"Hey! Jamie, you can't sleep yet!

Tianshuo's voice called out in Jamie's ear.

Who is it......?

Jamie's confused eyes searched for the source of the sound in the only remaining field of vision.

The source stone crystals gradually spread and spread on the surface of Jamie's body, and more and more.

I'm going to die....

"How could it be... Will make you die in such a place. Tianshuo stuck the blood blade into the ground.

Drink the potion hanging around your waist.

Space-time realm.

With a huge bell ringing————

the surroundings instantly stopped, and the golden bell tower appeared behind Tianshuo out of thin air with the chant in Tianshuo's head.

The hour hand points to twelve.

Looking around, no one moved.

The distorted space-time clearly reflects the traces of the source stone crystals.

Open your mouth to speak, and no one speaks to each other.

The golden bell tower emits a golden light that peels off the attached crystals.

"Poof..." Tianshuo spat out a mouthful of blood.

The needle vibrated violently and rotated in reverse, albeit with only a hint.


The entire bell tower dissipated like broken glass, and world time began to flow.

Tianshuo gulped and breathed, "Cough..." At

that moment, he couldn't breathe.

"Sasha... Take me away, ahem..." One lifted Tianshuo up and left outside.

Countless bugs rioted underground, and after Sasha and Tianshuo left the tournament arena, the bugs formed a black giant hand to lift the two and leave quickly.

Wildmane and Frost Star were already heading towards this side with Isha in their arms.

Along with that came the security personnel of the tournament.

"Get out of the arena! All unrelated people leave! "

The medical team stepped forward! After making sure there is no risk of infection, put it in a closed box and transport it away, the action is fast! "


The wildmane's weapon collided with the security personnel and made a crisp sound: "Put him down!"

"This is for the safety of other knights and the entire audience, please cooperate."

"And Your Excellency Rust Copper, please get out of here quickly."

"He's not dead yet! Alive! Do you know what it means to be alive!! The wild mane did not retreat and stood in front of everyone.

"You're infected too, right? Calm down, it's a major. "The security personnel couldn't stop Wildmane, and several knights who had stopped Jamie before blocked Wildmane blocked it.

"Calm down! Knights of the Red Pine, do you want to provoke the Knights Guild? This should be handed over to the medical staff. "

Ahem..." a rapid cough came out of Jamie's mouth.

"Didn't you see that he was still angry?! I don't care about you!

Wildmane picked up everyone and rushed over to pick up Jamie, "Hey, Jamie! How are you? "

You!" The knight was about to rush over and find that the soles of his feet had condensed ice and the blood flow slowed down.

The cold aura spread from Frost Star's side, surrounding several knights "Uh... Why am I in... Fear. "

If you dare to act, you will die, this is intuition, the intuition of the three of them.

"Leave them alone, they are also infected, arrange for the audience to exit first." The security personnel saw it thoroughly and quickly gave orders.

Voice of the broadcast: "Dear audience, due to emergencies at the venue, please follow the staff's arrangement, evacuate in time, and the award ceremony will be postponed to two hours later. "

The voice of the broadcast" repeated, respected observers..."

Avona, I see the gods... My lovely daughter brought the gods down to rescue me and restored me to the time I did not use the Source Stone technique... Ha ha...... Ahem. The smile on Jamie's face had never been so natural.

"I'm not going to die... For my daughter, for the gods who saved me.

Jamie slowly got up with Avona's help.

"Actually... Actually stood up! "The medical staff couldn't believe their eyes.

Obviously, I saw on the stage before, and his source stone crystals had begun to spread.

"See! Still alive, all go away! Wildmane pushed everyone who was leaning away, she didn't trust anyone here except the Red Pine Knights.

"He still has an element of instability and can't leave here!"

The pupils of the person who spoke spread a thin frost from the corner of his eye, although it only appeared for a moment.

"Uh..." Frost

Star opened the way for the two, merged with the flame tail outside the field, and left the prison together covertly.


"Ahem, ahem..." a violent cough sounded in the uninhabited street.

The ground was densely packed with insects, not only the ground, but also the walls, covering the sky.

In the middle of the bugs stood three people.

"Uh... It's really uncomfortable, but I drank the potion given by Kelsey, cough cough..." Tianshuo stood firm under the help of Sasha and Ino.

That bell tower can actually offset part of the chanting.


"How did I summon it?"

"Brother Tianshuo?! Are you okay, how could it hurt so badly. The bugs built a platform and lifted the three of them to the ground at a rapid pace.

Avoiding all surveillance, he sped in this city that never sleeps, flying towards the direction of the Red Pine Knights.

"It's okay... Just rest for a while, it's okay uh..."

This damn chant.


Red Pine Knights

"My God, what is that!" Flametail watched as the dense pile of bugs rushed towards them.

"Don't do it, that's Ino." Frost Star stopped Flame Tail, who was about to draw his sword.

"Uh, your kid? By the way, how is Your Excellency Tianshuo? Jamie...... He saved it. Flametail looked at the overwhelming insect, like a giant mouth of the abyss, about to engulf her.

If she hadn't heard Frost Star say that it was man-made, she would have thought that the Zerg was going to destroy the city that never sleeps.

The bugs came to stop in front of the two, like a rising tide from behind, and the platform composed of bugs stopped in front of the two, and above were the three of Tianshuo.

"What the hell is this... What is the source stone technique! Flametail marveled at this spectacular scene.

"Xiaotian!" Frost Star's worries still happened.

"It's okay... Just rest for a while, don't worry. Frost

Star took Tianshuo from the hands of Inosasha and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Over here." Flametail led everyone to the gathering place and lay down.

Once again, the influx of bugs flooded the city, as if nothing had happened.


TV Sound" is announcing an urgent news that there has been an accident in the capture the flag event in the synchronized competition section of the Major Championship today. "

Because an infected knight concealed his physical condition before the match and insisted on using the Source Stone technique after being injured during the match."

"In the middle of the game, he went into shock on the spot and died after ineffective rescue."

The old knight listened to the news on the TV and was shocked "Infected, dead? Dead in the arena?? "

TV Sound" It is reported that the relevant medical department has completed the cleaning of the arena, and the arena will be reopened after disinfection the next day. "

As of three hours after the incident, the National Council has received several complaints to reinstate the Knights of the Infected Act..."

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