
Sorry, subconsciously said it." From the mouth of the duck lord, Tianshuo heard a familiar sentence.

"So, Mr. Duck, what are you looking for me for?" The bear behind Duck Jue gave him a very dangerous feeling, although not deadly enough, but very troublesome, at least Tianshuo felt that he could not beat him.

"As you can see, I'm a famous Colombian investor and entrepreneur."

"I don't have anything worth investing in."

"Is it? And what about the forces you represent? Duck Lord raised his black hat.

"What do you want to say?" I was just found here, how far can the other party's hand reach?

"Oh~ Someone is coming, it seems that we will talk again next time, friend." The duck lord retreated into the dark alley and disappeared.

"Tianshuo, haven't you slowed down yet?" Huang came out of the hotel.

“...... It's already good, let's go. "


"Gopnik, can you be sure?" Duck Lord and Gopnik walk the bustling streets.

"Hmm... Although the smell on his body was mixed, there was General Herag, and it was the people of the integration movement that had been rumored before. "

Herag, O man of Usas, integration movement..." the duck lord repeated a few words.

"It seems that the previous slash of natural disasters was the integration movement? Fun, find an opportunity to integrate sports. "


One night passed.

"Tianshuo, you don't seem to have much spirit." Huang looked at Tianshuo who was dragging around.

"Hmm... The soundproofing here is simply unbelievably poor. Tianshuo listened to the passion next door one night.

"The sound insulation is very good," Huang tried to knock on the wall with his hand, "because you hear so well."

"If you don't have a good rest, just rest again, I went to the exchange meeting with Dr. Amiya." Saying that, Huang walked towards the outside of the hotel.

"Go to sleep again... If there is Huang, it will be fine. "After a series of events, Tianshuo is exhausted.

Tianshuo in his sleep faintly heard a noisy voice.

"I'll just say the soundproofing here is ridiculously poor!!" Tianshuo jumped up from the bed, he was going to teach the group of noisy people a lesson.

Well? They are turning Amia over their baggage.

Not only disturbed my sleep, but also stole things.

Tianshuo came to the door of the room, "A few of you are very happy." One

person reacted quickly, and the crossbow in his hand was instantly aimed at Tianshuo, but Tianshuo was faster than him, and a dagger was inserted in the head door before the other party shot the crossbow arrow.

Under the gaze of everyone, Tianshuo walked to the person who fell in a pool of blood, and pulled out the dagger inserted in the brain door, "So, now I can ask you what you are looking for?" "


There was a huge explosion outside the hotel.

"What the hell are these guys going to do?" Tianshuo dodged and shot crossbow arrows in the room.

At the moment of the explosion, the opponent opened fire at an incredible speed, and this crossbow was like a submachine gun.

"What the hell is this (foul language), can a crossbow still be used like this?" Tianshuo was suppressed by the fire and forced to retreat outside the room.

Doctor and Amia? Broken, they are in danger.

Space unfolds and Tianshuo discovers that the Doctor and Amia are being hunted down, and as for these stealers...

"Count them lucky." Tianshuo broke open the door on the other side and jumped through the window, chasing the killers of Dr. Amia and the two in the middle of his knees.

"Mr. Tianshuo?"

"You and the Doctor go first, I'll come later, the weapons of this group of guys are a bit tricky."


There was another explosion in the hotel gate.

"It seems that they are also targeted, quick victory..." Super

accelerating, Tianshuo came to the side of a crossbowman, and the blade of his left hand plunged into the opponent's neck and pulled out a thin bloodshot.

After Tianshuo killed three people in a row, an unknown object fell from the roof.

"This is ... Not good! Tianshuo jumped on the ground, rolled over and fled into the distance.


The violent explosion wave flipped Tianshuo in the air for several meters, and ran steadily towards the direction of the Doctor and Amia.

"What the hell, is Colombia so force-oriented? It's a bomb at every turn.

Tianshuo climbed over the high wall to the car where the Doctor and Amia were sitting, and the car started instantly and galloped away.

"This is autopilot?" Tianshuo Space unfolded and did not find anyone in the driver's seat.

"Well, the automatic driving developed by Miss Lucier, I hope there will be no accidents."

"Doctor be careful!" Tianshuo cut off the flying crossbow arrows, "This group of guys... Pursued. "

How did you mess with that bunch of guys?" Tianshuo kept cutting off crossbow arrows in the back seat.

"It's someone hired by John's mother." The Doctor's voice came from below, lying on the seat because he dodged the crossbow arrow, and only Tianshuo still showed his head and kept shooting down the crossbow arrow.

"Mother John? What kind of madness are they going crazy for no reason, my God..." Tianshuo Space unfolded and found the crossbow arrows in the sky.

"Amia, protect the Doctor and don't let the broken crossbow arrow get hurt." Tianshuo jumped from the car.

Space ban.

Countless crossbow arrows stopped in the air in an instant, and Tianshuo danced a full moon in the air, cutting off all the crossbow arrows covering the sky above the body.

"Whew..." Tianshuo lifted the ban as he landed on the car, "I can't hold out for long, it's better to think of a way."

"Amia, see that Gobi in front? Smash it with a mental burst. The Doctor pointed to the huge Gobi in front of him.

"And then go above the collapse, and then release."

"Wow~ This scene is really spectacular." Tianshuo Space unfolded and found a large number of mercenaries buried underneath.

A few didn't know how to make the car jump, but it was Amia's mental outburst.

There were more than half fewer mercenaries behind him, which made Tianshuo's pressure reduce a lot.

"Are mercenaries so dedicated? We're all so far out of town, we're still chasing..." The

body shook violently, almost throwing Tianshuo out.

"Well, there seems to be something wrong with the autopilot that Miss Lucier did..." Amia looked at the frantically shaking body.

"Who can drive?" Tianshuo stopped the crossbow and arrow while exploring the way, "There is a cliff ahead!" Find a way to stop this thing, or turn a corner!

"Me! Bomb! "Tianshuo found a dense bomb thrown from a distance, which seemed to be at the right time, after all, some of them exploded in the air before they arrived.

The violent explosion overturned the car and the three fell off the cliff.

"Amia hug me!" Tianshuo took the doctor's left arm, and Amia hugged Tianshuo, jumped up from the car, and plunged the bloody blade of her right hand into the rock wall on the side.

So heavy....

Fortunately, this time it was not as deep as the cliff in the cave of the Xista volcano before, and this time it was tens of meters at most.

Space Warp!

The familiar squeeze reappeared, and the force of the fall collided with the force of the space distortion, causing Tianshuo's right arm to dislocate on the spot.

The gas wave generated by the explosion of the car blew the three people for several meters and stopped.

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