"Did you just have an epiphany?" The cluster of shapeshifters stretched their bodies and walked forward, they needed to stand in an open space.

A place that you can find at a glance no matter where you come from.

The shapeshifters gathered their fingers and pinched, and a small ball of liquid appeared in their hands.

"Hmm... Right here. Saying

that, the liquid ball in the hands of the shapeshifter cluster fell off the tips of their fingers and fell to the ground to melt.

It bulges on the surface of the ground where the liquid ball is submerged.

“...... It's an epiphany. "Tianshuo's comprehension of time is much stronger now than before.

"Uh... What is it? Tianshuo felt something arching his heel.

The shapeshifter cluster turned his head to look at Tianshuo, "Well, you're about to fly." "


Centered on the cluster of shapeshifters, the raised ground is spreading outward again and again.

In the end, it all piled up on the heels of Tianshuo.


The ground that arched Tianshuo's heels released elastic power in an instant, and Tianshuo flew towards the sky like a cannonball.

"Wow, can you fly so high?" The gaze of the shapeshifter cluster followed Tianshuo and raised his head to look at the sky.

Without the obstruction of Tianshuo, the raised ground expanded again, streaking through the walls and caressing everywhere.

Until a fresh breeze blows, all the buildings melt and fall to the ground as dust.

"Okay, that's it." The cluster of shapeshifters looked around the empty space.

The original dilapidated house was gone, and only one of the shapeshifters in the vast area was above the horizon.

Well...... Another person is descending from the sky at great speed.

"I****!" Tianshuo was ejected to a low altitude of thousands of meters and smashed towards the ground.

“...... Will it hit the place? "The cluster of shapeshifters is measuring the error of the heavens and the earth.

"It looks like it's going to hit the outside of the city... Wait, the place of the fall... Is that Manfred's little toy? "


In the Victoria desert, Rhode Island

, the ship was leaning against the window late at night, and Kelsey was attracted by the brilliant golden light in the distance.

Even from a distance, the huge gold pocket watch can attract everyone's attention.

"Time..." Kelsey stared at the golden light, his eyes intent.

She walks in a long river called time.

What was once a desert has been transformed, and the growth of trees has long since become a forest.

Those lakes were filled, buried, and covered as mountains.

She saw new nations rising from ruins to ruins, and remembered that the deposed kingships were the fruit of her abandonment.

When the trumpet of war sounded and the flag flew on the bloody battlefield, I did not know that in some ancient period, the two sides also shared the same hatred.

"Tianshuo... The master of time. Kelsey muttered.

Life is barbaric and flourishing, and the earth is ever-changing.

When the man-made machine roared into operation, the brilliance of the source stone energy illuminated the shadows.

Kelsey closed her eyes and stopped looking at the light, she was afraid to remember the past again.

To recall the past when the source stones had not yet shaped life into what it is today.

To recall what the will did to hide the stars behind this false sky, whether it is still watching the rise and fall of the earth.

To recall those who sent the proud developed civilization into the icy void with their own hands, with countless lost lives.

Kelsey opened his eyes again, the brilliance had disappeared, and there was no longer a glimmer of light in the distance.

Kelsey sighed and turned away from the window, she had wasted too much time, and many moments, just to avoid Terra's self-destruction, just to guide them in a safe direction, had exhausted her.

She had set her sights on the broken Kazdall, the legend of the Demon King, and more than once in the long years, she had wanted to retrieve and use that ancient power.

Not many people understand her, and there is only one person in tens of thousands of years - Theresia.

"Tikaz... I remembered again, damn it. Kelsey patted his cranky head.

Memories of the past raced through her mind.

Born in this desolation with a mission, no one to point out her future, but asked to take care of the whole world.

Her mission – never fair.

"Kelsey? What happened to you? Warfarin had just come out of the lab after the experiment when he heard some movement.

"Your body is so hot." Warfarin supported Kelsey, feeling the heat of her body, coming towards her like a dragon and a tiger.

"I... I'm fine. Kelsey gasped and rested on Warfarin.

"How about you tell me you're okay?" Warfarin felt a burning sensation on her body.

Warfarin's clothes that touched Kelsey's body had melted and her skin burned.

"You go first."

"You took me here and now you want me to go? It's so easy to think. Warfarin endured the burning pain and dragged Kelsey up and towards the medical room.

"I'm a doctor, and now... You're sick, Kelsey.

"I didn't have evidence before, but now, you on me, it's evidence." Warfarin gritted her teeth and unlocked the door to the medical room.

Warfarin's fangs were revealed again, and boiling blood surged through her body, resisting unknown objects that eroded her.

"Roar!" Mon3tr appeared tearing at Warfarin.

"Go out and guard the door." Instead of fearing Mon3tr as usual, Warfarin put Kelsey in the medical cabin.

Mon3tr stared at Warfarin and then at Kelsey, and finally stopped hissing and walked out the door.


"Grass!" over Victoria Lentinium!"

Tianshuo constantly adjusted his direction posture in the air, his speed getting faster and faster, and he fell straight towards the city defense auxiliary gun like a missile.


Sparks splashed, waves of air burst thousands of meters away, the wind generated raged the surroundings, and billowing smoke rose above the city walls.

A pair of city defense guns fell from the city wall and slammed into the ground.

"What happened? Debriefing. Manfred looked into the distant flames and smoke.

"Report! The north side of the wall in the Sadine district was severely hit by unknown forces, the M-7 city defense secondary gun has been destroyed, and the inner wall has been pierced by unknown objects..."

Mandra watched the fire spread over the walls of Lentinim "Manfred, hahaha... General, your city defense artillery exploded. "

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