"Ahem..." Tianshuo lay on the ground panting, allowing Amia to help him retrieve his dislocated arm.

"It's the first time, there is no mental load, the body can't move first..." After

protecting Amia and the Doctor, Tianshuo suffered a complete fall injury.

Although there was a space distortion to forcibly cushion, it now felt like bones were shattered all over the body.

"Mr. Tianshuo?"

"Not dead yet... What happened to the Doctor? "

Comatose." Amia laid the Doctor on the ground and lay flat, and in the distance came a strangely dressed man with an iron bucket helmet.

Amia stands in front of Tianshuo and the Doctor, ready to fight at any time.

"Stop, friend, I'm not an enemy." The iron bucket man stopped in place and raised his hands to show that he was not hostile.

"Amia, don't be impulsive." Tianshuo Space unfolded and found that the mercenaries above the cliff had been secretly solved, quickly and quietly.

This person....

"Yes, as the lying friend said, I am not hostile, I am a businessman."

Amia lowered her hands hesitantly and lifted the Doctor up against the rock beside her.

"It doesn't look like you're doing well." The iron bucket man walked slowly over to look at the unconscious doctor, and then looked at Tianshuo, whose clothes were tattered and almost all over his body, although most of them were abrasions.

Amia carefully held Tianshuo on top of herself, helped him up and leaned against the rock wall.

The iron bucket man came to the side and sat down, looking at the doctor's still somewhat confused eyes, "Hey, friend."

"Good morning, good noon, and good evening."

"Uh... You are? The Doctor reached out and rubbed his somewhat aching head, as well as looked at the strangely dressed man in front of him.

The bucket man shouted to Amia on the side, "This friend is awake, little rabbit."

Amia watched the awakened Doctor fly into the Doctor's arms, "Great... I'm still worried about what to do if you can't wake up... Is there anything else uncomfortable?

"It's just that there is still a little headache, how is Tianshuo."

"I'm dying..." Tianshuo's wail came from the other side into the Doctor's ears.

"Don't worry, that friend doesn't know why, he will soon be alive, of course, I won't want to know why, as for you, at least on a physical level, there is no problem with the brain." The iron bucket man said after briefly checking Tianshuo's injuries.

"You are?" The Doctor gently patted Amia on the back, which was holding him tightly, to reassure her.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself, sorry, as you can see, I am a businessman, you can call me Cannot, you can call me Mr. Goodinoff, how can you be happy."

Cannot looked at the car in the distance that was still billowing with smoke because of the explosion: "Seriously, friend, just now it was really exciting, it's not every day that you can see someone flying down from a cliff to perform the source stone technique." The

corner of Tianshuo's mouth twitched, he felt that this person named Cannot was hurting him, but he was powerless to refute it now.

The group of people on the cliff who had been staring at the area left.

"From the direction we got out of town, this should be Colombia ... Wasteland on the east side. Amia thought back to the direction she had fled all the way before.

"You're right, little bunny, this is the Gaspar Wasteland, and your luck is pretty good." Cannot said, pointing south.

"If you drive two kilometers more over there, there is the famous gas swamp area here, and the car is stuck in it, but you really can't get out."

Fortunately, Tianshuo's hands were already able to move, and he put away the bloody blade that Amia had placed beside him.

"My God, friend, your ability to recover is nothing short of miraculous." Cannot looked at Tianshuo, who was making a move.

"Although it is presumptuous, is this your source stone skill?"

Tianshuo did not speak, although the iron bucket man in front of him did not show even a trace of killing intent, but Tianshuo knew that he was not simple.

The group of people who were originally on the cliff went around, and it can be said that the doctors have always been in a state of surveillance by them.

If it was him alone, Tianshuo would not be intimidated, and now there are two people next to him, although Amia is also very strong, but there are too many people on the other side to take care of the doctor's safety.

"Ahhh... It's me who is abrupt, friend, I'm just curious and have no other intentions.

"Amia, do we still have communication equipment?" The Doctor watched as Amia was looking for something over the smoke.

"It's all ruined... Food and water too. Amia shrugged her ears and returned to the Doctor.

"Sounds pretty desperate, friend." Cannott looked at the wasteland, "But there's always a way, if you don't mind."

"I'm already familiar with this area, and I can take you to the nearest messenger site, where you can connect with your friends, if it goes well."

"There's nothing to mind right now."

"Seriously, friend, Colombian mercenaries are mixed, but those who can afford to hire such mercenaries can be counted on one hand."

"By the way, Doctor, how did you offend John's mother?" Tianshuo has been confused for a long time, and it has not been smooth since he got off the aircraft.

"Probably because we refused to work with them?" Amia recalled the previous exchange meeting.

Because Rhode Island has no plans for deeper business cooperation, the purpose is now limited to technical exchanges.

So I rejected the rather preferential cooperation offered by John's mother.

"So, before I met you, I had a fight with a group of people in the hotel, and they seemed to be looking for something." Tianshuo hobbled to his feet from the ground holding the rock on the side.

Fortunately, it was not a serious injury, coupled with the increasing proficiency of the source stone technique, Tianshuo was already handy, and this degree was not as ruthless as the broken bones that Askalun had given him.

Cannot's pupils, which were covered by the iron bucket, visibly contracted.

"It should be that batch of ore disease analgesics, but that is only a batch of semi-finished products, only technical verification significance..."

"Amia, should we call the police?" I remember the information Kelsey gave me that there were police in Colombia. "Before coming, Tikalendo City's information Tianshuo looked at it most carefully, but there was no mention of the crossbow that was similar to a submachine gun.

Isn't this guy Kelsey's information outdated....

"Call the police? My friend, you probably don't know much about this place of Tikalendo. Cannot pulled out a map of Tikalondo.

The image above is so different from the maps on the market that the level of detail of this map even goes down to underground pipes.

Although Tianshuo didn't know all this, he only knew that the other party took a huge piece of paper and placed it on the ground.

What, this is....

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