The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 487: The first candle of faith

The night wind blew through the windowsill, blew the three nighthawks who were on alert on the branches outside the mansion, and also blew the headless horseman who was hiding behind the front door wall and doing his duty...

The firewood was crackling in the fireplace, and Mr. Shawshank Rogers, nestled in the dark purple velvet sofa, was enjoying a wonderful rest...

Suddenly, he opened those gray eyes.

He took off the cashmere blanket spread on his body, and carefully placed "The Long Poem of the Night Wind" in his left hand on the gorgeous coffee table. Shawshank Rogers got up and put on his shoes, waving the black robe on the side. He flew up, landed on him, and walked towards the door of the room with a single stride—the next step was to enter the basement of the mansion.

However, he did not directly teleport to the temple on the central axis, but took a pious step and walked in quickly...

He could see it from a distance - at the foot of the goddess statue holding a torch, a candle was lit by itself, emitting a quiet, gentle, and lasting light that was different from ordinary candles.

Shawshank Rogers stood in the temple, looked at the resolute face of the goddess, and then gazed at the first "Candle of Faith" that was lit with relief.

At this moment, in the lower part of New York City, 100 kilometers away, Henry Hart just finished his "confidence" to Ms. Hershey and fell into a dream.

The first believer was born...

Like a very thin stream of water, it merged into the underground river.

No matter how tiny, Sean sensed it - like a tiny blip, gently melding into his soul.

Belonging to the product of this spiritual world, the existence of "Shawshank Rogers" has become more substantial and stable, and his personal charm has also improved imperceptibly.

Outside the window, the shrubs, cherry trees, apple trees, and pine trees that cover the black mansion are all rising at a speed visible to the naked eye - this symbolizes the power of faith and the nourishment for this place.

Placed in the center of the second floor of the mansion, the Lost Pottery Statue, which is in effect continuously, also requires spiritual expenditure to release the power. After the first power of faith was connected, its "power" increased, and its influence range extended a few steps away...

There are many more of these small changes - the whole spirit is like an organism with a little growth.

Shawshank Rogers stared at the quiet candle for a long time, a slight smile on his face.


I don't know who's rooster raised in the chicken coop in the corridor croaked again in the early morning.

Usually, the sad and distressed Henry Hart, because he had not slept all night, would feel low and irritable when he heard the **** crowing in the corridor.

And today...

He was awakened by the crowing of **** - he had just enjoyed a night of dark and sweet sleep.

"Thank you goddess!" He sat up with hot eyes, "Thank you Ms. Hershey!"

Sometimes, just a good night's sleep can bring renewed enthusiasm for life.

He picked up the black classic on the head of the bed and pressed it to his face gratefully.

"Of course, thanks also to Mr. Rogers!" Henry Hart pursed his lips and clenched his fists, recalling the appearance of that wise and refined gentleman last night, and his heart was full of gratitude and trust.

Jenny Hart opened her hazy eyes and woke up from her sleep. She got out of bed with some doubts, and looked at the busy father in the kitchen...

What's the matter with dad today?

Usually, he was taciturn in the morning, but he sang while cooking breakfast?

Jenny Hart looked at Dad's cheerful back in disbelief, and the dark clouds in the child's heart dissipated a little.


The lighting of the first candle of faith gave Sean great confidence - throughout the mission to Henry Hart, Sean did not use his function, but only used the most sincere tone to narrate "Night" The story on "Wind and Long Poem"...

Unexpectedly, the first believer could be harvested so smoothly!

"Maybe it's because..." Sean, who was in a good mood, chose to brew coffee by himself, and while preparing filter paper, he pondered, "Ms. Hershey's image and story naturally make people feel lovable.

"I'm on the right track!"

Aaliyah, who was wearing pink pajamas, walked out of the room a little confused, and saw her brother with a smile on her face, and Olivia, who was walking lightly and obviously in a good mood, frowning suspiciously: "Sean, there is another What good thing happened?"

Sean shrugged - I don't know why, although he has a lot of readers now, and the income of the explorers is relatively considerable...

But this time the harvest made him inexplicably excited.

Maybe because of the push for the "pepper shaker"? Because the "Dark Knight" road has finally taken its first step?

"Every day is worth celebrating, isn't it?" Sean poured hot water into the cup and tilted his head with a smile.

Maybe it was Sean's busy work a while ago that finally had a good result?

The smart-minded sister immediately guessed the reason why her brother was in a good mood.

Today is the weekend, and she doesn't mind spending time with Sean, who is in a beautiful mood. So, Aaliyah, whose hair was slightly longer, also hummed a song, took the newspaper still on the mat at the door, went to the kitchen, and prepared a breakfast with Sean that could be enjoyed while chatting for a while.

This euphoric mood continued until the sun went down.

When Mr. Shawshank Rogers went out again, Sean had already adjusted his mood to a relatively stable position——

"Don't be too complacent, don't be too optimistic." Deliberately attacking the vigorous feeling in his heart, Shawshank took a steady step and walked into the streets of Xiacheng again.

Sure enough, caution and prudence always pay off.

Shawshank, who had been spreading the hair-thin esoteric around him, felt some serious power approaching around the corner—

Two indoctrination officers patrolling the streets at night.

Shawshank Rogers is not a resident of the lower city, even if they will not question such a kind middle-aged gentleman, but if they can see his face tonight, if they meet again and again in the mission process in the future...

As you can imagine, there will definitely be suspicion.

Therefore, Sean's current principle is to keep a low profile, and not even let the education officer see Shawshank's face even once.

So, before the two education officers turned the corner, Shawshank dodged into the alley and hid his figure behind the raised corner.

Hold your breath, like it doesn't exist.

Soon, two officers in black uniforms with diamond-shaped shields on their uniforms passed by...

"The less you meet them, the better," Shawshank continued walking down the alley and came out from the other side, "After all, there are bound to be unavoidable situations...

"In short, it is to leave as little impression on their minds as possible."

After calming down his slightly accelerated heartbeat, Shawshank continued to walk leisurely—he chose the eastern part of Xiacheng is quite a distance away from the northwest corner where he visited yesterday.

Soon, at the end of the street, he saw a cafe that was still open - Rebecca's Corner Coffee.

Following some hidden guidance, Shawshank pushed open the door.

He picked a seat by the window and asked for a glass of hot milk. Just as he took off his coat and was about to sit down, he saw a woman in a sweater sitting beside him with a sad face.

Her eyes had deep dark circles, and a pair of fingerless gloves absently turned the cup on the china plate...

Mr. Rogers sighed, and with a warm smile on his face, took a seat closer to the woman: "Another peaceful night, isn't it?"

The woman was obviously worried, her helpless eyes lifted up, and she was seeing the kind eyes of Shawshank Rogers.

Unbeknownst to Mr. Rogers at the start of a new conversation, there was a guest at Henry Hart's house, about four kilometers away, who had been in a good mood all day.

It was Henry Hart's friend, the tall Raymond.

He saw the new Hart today, and felt that his old friend exuded a peaceful and happy light...

So, he asked curiously.

The cautious Henry Hart chose to keep this secret in the crowded daytime.

When it was night, he brought his friend Raymond to his home, and then took out the "Long Poems of the Night Wind" left by Mr. Rogers, and began to tell the story of a lady...

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