Isa · The god

Ishar was essentially transformed from the corpse of Ishar-mla who was voluntarily killed decades ago.

Unconsciously drifting in the vast sea, feeding his compatriots on the way, with nowhere to rely on.

Finally, he sank to the west seabed to sleep, his body shrunk and gave birth to an independent consciousness, and was washed by the waves along the shore of Colombia.

Irsa, who is only three years old, was picked up by an infected couple on the shore, and was unfortunately pierced in the face by the active source stone crystal on the way to escape and was eventually abandoned.

Later, he was found and taken in by a passing merchant, and then sold to the human trafficking chamber of commerce in the mobile city, but was brutally trained and finally resold.

On the way back from those who were photographed and bought, he was attacked by a rusty hammer and finally abandoned to the wilderness due to food shortages.

It was eventually discovered by Tianshuo and taken in for care and upbringing.

During the journey to Casimir, he awakens at the same time due to the resuscitation of Ishar-mla.

To this day, he is no longer the same migration and struggle with Ishar-mla.


A flattened stone floated in front of Isa, on both sides, but with a scratch.

After Isha awakened, she also knew what the situation was in the first place.

The corners of Isa's mouth stretched slightly, he smiled naturally, he laughed at the silly and pitiful self.

But he was very lucky that he actually met a good father.

Tentacles appeared out of thin air beside the others, piercing fiercely, whether they were the people of the Integration Movement or the Grand Duke, or the people in Rhode Island and Lentinium.

Froststar and Tallulah looked up as cobweb-like tentacles descended, slicing past them through the bodies of people around them.

Only a few lords of the royal court were not attacked by virtue of their own strength, and protected the sakaz around them.

Wailing and wailing gathered at this moment, but no one died, no matter how powerful the warrior or the vulnerable civilian.

Tallullah, who was resting on Froststar's shoulder, also breathed heavily, her left leg pierced by tentacles.

"Tallula?!" Froststar attempted to cut off the vine-like tentacles.

"Wait... Yelena! Tallulah gritted her teeth and endured the sharp pain.

"..." Frost Star's raised hand was stunned in the air, and the ice blade formed slowly dispersed.

She recognized the tentacles, which she had seen in Casimir.

At this moment, Ino, Sasha, Linguang and others who were penetrated had all seen it.

"Isha ?" Frost Star raised her head and looked at the tentacles in the sky and shouted, only she was not pierced by visible touches.


As Isa paused in his steps, he heard the shout.


The tentacles slowly fell, stagnating in front of Frost Star, and the two sides looked at each other like this.

The tentacles slowly spread forward, eventually retracting after rubbing Frost Star's face.

Wow -

all the tentacles pulled out of the human body at this moment, and finally disappeared at the point where they converged at the zenith.


“...... Mom. Isha just whispered.

Ishar-mla stared at Isa for a long time, knowing that his fellow man had made a choice to survive.

Isa also noticed Ishar-mla's gaze, and he just silently turned his head to look at the other.

"Back in the ocean, the direction will begin to appear, and you know this better than me and Tianshuo."

Ishar-mla nodded and embarked on the other side.


Hua Hai

Tianshuo slowly opened his eyes, the flowers fluttered and caressed his face, he slowly got up, and the flowers that were crushed by him also straightened his waist at this moment.

It's still like that, eternal.

Only this time there was no little girl with antlers, and there were no more lines.

Tianshuo was silent for a long time, and finally got up and came to the pavilion to sit down.

Breeze, floral fragrance, sunshine...

It's full of peace of mind and eternity, even though it's comfortable...


He thought about his civilian life at the bottom of the ice field chopping firewood and digging salt.

I thought about the life of an infected person who rummaged through garbage after he was infected.

Later, the group of people who met the most important people in their lives, under their training, their lifeless growth quickly reached enough to help them, and that life was full of happiness despite hardship.

To take in Isa, to take care of him, to raise him, to feel his growth, to being saved by the other party again and again, and to run around for the original idea on the ice field.

His confession to Frost Star on the battlefield, Frost Star's confession to him in the city walls.


When a tear fell from the corner of his eye, Tianshuo realized... He cried.

Tears could not stop pouring out, blurring his vision.

Ran across his face and dripped down his clothes.

...... Although comfortable, Tianshuo shook his head, and he wiped away his tears, precious tears.

This was not his destination, and Tianshuo got up and came to the sea of flowers, gently stroking the flowers.


I can't stay here with you, I can't fit in here."

The flower seemed to understand Tianshuo's words, and actually moved closer to Tianshuo's palm, as if rubbing his palm.

Or... Tianshuo raised his head to face the wind, and it was this breeze that blew the other party swaying.

Tianshuo stood up, and a visible wave of light spread out around him.

The realm of time and space is expanding at this moment, expanding towards this endless space.

No matter what those chants were, Tianshuo didn't care for a long time.

Tianshuo raised his arm and slowly squeezed it in the air, the space-time realm was compressed like a vortex at this time, and in the center was Tianshuo himself.

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