"Have you ever seen Tianshuo?"

The puppet shadow's words blurted out for a long time without getting a response, so he had to turn his head to look at Shirogane who had not spoken behind him.

“...... Really sleeping, how do you keep up with me while sleeping? The puppet hugged Steltel and looked at the silver-haired woman behind him who closed her eyes, but still followed closely behind him.

"Forget it, don't care... Hopefully Lentinom is okay. "

The shadow of the silver fork appeared beside him, and then retreated to Shirogane's side to avoid accidents,


Victoria Lentinium

"The individual named Talula did not accede to your request." Ishar-mla followed behind Tianshuo, and one person and one god were heading to the place where the shattered mansion gathered at the center of the natural disaster.

"The risk is very high, after all, it is not an easy task to compress the energy that is enough to shatter such a huge natural disaster cloud." Tianshuo knew what Tallulah was worried about.

After Chernoberg he was in a coma for several months, of course, this is in the eyes of outsiders, but in fact he is dead, and he only survived because the system saved him at the cost of losing his sense of taste.

"Tian-shuo, if you ask, I won't refuse."

“...... Then fight me after the natural disaster, just outside Lentinium. Tianshuo was silent for a long time, and finally spoke.

"Why? The population has enough nutrients, we don't need to prey on each other, it is meaningless.

"This is my request, Ishar-mla."

“...... If that's what you're hoping for, then I'll respond to you. Ishar-mla looked at the stopped Tianshuo as he stood in front of the already unoccupied building.

The fighting spread and spread throughout Lentinium.

Only this edifice still stands, towering in the center of the storm, in the middle of the war.

The active solid source stone flew through the air, scraping one person and one god, crashing into debris, and then rising again to the clouds with the cyclone.

The cold current released by the high-altitude frost star delayed the natural disaster to the greatest extent.


"Your Highness, the structural layer is not enough to resist natural disasters."

Several people looked at Tallula, who was surrounded by them in the center, and the Breath of Kings in her hand.


"What are you hesitating about? Tallula. "


The voice of the undead black snake overshadowed everyone's discussion and filled Tallula's mind, this voice was all too familiar, Tallulah knew that it was Kosice's voice.


"If you want to prove yourself before the legend, you can only bring yourself close to perfection, only mortals will bleed, and noble people are vulnerable to injury."


"With your flame, burn this land, pierce a hole and throw all the dirty deeds and sinful past into it and bury it, this is what you should do Talulah, Victoria has always been..."


"And now, the Tribulation will punish them, Tallula, your twin swords attached to the flames belonging to Drak are enough to cut through the walls of Lentinom."

"They have nothing to remember and save, they should know this when oppressing, deceiving and exploiting the infected, and eat their own consequences..."

"Bastard, what kind of psychological counseling do you want to do to the person I fancy to make me feel sick?"

A chilling sound exploded in Tallula's mind, and in an instant it overwhelmed the undead black snake and spoke.

A huge red dragon stretched its wings, spitting out an extremely terrifying flame aura, and the entire sealing space was burned by flames.

"Red dragon? Where are the Golden Lions? They won't be banished by you just like that. "The immortal black snake was a little surprised, and the beast master who should not have appeared appeared.

"The Golden Lion has what they still have to do, and I don't care what they have to do, it's just in vain anyway, and now I just want to ask one thing - "


The red dragon retracted its wings and fell from the air, standing in front of the immortal black snake, and the entire space trembled slightly at this moment.

"—What disgusting psychological counseling do you locked up little snake want to do to Atrias?"

A young god and an ancient beast master looked at each other at this moment.


Yanguo Longmen

Chen looked at the slightly scrawled letter in his hand sitting at the desk, and was stunned.

This is a letter sent from Chernoberg a few months ago, by Natalia (Early Dew), who now takes over Chernoborg.

Chen looked at what was written on the letter, which was sent to her by her sister Tallula, but for some reason the letter was long and far late.

Hui Jie:

I don't know how far I have to go.

I occasionally hear the crisp call of the winter feathers, what does that mean? Does it mean that spring is coming? Although it is still very cold, the days when the weather gets warmer should not be far away.

After three weeks, we finally found two more villages willing to exchange supplies with infected people.

In an abandoned settlement a few kilometers away from them, we camped, and there was plenty of fuel to hold us up for a while.

The roots are really not delicious. I don't want to listen to the old man say anything like "very nutritious".

I know where this road leads on December 7.

We have to go to that end, even if I can't, Tianshuo, Yelena, Alina, and Ino them.... It should also be able to walk.

It's just that the road under our feet is too unclear.

Will they reject us? We can't give them too many illusions.

I already understand....

It was bad to make a promise that could not be kept, and the promises of bread and bedding of the Usas Empire only covered up their atrocities and lies. Deception is the beginning of another kind of domination.

Will they dislike us? In all probability. If it weren't for the fact that the people in the Northern Plains were suffering, many people would report to the pickets when they saw the infected.

This malice may come from their concern about their situation....

I'm not the same as Bozokasty. We have to guard against this, but this is definitely not something in their bones, we

can't hate them because of these behaviors that seek benefits and avoid harm... Absolutely not.

Will they hurt us? I don't know much about that. I probably can't think about it too much....

Anyway... I think that many people are forced to become like that, and Tianshuo's original words made me see more clearly, and it was not everyone's fault.

If there are teachers like Alina, there is our team, there is the peaceful coexistence of infected and ordinary people.... They will be changed.

Many people are simply infused with too many distorted ideas by Usas. We can help them, and knowledge can change people's minds.

It's just that it's really hard. Even if I believe ... It should be fundamental to implement a strong conviction in action that the truth is acceptable to all.

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