Chen put down the letter in his hand, put his hands on the table and supported his chin to look at the night view of the dragon gate outside the window.

"Tallula, if your letter was a year earlier..." Chen closed her eyes and tried to imagine the scenes that Tallulah had painted for her in the letter.

“...... What made you, my sister, not send this letter out to me in time? Chen sighed, put away the letter again, and put it in the drawer after reassembling it.

"Listening to Nine's news, she seems to be in Victoria." Chen lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

"The bagpipes are also there..." Chen scratched his head, to be honest, it was fine that he didn't receive this letter.

After receiving it, her heart itched, and she always felt that something was going to happen.

And she didn't see the person who delivered the letter at the beginning, but just dropped the money, Natalia Andreevna Rostova.

Chen took off her gloves, and a small amount of source stone crystals attached to her hand, she was also infected, although this identity was concealed.

Chen rolled over and covered the quilt, the cold current spreading from the ice field had already caused them to live a harsh winter.

“...... Let's make a phone call. Chen got up and picked up the communication, she didn't have Tallula's contact information, but she had old classmate bagpipes.


"No one answered." Chen put down the communication and looked sideways at the dark sky outside the window, and did not say anything for a long time.


Victoria Lentinium

Amia gasped violently, the link guidance of the Blood Demon Lord made her unable to awaken, her soul was tempered, and the ring worn on ten fingers could not help but tremble.

It is not that Theresia is influencing Amia through this, but that her own energy is being suppressed.

Many thoughts formed in Amia's mind and quickly dissipated.


She remembered Lisa bringing gingerbread out of the oven, of Mimi's little handmade badge, of the faint light on Child's chest when the power went out in the aisle and his freckled face with a smirk.

She thought of her father and mother.

She saw her mother's hand that held her shoulder when she steadied the bow, her mother's fingers were white and slender, but the scars and calluses made her a little uncomfortable.

She saw her father push her out the door and fall, she couldn't remember what her father said, she only remembered him with tears in his eyes and said: "Goodbye, live, Amia."

She saw Theresia stab her sword into her chest.

She saw Theresia say goodnight and turn off the lights.

She saw Theresia pick out a white dress for her, smiling happier than she was.

She saw the Doctor walking in front of her.

Seeing the Doctor turn around, he waited for her to walk beside him before continuing his steps.

She saw a sakaz.

The fire surrounded that Sakaz ... A fire that burns everything but does not burn out malice is born from an evil fire.

Also in the camp surrounded by fire, that Sakaz roared loudly.

We have been betrayed again! They tore up the Entente, they raided our garrison!

That's just ordinary people, those are not soldiers! That's just ordinary Sakaz people!!

Why kill my wife and children?

Why should my people be treated so unfairly?!

Why are we not allowed to live ?!

We just wanted a place to live! Just because we are Sakaz?!


Amia's tears were running down her face and dripping onto the futon.

"Just because we are infected?" Amia asked as she felt the heartbreaking.


Just because we are Sakaz, we are hard-hearted or livestock, shouldn't we live on this land?

That Sakaz roar pierced the tongue of flame, pierced the spell, pierced the era.

What bad things have they done? Aren't they innocent?!


"Do you hate them?" Amia asked softly, not sure if she was standing next to this Sakaz or if she was staying there in a condescending posture.


Memory will not answer.

But the tall Sakaz continued as if he knew someone was going to ask the question.

No, maybe he himself is constantly asking himself this question....

Do they hate us?!

To mutilate our fellow citizens for no reason, promising to repent and committing even greater sins in order to cover up their sins!

Is this a toy, or a manipulation? Is this profit-seeking or simple abuse? Is this their momentary paranoia, or is it malice in their bones?

Are they supposed to hate us?

They should hate themselves, hate themselves for making their land like this, turning us all into villains!

Sakaz picked up the sword.

Black and cyan soaked every part of the sword.


The futon covering Amia was burned by cyan flames, and she was exposed in the air but did not fall but floated in the air.

The ring on her index finger trembled violently, and the black silk thread continued to release and bloom from Amia's palm, stirring... Shredded the walls.


Do I hate them?

Anger, rage.

Endless anger, anger at all the pain and injustice of this land.

Broke through Sakaz's bottom line and broke through Amia's defense.


The ring worn by the index finger shattered into pieces at this moment, the black lines converged and stirred, and the cyan anger burned on its surface, inside, inside and out.

Finally, a sword was formed, and the same longsword as that of Sakaz was held in Amia's hand.


Hatred can't even kill grudges, how can something that nurtures malice defeat malice?

..... Anger is not the same.

Even if I don't take revenge or hold a grudge, I have the right to be angry forever! Sakaz roared.

If they hadn't thought about this ending, they shouldn't have done it!

The flames trembled in his roar, they cowered, and the self-mocking orange turned cyan.

The cyan flame grew stronger and stronger.

Sakaz drew his long sword, which was long and sharp, and the blue aura slid down the black blade.

His anger rose with it.

If that's the result, come on!

I'll bring you the result! To all of us..... Bring myself!

If the land forbids me to lay down my arms, then I can only take up my sword and fight until the end times!

Amia knew that after killing all the oath breakers, the tall Sakaz committed suicide.

Amia also knew that the sword then turned into flying ash, as if it had never existed.

But this king of Sakaz, the cyan anger of this demon king, has long been part of Amia with his experience.

"Demon King, be angry, take this cyan anger." The Blood Demon Lord stood beside Amia and watched with her the bits and pieces of this long river of memories.


Cyan flames burned the entire room, and Amia, who was still asleep, held a long sword and a blue flame swirling on it.

Waves of anger poured out of the room and burned the door... The wall expands under everyone's eyes.

"Doctor! Dangerous! Askalon slammed into the Doctor and brought it out of the range of the cyan flame.

All Sakaz's hearts were released at this moment, the pain was gone, and they looked at a place together.

At the center of the flames floats a sleeping Catters, a sleeping demon king, a... Monarch of Kazdale.

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