Sean didn't expect it to be so smooth.

In five days, he distributed seven copies of "The Long Poem of the Night Wind"...

At this moment, in front of Ms. Hersis, there are already eight lit candles of faith.

In five days, eight believers.

"In the initial stage, it is really rare to be able to harvest eight people who are truly willing to believe in Ms. Hershey in such a short period of time..."

After all, Newlander is a "god constitutional state", and religious belief is on the same level as the founding constitution.

Therefore, this country is full of people who believe in "Salvationism" and "Holy Father Keen".

Although the people of Xiacheng District, who live in poverty, have lost their trust in the Holy Court, which has been closely intertwined with the trusts and the rich class, as a result, there are not as many people who believe in the "state religion" as the middle class and the rich class...

However, various legal or illegal minority beliefs have almost divided up the people at the bottom.

In the age of mystery, people became more superstitious.

Therefore, Sean used Shawshank's charisma to talk to more than 20 people in five days, and selected suitable people for further missionary education. Until today, he has gained eight people...

Only he knows how rare this is.

It was late at night, Sean himself was already lying on the bed, and Shawshank Rogers was still standing in front of the goddess and meditating. This state, for Sean himself, was no different from ordinary sleep. Second The sky was equally refreshing.

Shawshank stared at the long and short candles at the feet of the goddess...

They are like helpless little creatures in the darkness of this underground temple, the faint candlelight gathers together, comforts each other, and illuminates the skirt of the goddess...

The image left Shawshank inexplicably peaceful and content.

Suddenly, the leader of the secret sect found that the shortest candle, the warm and bright firelight, suddenly swayed, as if it was the only one being eaten away by the wind, and the firelight became dim and depressed...

"A huge amount of negative emotional energy..." Shawshank squinted, "a nightmare that may shake the stability of the soul."

The leader of the esoteric sect walked forward boldly, gave a "self-supporting salute" to the goddess at the highest point of the temple, and then hovered his hands over the attacked candle... …

"Night is the time to sleep, but the devil also chooses to knock on the window at this moment to disturb...

"Fortunately, thanks to the listening and protection of the supreme good lady, I am fortunate to have a peaceful and sweet sleep..."

The palm of Shawshank Rogers released the same warm light as in the goddess torch.

The power of faith merges into the spiritual realm, and the divine power in the spiritual realm feeds back to its believers...

A hundred kilometers away, a black woman who was sweating profusely from nightmares, her breathing gradually subsided.

It can be seen that her distorted face due to muscle tension gradually calmed down.

It's like a baby crying at night has been comforted properly and finally returned to a sweet sleep.

In the underground temple, the candlelight regained its stability.

Shawshank let out a sigh of relief and returned to a state of meditation: "I didn't expect that the power of the seven people's beliefs would come in handy..."

When the number of people who believed in Ms. Hershey grew to seven, Sean's independent spirit gained new divine power.

There is no doubt that these divine powers are derived from the will of the Lord of the Spirits.

Just now, the divine power used by Shawshank on the woman who was attacked by the nightmare was called "Her Comfort".

It can exert a soothing effect on a believer, and obtain a sleep that can even heal the soul - a nightmare may tear a person's soul, and a piece of sleep may heal a person's soul...

The prerequisites for launching are "naturalized" and placing "Night Wind Long Poem" in the same room.

The second effect, which is actually similar to "Her Comfort", is called "Blessing of the Night Wind".

After converting the power that can adjust the dream state to the outside world, Ms. Hershey can protect a believer for a period of time, and can have the opportunity to escape a mysterious encounter with the Jack-level target...

Of course, the current power of belief is still limited, so unless it encounters a spiritual attack that can be restrained, the current deterrent effect of "Blessing of the Night Wind" against physical evil is still limited.

The activation conditions are similar to "Her Comfort", only at night, only believers, and believers must carry the "Long Poem".

There are other small gains that Shawshank believes will definitely come in handy in the days to come...

Looking at the eight candles that were equally peaceful and bright, Shawshank's heart returned to peace again.

He is recharging his energy for tomorrow...

Because tomorrow, he and the eight believers agreed to "gather" for the first time.


After the northern New Zealand continent ushered in winter, the time for the sun to set is getting earlier and earlier.

The color of the sky became darker, and Mr. Rogers reappeared on the streets of New Testament.

Tonight, he did not walk into the lower city, but strolled on the rue de la Pires.

The social class of the residents here is higher than that of the lower urban areas, and there are even some middle-class people who have lived a decent life.

During the previous mission process, Sean was very fortunate to use Ms. Hershey's story to attract a couple who lived in Perris Street.

"It would be too easy to expose the believers if they were alone in the lower city," Sean thought, walking lightly to a street door, tapping on the door with his fingertips in a unique rhythm, "It's best to ensure the composition of believers, from all levels of society."

When the door to the street opened silently, Sean quickly entered the room, turned and closed the door.

At this moment, the couple standing in front of her, the man is tall and thin, wearing a pair of round-rimmed glasses; the hostess has long hair, and her complexion and lips are slightly pale.

The Hopmans, naturalized residents of Perris Street under the faith of Ms. Hershey.

Two nights ago, the couple listened to Mr. Shawshank Rogers and prayed to the goddess together...

Originally, the sleep that had become bad because of not being able to have children and the pressure of work, turned out to be stable and sweet after talking to the goddess, making them feel like they were reborn.

At this moment, when the two saw Mr. Rogers visiting the house again, they took two steps back in awe.

As if seeing their favorite character approaching, they couldn't take their eyes off of Mr. Rogers' face.

Suddenly realizing something, the two of them put their hands on the opposite shoulders a little strangely, and made the "self-supporting ceremony" designed by Sean, and said softly: "Thank you for listening to her."

"Thank you for listening." Seeing the reverent attitude of the two, Sean was inexplicably moved, and he gave a self-confidence in return.

The host welcomed Shawshank into the living room, brewed a pot of black tea, and began to wait for the arrival of other believers.

Compared with the slightly nervous Hopman couple, Sean was much more relaxed. He kindly asked about the Hopman couple's life, and patiently explained the allusions in "Long Poem" to them——

"...that cave actually symbolizes the night. In the 'refusal to leave the cave', Ms. Hershey closed herself in the cave, which symbolized a transformation process of the goddess at that time-she also used the silence of the night to inquire Whether you should obey the fate dominated by other gods, or walk your own path..."

While explaining the obscure metaphor, Sean thought: "This is too simple... These words are from my pen."

As he explained, he could even recall the passionate emotion in which he wrote these words that day.

Under the guidance of Mr. Shawshank Rogers, the Hopmans apparently came to a realization.

The two looked at each other with surprised expressions, and then looked at Mr. Rogers with more admiration and respect in their eyes.

There was a slight knock on the door with a special rhythm again.

This is the way Shawshank has agreed to knock on the door before - not only will it not disturb the neighbors, but it can also instantly determine whether the visitor is one of your own.

Mrs. Hopman walked quickly to the door, opened it, and welcomed the two of them in.

Shawshank stood in the living room to welcome him—after him came Mr. Henry Hart, and his friend Raymond, a security guard at a leather shoe factory in downtown.

Shawshank could see that after entering the house, black "feathers" seemed to fall from their shoulders and disappeared before they landed.

Ordinary people can't see this detail. This is the "night" effect given to believers by the spirit, which makes them move faster at night, and it is more difficult to be There is no one else on the way to come here. attention, right? ' asked Mr. Hopman with concern, when the door closed.

"No, the journey went very smoothly!" Henry Hart saw Shawshank from a distance, walked over happily, and sincerely embraced Sean: "Thank her for listening!"

In this quiet night, everyone communicated in a low voice, and the atmosphere was somewhat mysterious.

In fact, in the early days of the establishment of education, the education officials would not pay attention at all, so there is no need to be so careful.

However, for the sake of safety, Sean still asks believers to act in secrecy.

He knew that due to the return of Kluvitan and his influence on Newlander, the court of the gods had recently been very strict with "evil" beliefs.

Foreseeing that the scale will increase in the future, Sean hopes that the sect he creates will avoid excessive attention until it reaches a scale that can strive for "legalization"...

Only in this way can the spiritual growth be ensured.

In addition, "action under the night" is also in line with the characteristics of this belief. Keeping believers silent under the wraps of the night and rushing to safety as soon as possible is an experience that is often referred to in the teachings.

It is also good for them to understand the artistic conception in "The Long Poem of the Night Wind".

The host arranged for the newly entered guests to sit down, and the party preaching could only start after everyone had arrived, and Shawshank began to talk to Henry.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and in the city, people began to fall asleep.

But, in this hidden corner of candlelight, Shawshank is still waiting...

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