Broadcast sound"At present, the scene has been cleared, and for safety reasons, all participating knights will undergo a regular medical examination within three days.

"For this incident, the Knights Association has also paid great attention to it.

"Now multiple Knights have signed a petition to the Knights Society to suggest the accidental death of an infected person, uncontrollable source stone skills, and the risk of causing a large-scale infection during the Major."

"In this regard, we have invited a number of experts in knight athletics to express their views, and we have asked the head of the online knight association to express their views."

"Ah, citizens of Casimir, good morning. Infected people can cast spells without relying on the unit of application, which has been clearly concluded in the medical field. "

But on the field, it's 'extremely unfair' ...

Red Pine Knights


The sound of cans being kicked against the wall.

"Fair? Does he still have the face to say fair? "Wildmane has been indignant since he returned.

"It is clear that Jamie is still alive, but it is reported that the rescue has been ineffective and he has died, and the supervisory committee wants to use public opinion to make the federation bow its head." Frost Star sat next to Tianshuo, who was asleep, and whispered.

After all, the benefits brought by the infected knights are also a big gain for the Federation.

"(Casimir foul language)!"

"According to His Excellency Tianshuo, Ingra should have withdrawn, after all, his hands are basically wasted." Flametail handed the food to Wildmane and Frost Star, as well as Isa.

"Sona, the sound of the wind has changed, although only for a moment, someone is staring here." Fartooth's voice came out through the communicator.

"Borderless Alliance?" Flametail's hand reached for the hilt.

"It should not be, the other party hides well, if it is the enemy, it should have already started." Far Tooth looked for each other in high places, but to no avail.

"Hey! Come out, this is the territory of infected people, ordinary people will not come here. Wildmane shouted around, she was worried that she had no place to breathe.

The cold spread from the ground and leaned towards a place.

"Stop, stop, stop, talk well, don't do it, alas." Tolan came out of a corner.

"I didn't expect that there were such masters here, and they made a mistake..."

The weapon in Gray's hand was aimed at Tolan, and everyone was on guard, except for a certain Carter who was peeling reasonably fresh fruit with an ice blade.

"Don't get me wrong, I was just looking for someone and happened to pass by here." Tolan spread his hands flat and looked innocent.

"But well, meeting is fate, I think we will have a common topic, you infected people, for example... Allianceless.

"It's a pity that we don't seem to have the idea of talking today." Flametail always maintained the posture of drawing his sword, "If you really want to talk, it's better next time." "


The sound of the ground being frozen sounded, and everyone looked at each other and looked towards Frost Star.

"Sorry, you guys go ahead." Frost Star picked up the ice blade that had fallen to the ground and continued to peel it.

"This young lady doesn't seem to be in a good mood either... It seems that today is really not a coincidence, which is regrettable. Tolan slowly retreated into the alley behind him.

"Then I'll have to try my luck somewhere else, so I won't bother you, maybe we'll meet again soon."

After Yuanya confirmed that the other party had left, everyone let out a breath and let down their guard.

The oppression they give them is strange, but still dangerous.

Frost Star handed the cut fruit to the Flame Tail everyone, "Let's have some after-dinner fruit?" "

Just now..." asked Flametail, taking the fruit, she didn't believe it was a pure accident.

"He was so noisy that it scared him." Frost Star put a small clove of fruit into his mouth and chewed slowly, looking at Tianshuo and Isa, who were still sleeping.


"Strange... Where does that Carters seem to have seen it, such a terrifying sense of oppression, when did the Red Pine Knights have such a person. Tolan wandered the alleys with his head in his hands.

"Lapis gold didn't find it, seeing a terrifying Carters is not completely ungained..." Tolan

looked at the dark sky, Carters... Carters, who has this kind of strength, will not be the one who integrates the movement.

Why did they come here to make fun, aren't Usas and Yanguo still staring at them, and what is going on with the group of guys in the Prison Council.

Tolan scratched his head, "What, this is all, why is the situation getting more and more chaotic." "


Monique connected the communication: "I found the knight who took Serchiak, the knight who escaped. "

Mixing with the Red Pine Knights may also be the natural cohesion of the infected and keep them together."

Monique listened to the noisy voice on the other side, and frowned: "What voice are you over there, in the bar again?"

"Eh, don't use that tone, I'm investigating the background of the nightmare... Ah, boss! Also French fries?

Roy's voice came into Monic's ears from the communication.

“...... Nightmare background, good, nice excuse. So when will the order on the infected be given?


patted the communication to make sure it wasn't broken, sighed, and hung up.


Bald Martin Bar

"It's coming, what did you just say?" Roy sat in his seat with french fries in his hand.

"Hello? Monic, are you still there? Roy looked at the communication device, "Oh, hang up..." Roy

put away the device and looked around, "This french fries are really good." "

Thanks for the compliment, sir." The bald Martin at the counter responded.

"Hey! Boss, the stuff is good, but the ground is too off-the-beaten, who came up with the genius idea of slicing potatoes and frying them? Modern society is beautiful because of him.

Roy tasted it as if he had thought of something, "Speaking of which, the previously up-and-coming Maria Linguang and the Whip Knight also come here often, right?"

The bald Martin said slowly after serving good food to the other table.

"If you want to come and ask for an autograph, you might have to try your luck, after all, you can only meet some retired old guys here."

"Eh, who is that guy? Could it be a spy of the Invisible Alliance? The old knight poked the old craftsman drinking on the side with his hand.

"God knows, he didn't do anything again, so I can't go up and search him..." The old craftsman handed the wine to the old knight, "leave him alone." Bald

Martin came to the old knight's table with a plate of snacks.

"Martin, I can feel that aura now... That's a big guy. The

bald Martin spread his hands, "I've never felt like this, I hope I'm not here to cause trouble."

Roy looked out the window as a knight in red armor walked toward the remote bar.

And where this comes? It's pretty fast... Ah, eat, drink, and wait and see.

Roy supported his head with his left hand, threw french fries into his mouth with his right hand, and looked at the door of the bar, and the knight walked in from outside.

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