"General! This film, floating!

Manfred paused and put his hand on the hilt of his sword again and turned to look at Mandra.

"Uh... It's so uncomfortable..." Mandra felt like she was full of air, like a balloon about to explode.

“... Sorry, not very useful. "Even if the lines are not visible, the lines still respond.


"This is, the Time Spell?" The cluster of shapeshifters listened to the sound of the needle moving at that time.

Tianshuo felt the new experience brought by the pocket watch, he "saw" those gears, those gears that represented time, which is also the time he understood.

After the shapeshifter cluster said those words, Tianshuo entered a new understanding.

The fingers of the shapeshifter cluster are being twisted and reversed, constantly changing.

“...... It's kind of weird. The shapeshifter cluster looked at the fingers affected by Tianshuo.

"Heavenly boy, if you don't stop, we're going to make a move." The cluster of shapeshifters raised their hands to look closely, their skin bags were undulating.



after this sound, the pocket watch fades until it disappears.

The golden light that illuminated the entire Lentinim also dissipated with the disappearance of the pocket watch.

Everything was as it was, as if nothing had happened.


"Who are you?" Mandra's right eye was returning from its pierced state, and she didn't see the person who saved her.

"Who am I?" The line also asks himself, he has forgotten a lot.

Mandra looked down at the "spy" Killian who fell to the ground, "Killian..."

Blood gathered at Mandra's heart and poured in.

As the pocket watch gradually dissipated, the invisible chains struck again, trying to pull the line back again, but it was clear that this time it would not be so easy.

"Let me stay longer." The lines shattered the chains that came at Him.

He found something familiar, he couldn't see, he could only rely on induction.

The line leaves the sky above Mandra and floats towards the south.

A familiar induction, very familiar... But he couldn't remember.

Very important....

"Can't remember..." The speed of the line suddenly increased, and chains wrapped around, imprisoning him here.

The lines trembled, breaking the chains again, and he must go there, the place he sensed.

The line came to a high place to stay, and the chains wrapped and pulled him.

"It's here... It's her, go out completely, will definitely come here, and her..." (see Chapter 206: Progression)

The line said but fell silent.

“... No, not her, she... Not here. "The chain completely wrapped the lines, squeezed them, crushed the space and brought it back.

Frost Star looked up at the sky, everything returned to calm as the pocket watch disappeared, and just now she also heard some faint sounds ringing above her head.

The information transmitted by the ice ring let Frost Star know that Tianshuo was fine, and as for the golden pocket watch just now, although she was a little worried, it was what she should do to take everyone away and evacuate.

"Continue on the road, the wounded need systematic treatment."


"Drop the arrow!"

Swish -

Crossbow arrows are fired at Mandra, turning into gunsmoke when they are about to hit, unable to do any damage to them.

Mandra floated in the air and looked around, and from the other side also came a group of Sakaz, but it was the Sakaz mercenaries.

She also saw a group of people coming in the opposite direction.

"Huh... Hahaha... It turned out that it was impossible to run at all.

"Are you a god of the Tara?" Mandra tried to search the air for the person who had just rescued her.

No one answered.

"Come on... Too late, they... All dead.

Mandra seemed to be talking to herself.

Manfred looked at the team that surrounded him on both sides.

"See you again, everyone in Rhode Island."

"Rhode Island..." Mandra looked in the direction Manfred spoke.

She couldn't move yet, but nothing could hurt her, at least for now.

Although the golden light was gone, the ones around her were still there.

There was no staff, no knife, and she had no weapons.

Mandra looked at Killian lying on the ground, and the Tara warriors in the distance, the warriors who followed her, the warriors who blocked her attack

"... Leader..." A

tear fell from the corner of Mandra's eye, fell in the air, and the next moment floated, and then re-poured into her eyes.

"Leader, I'm sorry."

"This time... It's me, I don't need you anymore. "

Hooded monster?" W led the Sakaz mercenaries to a halt, whether it was Manfred or the floating film above.

All deserve her caution.

"Are you okay?"

The Doctor shrugged, indicating that he didn't want to shout with W holding the entire Manfred line.

"It really surprised me that you didn't choose to go from that path, but from here." Manfred put his hands behind his back and made some gestures.

Manfred saw the Doctor and Amia have one more beside him that he had never seen, at least not on this battlefield tonight.

The city defense auxiliary gun was quietly adjusting its direction, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the place where everyone was.

"The general will intercept us here, which also surprised us."

At this moment, the three people all looked at the floating mandra in the sky.

"That's fate, Dr. Rhode Island, right?" Manfred stared at Logos, a man who gave him a somewhat dispensable and strange feeling.

And he actually subconsciously thinks that the other party is his own person....

"Since they are all already here, they naturally need some salutes, don't they?"

Bang bang!!

With two loud bangs, the track of the city defense secondary gun had already been adjusted and charged, and it was fired at the moment Manfred ordered.

Manfred was not confident that he could leave unharmed under the siege of so many people.

All three had some distance from each other, which gave Manfred the opportunity to activate the city's secondary guns.


"It's ringing."

The cluster of shapeshifters didn't look in the direction of the sound source, they didn't care, if this little toy could blow up the alien inheritor, then... They don't have to ask anymore.

"I know." Tianshuo knew it all.

Because he was sensing the golden light around Mandra at the moment, these golden lights were very similar to his role in that space.

He has also experienced that kind of blood reflux, limb weight group.

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