"leader." Scout looked at Tallullah, who greeted the three of them.

"It's good to come back, replenish the ammunition, we have to go to support." Tallulah received a communication from the Doctor.

The other party proposed a deal, and her father's relics are now in the hands of the other party, and now the other party uses her father's relics as this transaction.

"I went to visit, Tallula." The captain of the parliamentary guard appeared beside her.

"The Blood Demon Lord is over there."

"If it weren't for this tricky character, the Doctor wouldn't have shown one of his hole cards."

"Besides... The rebels are there, and I think you should have an impression of their leader.

Tallulah thought back to the one-horned old man, maybe the information that Ino brought back would be of great use.

“...... The rebels, they are all good, the remaining parliamentary guards have been assembled, and Miss Frost Star and I will do our best to drag down the Blood Demon Lord.

"No, it's not just you and Frost Star, there are several others in Rhode Island who are fighting with you."

Rhode Island promised to have at least Logos and Askalon fighting together.

“...... Then perhaps, I have a chance to kill the other party. The captain of the parliamentary guard spoke after a long silence.

He understood that there was still some gap between himself and the Blood Demon Lord, but if... Chance?

“... No, just drag the other party and don't take meaningless risks. "

Let's not talk about whether you can really kill a royal court, it's just the price of starting a war.

They can't afford it, Rhode Island still can't afford it, Lentinum can't afford it even more, no one can afford it.

If that level of fighting breaks out in the city, the whole of Lentinom will be destroyed.

“...... Well, now, listen to you, the steam knights have found clues, they are hiding in the Grand Duke's troops outside the city.

"Ready to go."


The chaos and smoke of the Victoria Lentinium

structure eroded the place, there were no screams and roars, only the voice of the command, and the rebels knew that they should trust their commanders.

The Blood Demon Lord stood in a narrow pipe, he didn't like it here, dirty...

If it weren't for the fact that he smelled the "Demon King", he wouldn't have come down.

Originally, it was just to see the special bloodline aura before, who would have thought that the Demon King was also here.

The Blood Demon Lord's fingertips jumped, and the sound of liquid flowing was constantly heard in the pitch-black pipe.

"What a stinky smell... Your way of fighting is also too dirty. "

The Blood Demon Maharaja stepped on top of the flowing blood.

"Strange... Monsters..."

the legs of the rebels shook, instinctively afraid.

"Monster? I really haven't heard anyone say this word for a while. The

Blood Demon Lord stared at Feilin in front of him, after all, others either called him old pink eye or old pink eye.

You can't even tell the difference between winning and losing a fight.

"If I'm a monster, why don't you run away? The door is right behind you, all you need to turn around to leave.

"I... I! ... You don't want to get close to the commander! "Philin took his hammer and swung it at the Blood Demon Lord.

All they can use is hammers, hoes, wrenches ...

They are already just civilians.

Resistance? That's just what others call them, because... Only they are still resisting.

Just a meter away, his hand had already dispersed into a blood mist, floating in the air, and the hammer fell to the ground with a loud sound.

"My hand—ah!"

The blood that spilled from his body wrapped him, dissolving the other party in an instant, turning into a pool of liquid.

"Hmm... The smell is much more comfortable. The Blood Demon Lord stepped on the pool of liquid and walked towards the door.

"I don't mind... Clean the ground with the only thing of value on you. "

The tentacles stretched out from the thick blood and slammed into the door, knocking it away.

smoke cleared, and a figure appeared at the end of the passage.

It wasn't some clawed monster, with no twisted limbs, no sharp fangs and sharp teeth, and no extra tentacles.

He looked like a young aristocrat whose photograph would be published in the newspaper and who liked to talk about the economic situation in Lentinomes.

If only the ground under his feet was not soaked in blood.

"You guys... None of them are the people I'm looking for. The Blood Demon Lord lifted his finger easily, as if raising a crystal wine glass, or to the beat of a piece of music.

Blood jumped from under his feet, grabbed the bodies of the rebel fighters, and wrapped around their limbs.

The screams were completely drowned out by the gushing blood.

Blood accumulated in the pipes of the structural layer, and the thick blood burrowed into the nasal cavity of the rebels, and bright red overflowed the entire field of vision.

"Run! Don't look back - ah! The leader of the rebel squad who opened his mouth was entangled in blood and came to the Blood Demon Lord.

"Where is the 'Demon King'? Little banshees are really good at hiding. The blood of the Blood Demon Lord dragged the captain forward.

"What are you talking about..."

The words did not fall, and the blood had already wrapped and crushed them.

"It's rare that I came down and met her in such a dirty pipe, and she actually hid behind you weak creatures and did not dare to meet me?"

The Blood Demon Maharajah stepped forward, the walls were sprinkled with blood, and so was the ceiling, and the blood had become a stream, flowing in these pipes, just like the depleted streams of water in the past.

The Blood Demon Lord slowed down, the people fled, and the last one would be turned into blood, and then pounce on the one who became the last.

"Hmm... Listen to your breathing and heartbeat, are you finally tired? The Blood Demon Lord looked at this empty space.

The rebels protected a little one-horned girl behind them.

"It's you, Unicorn." The Blood Demon Lord spotted Clovicia at a glance.

"This is ... Glory to Sakaz? Clovicia pulled everyone away and stood in front of the Blood Demon Lord.

"It's not a battle at all."

"Fight? You have some misunderstanding about me. The Blood Demon Lord walked in the air, blood flowing from behind him towards the rebels.

"Since the 'Demon King' is not there, then there is no opponent here that can match me." The blood of the Blood Demon Lord picked up a rice spoon for him.

"Would you talk about glory with a herd of meat beasts? You know that hunting them can only bring a touch of sensory stimulation.

"In the end, they only deserve to be called an appetizer, on the premise of being on the main table?"

Blood loosens the spoon and lets it fall in the blood.

"Will you talk about glory with the food you eat?"

"You put us... As prey? "

Even if you are Sakaz, this kind of wanton killing for personal preference is too barbaric..." Clovicia looked at the stream of blood.

"Do not judge me by the civilization you understand, this is the most terrible slander for me."

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