Perhaps the sky was already too cold, making Chen subconsciously think that it was already a harsh winter.

There is no winter snow, but it is extremely cold.

Chen turned her head to look out the window, remembering what she had observed as she entered the city.

The guards in Chernoberg were much looser than she had ever learned.

Without the figure of the shield guard, Chen did not even see the figure of the tall shield of the infected.

From the information she learned, the Usas high-speed warships that had been hovering around Chernoberg had also left about a month ago.

Yanguo is also deploying manpower.

...... Something big has definitely happened.


Vika's cough pulled Chen's thoughts back, and Chen stared at Vika's pale face, which had not yet left her immature face.

Vika's palm covering her mouth felt the hot liquid.

"Ahem..." Vika pushed away the morning dew with one hand, got up and tried to leave, but her feet were weak and she had to propped herself on the table and gasp roughly.


"Don't... Stay back! Ahem..."Vika's loud roar stunned Hayashi in place.

"Ahem... Natalia you also... Not yet, infected..." Vika's hand covering her mouth oozed a drop of blood dripping onto the floor.

Zao Lu clenched his fists, looking extremely angry.

"Who cares!?" Zaoru quickly came to Vika's side and put the other's arm on her shoulder.

"Go, go to the doctor in Rhode Island, it will be fine."

“...... Let me do it. Chen put away the photo and carefully kept it again.

"Miss Chen?" Zao Lu raised her head and looked at Chen standing in front of them.

"You should stay away, Vika... She has an ore attack, and if she is not careful, she will..." Chen

walked towards the two of them and took off his gloves at the same time, and the small amount of source stone crystals attached to Chen's hand made Chen's whole person stunned.

"If you wanted to talk about infection, then I already was." Chen took Vika, who was draped on Zaolu's body, and held the other party in her arms, this girl was much lighter than she thought.

"Where is that Rhode Island you were talking about?"

Zao Lu turned her head and stopped dwelling on this: "Follow me." "


The wild sand of the Victoria desert

avoids the two gods who are walking slowly.

Isha suddenly paused, and he turned to look at everything in front of him.

High-speed warships in the distance, natural disaster clouds, ocean currents....

"They're going to fight again, right?"

Isa asked Ishar-mla, who knew the answer himself, and like Ishar-mla, he could feel that the struggle had not dissipated.

Ishar-mla did not reply verbally, and his thoughts were enough to convey.

"..." Isha didn't speak, just silently turned around, and at this moment a huge eyeball appeared in the sky, opened her eyes, and stared at everyone who was watching here.

Huge enough to be compared to Lentinom, the eyeball will occupy one-eighth of the entire Lentinom.

Isa took the invisible touch, who had passed unconscious, and held it in her arms.

"Mom and Dad tried to stop the war, but no one responded."

A wave of air swirled from the base of Isa's feet.

Behind him there were constantly visible touches, like cobwebs that seemed to connect to the clouds.

"Then let them be obedient."

Isha walked around without any bumps.

Not long ago, he connected to Tianshuo's thoughts (when Tianshuo was still in the alien space of Dionysus).

From the origin of its sea bloodline, Tianshuo is no different from Isa, if you don't count the bloodline as a human.

After the system opened the channel, Isa received all the thoughts about Tianshuo at that moment.


During this year, Isha read a lot of books, learned a lot of things, and also learned some general history of this land.

This has been the case since ancient times.

Facing an enemy together unites everyone.

During the year, large groups spoke to Him, and He responded, but he never returned.

Until he connected to Tianshuo's thoughts, even for a short time, he understood what Tianshuo wanted to do.

What compatriots want to do but can't do ... Then I'll do it.

A silver strand extends from the roots of Isa's hair to cover the original black until the end.

Mom and Dad can't bear to kill... Then I'll do it.

More silver strands covered the black hair.

What Tian-shuo wants to do... Then it's up to me to help.

Until His black hair completely degenerated into a silver white.

The visible touch behind him twisted and expanded at this moment, only to burst out in an instant, coming to those whom he felt called for struggle.

Unlike Ishar-mla, who uses great silence so that others do not notice, He wants fear to gather in everyone's hearts.

The visible touch avoids fatal wounds that kill with one blow, piercing those like hedgehogs, but still alive and wailing.

Isa held Tianshuo and walked calmly on the spotless desert.

He has made the direction of his existence, and He is the god of the sea with a unique mind.

Just waiting in the ocean for humanity to come and die? No, he will not be like the leader before him.

Destroy all threatening existences? No, he wouldn't be like Ishar-mla, and neither would his dad want to.

That creates a possibility that can be balanced, a possibility that can be confronted forever.

It is up to him to lead and lead all his fellow citizens.

Always level the combat power of both sides, let both sides rise little by little until - eternal survival.

Isa looked down at Tianshuo.

Large groups?


My father is a flock.

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