with me. Mandra bent down to pick up the spy on his back and walked towards his destination.

"Mandra, there is no one out there, leader... I've already abandoned me, ahem..." the spy coughed out a few hot breaths in Mandra's ear.

"If you can walk away, don't... Don't go to the leader, uh..." A

crossbow arrow shot from behind Mandra, pierced the spy's heart, and pierced Mandra's back.

Several crossbow arrows that followed pierced the spy's back.

"Uh..." Mandra knelt heavily on the ground.

"Spy? Spy! The

spy fell from Mandra's back, the sharp head of the crossbow glowing silver in the light of the moon.

This is me... The last thing I can do for you, Mandra.

"Dead?" Mandra looked blankly at the spy lying on the ground.

"How can you simply die just like that..... I..."

"Killian, Killian.... You're a jerk! I won't allow you to die here, you give me up, get up..."

Manfred came from the rear, and Sakaz surrounded Mandra, and here the deep pool, only she remained.

"No need to rush."

"You won't live long either, Mandra. You and your old friends of Tara will soon be together. "

“.... Hahahaha! Mandra's bloodshot eyes looked at Manfred.

"Manfred, you owe me another eleven lives."

The stone rolled to her side, trembling constantly.

"I finally struggled... It was hard to kill so many Sakatz. "

“...... That's why you have to die here. "

That's nice... You're coming to the door. The rubble around Mandra floated in levitation.

"I'm going to crush you all into mud."


"Doctor, there is the sound of battle ahead." Instead of sneaking into the shadows as usual, Logos followed Amia and the Doctor.

The battlefield was chaotic, and even he couldn't protect the Doctor at any time.

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