Earlier's face froze, and this answer seemed to be a little beyond all her expectations.

Although some preparations have been made, after all, before Talula fully disclosed that she was Draco, there were also many people who came to climb the relationship, saying how they were before...

The period of time when the so-called "recognition" first arose could have been a busy time for her, although she also complained to Tallulah for a while....

Later, I no longer went to pick up such absurd confessors.

Since the identity of Draco Victoria's heir to the throne was revealed, no one has come forward.

It can also be said - now they cannot climb and do not dare.

Early's expression was a little strange, and under Talula's current identity, he dared to come, most of them did have some origin.

But he never thought that the leader of his family might have a sister and also have a relationship with the Yan Kingdom.

Zao Lu thought for a long time and finally spoke: "Miss Chen, do you have... Well, is there any evidence that you and the leader are sisters?

Zao Lu raised her head and looked at Chen: "After all, we don't believe it based on words alone. "

If it weren't for the complete inability to contact Tallulah now, Zaolu's decision wouldn't be so difficult.

Tallulah could no longer be contacted long before she decided to enter Lentinom, as if something was interfering with telecommunications.

Dragon and Drack, the two can be said to have no connection at all.

One side is the nobles of the Yan Kingdom, and the other is the Victorian nobles, born of the same parents? How is this possible?

The early-onset brain is now a bit cluttered.

Has there been any news of the marriage between Yan Guo and Victoria in the past hundred years?

He thought back to what he had read, whether it was books, newspapers, or news from other countries.

Even today's early dew has not found this information in any dossier or in any old newspaper.

Chen listened to Zaolu's inquiry, and the other party's almost explicit, absurd words written on his face.

She silently took out a photo from her pocket, a well-preserved but somewhat older photo.

There were two little girls a few years old on it, and Chen did not hand it to Morning Lu, but placed the photo generously on the table.

Zao Lu lowered her head slightly, looking at the moment when the two were frozen in a frolicking moment in the photo.

Early Heart suddenly clicked.

This is... Leader?


Haya swallowed, she had never seen Tallulah smile so naturally.

"I know, I can't confirm it with this photo alone, but I really don't have anything more to prove my relationship with her."

Chen's eyes have also been fixed on the photo, whose mother has been dead for years.

Zao Lu looked at the photo and pondered, and there were no words for a long time.

No matter how you think about this thing, it is impossible.

Photos can be fake, eyes can be disguised, and emotions can be controlled to confuse.

But race alone does not deceive people.

It is reasonable that brothers and sisters of different races, although rare, do exist.

But the problem is... Dragons and Draco.

And the other party happened to come when he couldn't contact Tallula.

Everything... It's all a coincidence.

Zao Lu rubbed her forehead with one hand, because of the identity of the other party, she couldn't treat those people like before.

"Any other relatives? The royal family of the Yanguo Kingdom..." Zao Lu closed her mouth halfway through speaking, these should not be said by her.

“... Forget it, these people should not be involved.

Chen and Zaolu fell silent at this moment.


The movement at the entrance of the stairs attracted the attention of the two.

Vika slowly walked down the second floor with the handrail.

"Vika? Are you better? "Early Lu got up and went to help the other party, fortunately there was no man in the room.

Vika didn't even wear a coat, just her underwear came out.

"Why don't you get dressed..." Hayashi took off her coat and draped it over the other person.

"She... Ahem, what she said was true. Vika coughed lightly.

A dream for a thousand years, this is not an ordinary dream, and her body will get tired with it.

“... The leader and Miss Chen are indeed sisters. Vika said, covering her mouth and trying not to cough.

She doesn't know if it's a dream or a reality, but she should tell everyone, both dream and reality.

Since you can't get out of the chaos, go with it.

As long as I remind everyone again and again, it is the same whether in a dream or in reality.

"Vika? Are you okay? Hayashi stretched out her hand to run down the other's back in an attempt to make the girl feel better.

Vika raised her hand and shook it, indicating that it was fine.

"What about your medicine? Didn't you bring it with you? Zaoru helped Vika slowly walk downstairs, "When you go back, your attending doctor will scold me again." "

Haha... Every time, you help me carry the pot. A rare smile bloomed on Vika's pale face.

Chen's gaze was on the girl who was helped to sit on the soft sofa, if it was estimated by normal conditions...

She estimated that the other party would probably not survive this winter in this weak state.

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