“...... There is only one way, there is no other way. "The Doctor did not order a shift in direction.

Two roads, one road has been blocked by the cluster of shapeshifters, and the only one left is here.


"Your breath is getting faster."

The silent environment makes the sound of the shapeshifter cluster appear unusually loud.

“...... It's nothing. "Tianshuo heard what Mandra said, and he heard the spy... No, it should be someone named Killian, those who said.

Killian may have discovered Manfred's pursuers and blocked Mandra's crossbow with his mortal body.


So who is his last loyalty?

Maybe it's that belief.

Deep pool....

"It's soon, do you see the direction of the little toy on the city wall?" The cluster of shapeshifters looked up.

“...... Forget that you don't have eyes.

"But we're curious, how do you observe the world?" Just listening and sniffing these things can't do what you do.

Tianshuo didn't answer, just like the shapeshifter cluster said before, it was his business whether he answered or not.

"Is it a time spell? Like if everyone has something that represents time, or do all people have the imprint of time? The

cluster of shapeshifters looked down in thought.


The golden pocket watch unfolded at this moment, illuminating the entire Lentinym.


The sound of the hour hand moving is transmitted into the distance.

"This is...?" The shapeshifters raised their heads, and their bodies gradually stood up, looking at the golden pocket watch on the zenith.


"That's probably the case." The Blood Demon Lord stood beside Theresia, looking at the city with her.

A golden light shines down from the zenith, through the roof, through everything.

Everyone in Lentinym was wrapped in golden light and had nowhere to escape.

"This is... Time? Theresia raised her hand and tried to touch these pale golden things, but unfortunately this was only in vain.

These are ordinary air, which cannot be touched or perceived.

"Theresia——...... Why are you here? The moment Trasis pushed open the door, he saw the figure of the Blood Demon Lord.

"Where am I and need to report to you?"

The Blood Demon Lord turned to confront Trasis.


"These golden lights... Tianshuo and Wang Ting fought? "I had seen it as early as the Logos of Craton, when Tianshuo was still treating night smoke.

"Without the breath of ice, a person singled out the royal court..." Everyone

raised their heads to look at the huge pocket watch, and the sound of the hour hand moving was ethereal and boundless.

"Doctor, what are these?"

“...... I don't know, but the pocket watch in the sky, Amia, is it a little familiar?

"Well, I think I will never forget it once I see it." Amia and the Doctor looked at the pocket watch together, yes, it had illuminated the entire sky when he was in Casimir.


"Whew... Ha..." Mandra was slashed off her balance by Manfred's sword and smashed into the side of the room.

The storm around her shattered the entire house for her.


"You don't have any more power, Mandra." Manfred looked at his armor, dented by the pillars.

The other party does have some strength, but that's it.

“...... Monster. Mandra got up from the ground, "You Sakaz... It's all monsters.

"We've heard similar appellations too many times in the past." Manfred patted the dust on his body.

"When heard from the mouth of an opponent lying on the ground, I tend to take the word as appreciation."

"Ahem.... Ahem. Mandra gritted her teeth and endured the huge sword wound on her body.

"Sakatz, you guys.... And those nobles ..... Damn it. "

This spell ..... This innate spell

, no matter how much I learn it...."No matter how much effort Mandra puts in, no matter how much... She doesn't have that talent....

"You actually ..... Treat ore disease as a gift? Manfred's sword broke out of his hand and flew to Mandra's side, the orb in his hand firing a volley at this moment.


"Countless sakats, carrying this curse since birth, festering bodies, pus from their internal organs ... You will drive us from the city only if we are pests that spread disaster.

Manfred reached out to catch the hilt of his sword and rushed towards Mandra with a sword.

"How many sakaz turn into crystals scattered by the wind every day, and they can't even be buried in their homeland because they want to see the sunrise more?"

"And you say.... Do you envy this power? Victorian, do you deserve it? "

Ahem, uh..." Mandra used the stone pillar to adjust the angle of the sword, only to stab her right eye, and blood flowed from her right eye.

“.... You call me Victorian. Demon, you really know how to humiliate me.

"You know.... Why don't I dare to get ore disease? "

Sakaz in the wilderness..... At least before you die.... See the sunrise.

Mandra wiped the blood from her right eye like tears.

"If we already live in the cracks of the city, if a little black stone appears on our body.... The next day it will become food for sewer crabs.

"In the eyes of the Victorians, we weak Tara people . Not even Sakaz. "

Only power .... Only strength can keep us alive!

Mandra's right eye was no longer visible, she didn't care, the gravel, the stone pillar was destroyed by Manfred again and again.

"The feud between you, Sakaz has never been interested."

"All I know is that I gave you a chance. Moreover, more than once.

"If you can honestly guard outside the north gate today, I can even spare you for your small actions in the past." Manfred looked at Mandra who was struggling in front of him, and the opponent's casting unit was about to be destroyed.

"Ha..... How generous, should I kneel and thank you for your kindness, 'General'? Bah! Mandra

spat out a mouthful of blood mixed with saliva.

"You dream!"

"You kind of person..... I've seen it too many times. "

Do you always think.... We can survive because of your handouts? Mandra

staggered to her feet, shaky.

"I've had enough, I've had enough of being a bet for you, a pawn."

"My fate, the fate of our Tara... It must be in our own hands! "


the sound of the hour hand moving reached the ears of the two.

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