"Your Highness, His Royal Highness the Prince Regent has you back." A messenger came to Theresia.

"Over there, what's going on?"

“...... I don't know yet. "


The shapeshifters standing beside the forgiver clustered to look at the sword wound on Frost Star's body and the forgiver who fell to the ground.

“...... Forgiver, solve the trouble you cause yourself. The cluster of shapeshifters stretched out their hands to block in front of the forgiver.


The blood blade slashed at the arm of the shapeshifter cluster, and the space was distorted at this moment, and the shockwave visible to the naked eye spread.

The ground at the feet of the shapeshifters shattered like a spider's web, and the rubble burst into the thigh of a sword-wielding pardonist.

"You... Ahem, came in time. The forgiver raised his head and looked at the long-haired Tianshuo.

The blood blade cut into the arm of the shapeshifter cluster, dented in it, and was pinched by the shapeshifter cluster.

"Can hurt me, little one, you've become stronger... What did His Highness teach you before? The

cluster of shapeshifters threw it out violently and landed beside Froststar.

The wound on the arm of the shapeshifter healed and stood in front of the forgiver.

"It's a pity that the forgiver can't die yet."

Whether it is His Highness, or something, the cluster of shapeshifters has to make sure that the other party does not die.

"Snow Rabbit, how are you injured?"

“... The wound is not deep, and the spell of the forgiver is somewhat strange. "The blood spilled from Frost Star stained the snow-white of his clothes.

She didn't feel any threat, just like the usual warm sunlight shining on her.

But when you really encounter that glimmer of light, you will feel the terrifying power.

Her wounds were all from those, inadvertent light, impossible to distinguish.

Tianshuo held Frost Star's hand with one hand and put it on the back of Frost Star's injured hand, and golden light appeared in the eyes of the three, sealing the wound that was still bleeding.

Tianshuo originally wanted to restore it directly, but it seemed that he needed to find the blood that flowed out, as well as the small pieces of flesh that had fallen off.


"Brother Tianshuo is also here." The three of them stood in the distance, looking at the battlefield that they could not reach in the distance.

"Captain Scout, why didn't you shoot...?" Even Sasha knew that there were several opportunities to lighten the burden on Frost Star.

"Only two bullets left."

Scout has not replenished its ammunition since he arrived in Lentinum, and after several battles, it has almost run out.

“...... No wonder. Sasha looked at his crossbow, his crossbow arrow not yet able to cause harm to the forgiver, even if it interfered.

Not strong enough....

"Let's go first, go to the leader first, without bullets, I am of little use." Scout rolled over and got up from the ground and led the two towards the agreed place.

The bullets were plentiful and the distance was widened, which was his most threatening posture.


"Xiaotian, you?" Frost Star looked at his wound, which had not healed, but it was no longer bleeding.

"Slightly... Got a little bit of it. The

forgiver stood stiffly from the ground with his long sword, and the frost had eroded into his body.

"Explain it yourself, do you still want us to talk about it?"

“... It's just a misunderstanding, and there is nothing to explain. "There was a glimmer in the chest of the forgiver in an attempt to dispel the cold.

"Misunderstanding? If the horizontal knife towards the three of them can also be called a misunderstanding, then if I kill you now, can it also be called a misunderstanding.

"You can't do it." The soles of the forgiver's feet began to spread and freeze, spreading towards his whole body.

"If it weren't for the special trouble after being killed, I wouldn't want to ask the leaders of the royal court."

"Besides, it was a misunderstanding, you think back, how much strength did I use with that sword, is there three points?"

“...... Shhh. Frost Star turned his head, and a pair of rabbit ears swayed at this moment.

The ice attached to the forgiver shattered and fell to the ground, shining with sunlight.

"Well, since the misunderstanding is resolved, it will be easy to do." The shapeshifter cluster smiled and looked at Tianshuo.

"Old, still you have to stay, Wendigo's heir."

The forgiver noticed the power of time that Tianshuo had just released.

The forgiver looked at the cluster of shapeshifters, and he seemed to understand something.

"Snow Hare, there are some things I need to deal with." The Tianshuo space locked the forgiver and he could find it no matter where the other party was.

Can't kill now, doesn't mean ... Not later.

If he came later or if the shapeshifter cluster came later, the forgiver would die, but Frost Star would definitely be seriously injured, and the space of Tianshuo unfolded and found the energy condensed at the end of the forgiver sword.

And that energy frost star can't find it, if there is no space to unfold, Tianshuo will not think that the sunlight shining on his body will turn his face and hurt him.

So...... This hatred, he wrote down.

Tianshuo put away the blood blade, and he still needed to stay by His Highness's side until he could figure out why Sakaz had gathered here.

From the current point of view, at least the three royal courts hope to do this themselves.

The three court leaders had already expressed the same opinion, and when there was usually a disagreement, the three court leaders who would turn their faces when they met were concerned about one thing at the same time.

So...... Are other people's opinions still that important?

At least Tianshuo's opinion is not so important.

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

Tianshuo patted Frost Star's back and smiled, "Let's go." "


Tianshuo threw a flying blade and shattered the glass of the room and penetrated it, piercing the back of the head of a member of the Forgiveness's direct guard who was following in the direction of Frost Star.

"The hand slipped, sorry." The insincere Tianshuo patted the dust in his palm.

"The rest of the mess you clean up yourself... Your Highness, I thought you followed Trasis' men away. The shapeshifter cluster turned to look at Theresia, who was coming.

"I am 'free'... Isn't it? "

“... Of course, His Highness can go wherever he wants.

"I'm not going to leave here, Sakaz needs me, and I... Sakaz is also needed. Theresia looked at Sakaz in this place.

The cluster of shapeshifters sighed, spilling liquid from the ground to envelop those people inside.

"You still know what I'm thinking, just to get them out of danger."

"Your Highness." The forgiver hobbled and stumbled to his feet.

"Forgiver of sins, your ethnic group, hasn't arrived yet?"

"The king of scavengers has made way for them, perhaps already in the city at this moment."

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